blob: b58f1258beffeae5968d96d0d38c014328479125 [file] [log] [blame]
ndn-cxx overview
ndn-cxx is a C++ library, implementing Named Data Networking (NDN) primitives that can be
used to implement various NDN applications. The library is currently being used as part of
the following projects:
- `NFD - NDN Forwarding Daemon <>`__
- `NLSR - Named-data Link-State Routing
protocol <>`__
- `repo-ng - Next generation of NDN
repository <>`__
- `ChronoChat - Multi-user NDN chat
application <>`__
- `ChronoSync - Sync library for multiuser realtime applications for
NDN <>`__
- `ndn-tools - NDN Essential Tools <>`__
- `ndn-traffic-generator - Traffic Generator For
NDN <>`__
Please submit any bugs or issues to the `ndn-cxx issue tracker