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.. _Release Notes:
ndn-cxx Release Notes
ndn-cxx version 0.3.3 (changes since version 0.3.2)
Release date: July 1, 2015
New features:
- Allow compilation of ndn-cxx as a shared library (:issue:`2243`)
In this release, by default, only a static library is compiled. The next release will change
the default behavior to compile only a shared library.
- Introduce concept of PartialName (:issue:`1962`)
Semantically, PartialName abstraction represents an arbitrary sequence of name components,
while Name represents an absolute name. Currently, PartialName is typedef alias to Name, but
it can be changed in the future releases.
- Introduce generalized signing API in KeyChain (:issue:`2871`, :issue:`1705`)
A new API in KeyChain introduces a general interface to sign interest and data packets and
supply necessary signing information, such as signing identity name, signing key name, or
signing certificate name. In addition, the supplied signing information can include additional
information that signer wants to include in the SignatureInfo of the signed packet.
- Introduce helpers to create SigningInfo for the generalized signing API (:issue:`2922`)
- Sqlite3Statement utility helper that wraps an SQLite3 statements and provide automatic memory
- Introduce PibSqlite3 based on PibImpl (:issue:`2807`)
- Make public interface of Pib, Identity, and Key as read-only (:issue:`2928`)
- New encoding block helpers to simplify operations with ``std::string`` (:issue:`2951`):
* ``prependStringBlock``
* ``makeStringBlock``
* ``readString``
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Use C++11 lambda expression and smart pointers in Face implementation (:issue:`2112`)
- Fix compilation failure on OS X 10.10 with cryptopp from MacPorts
- Update client.conf manpage
- Change Name::compare to return negative, zero, or positive integer (instead of strictly -1,
0, 1) when the first name comes before the other in canonical ordering, is equal, or comes
after (:issue:`2445`)
- IdentityCertificate sets default FreshnessPeriod to 1 hour (:issue:`2872`)
- Unify TPM creation (:issue:`2722`)
- Allow negative start index in Name::getSubName method (:issue:`1962`)
- Improved documentation of PibImpl interfaces (:issue:`2896`, :issue:`2898`)
- Simplify CommandOptions with SigningInfo (:issue:`2893`)
- Refactor internal PIT to use scheduled events (:issue:`1372`, :issue:`2518`)
- Improve structure and documentation of block helpers (:issue:`2951`)
- Declare all move constructors as ``noexcept`` to ensure move operations are used even when a
restrictive move operation (`move_if_noexcept`) is used (e.g., in STL library's containers)
- The following ``KeyChain::sign*`` methods, in favor of generalized ``KeyChain::sign(..., SigningInfo)``
* ``KeyChain::sign(Packet, Name)``
* ``KeyChain::sign(uint8_t*, size_t, Name)``
* ``KeyChain::signByIdentity(Packet, Name)``
* ``KeyChain::signByIdentity(uint8_t*, size_t, Name)``
* ``KeyChain::signWithSha256(Data)``
* ``KeyChain::signWithSha256(Interest)``
- The following encoding block helper functions:
* ``nonNegativeIntegerBlock`` (use ``makeNonNegativeIntegerBlock``)
* ``prependBooleanBlock`` (use ``prependEmptyBlock``)
* ``booleanBlock`` (use ``makeEmptyBlock``)
* ``dataBlock`` (use ``makeBinaryBlock``)
* ``nestedBlock`` (use ``makeNestedBlock``)
- The following methods of ``CommandOptions`` class, use ``setSigningInfo()`` instead (:issue:`2893`):
* ``CommandOptions::getSigningParamsKind``
* ``CommandOptions::getSigningIdentity``
* ``CommandOptions::getSigningCertificate``
* ``CommandOptions::setSigningDefault``
* ``CommandOptions::setSigningIdentity``
* ``CommandOptions::setSigningCertificate``
- Remove SCOPE from Interests and all references to it in the related code (:issue:`2345`)
- Direct FIB management in Face class (:issue:`2533`)
``Face::register`` and ``Face::setInterestFilter`` methods now only support NFD RIB management
For special needs, FIB management can be implemented using ``nfd::Controller``
(``start<FibAddNextHopCommand>``, and ``start<FibRemoveNextHopCommand>``)
Upcoming features (partially finished in development branches):
- NDNLPv2 (, :issue:`2520`,
:issue:`2879`, :issue:`2763`, :issue:`2883`, :issue:`2841`, :issue:`2866`)
- New NDN certificate format (:issue:`2861`, :issue:`2868`)
- NDN trust schema as a description of application trust model, which can help automate data
and interest packet signing and authentication (:issue:`2829`)
- Refactored KeyChain abstraction (:issue:`2926`)
ndn-cxx version 0.3.2 (changes since version 0.3.1)
Release date: May 12, 2015
New features:
- Add Link abstraction (:issue:`2587`)
- Add Link and SelectedDelegation fields to the Interest abstraction (:issue:`2587`)
- Initial implementation of several components for the upcoming PIB feature (:issue:`2451`):
* User-facing PIB implementation and implementation-specific PIB interface
* In-memory PIB implementation
* Define new abstraction for identity, key, and certificate
Updates and bug fixes:
- Enable decoding Exclude containing ImplicitSha256DigestComponent (:issue:`2629`)
- Update waf build system to version 1.8.9 (:issue:`2209`, :issue:`2657`, :issue:`2792`)
- Avoid duplicating output in IndentedStream (:issue:`2723`)
- Fix skipping empty name component `(...)` during URI decoding (:issue:`2725`)
- Enable ability to exclude empty name component (:issue:`2660`)
- Fix bug with TLV-LENGTH processing in `Block::fromStream` (:issue:`2728`, :issue:`2729`)
- Disable precompiled headers on OS X with clang < 6.1.0 (:issue:`2804`)
- `Block::fromBuffer` overloads with output parameter (:issue:`2553`)
- Delete deprecated Controller functions:
* `Controller::start` overloads, except the overload taking CommandOptions
* `Controller::Sign` typedef
* `Controller::getDefaultCommandTimeout`
* `ControlCommand::getPrefix`
* `ControlCommand::getRequestName(ControlParameters)`
* `Controller::Controller(Face&)`
ndn-cxx version 0.3.1 (changes since version 0.3.0)
Release date: March 3, 2015
New features:
- **Management**
- Add isConnected() in :ndn-cxx:`signal::Connection` and :ndn-cxx:`signal::ScopedConnection`
- Extend :ndn-cxx:`DummyClientFace` to process :ndn-cxx:`LocalControlHeader` (:issue:`2510`)
- Add CachingPolicy to :ndn-cxx:`LocalControlHeader` (:issue:`2183`)
Updates and bug fixes:
- **Wire encoding**
- Refactoring of :ndn-cxx:`EncodingImpl` class template (``EncodingBuffer`` and
``EncodingEstimator``) (:issue:`2494`, :issue:`2490`)
- Change :ndn-cxx:`Block::fromBuffer` return type (:issue:`2553`)
- **Miscellaneous tools**
- Mark ``Digest<Hash>::operator==`` as unsuitable in a security sensitive context
- Restrict destruction of Signal from handler (:issue:`2313`)
- **Documentation**
- Correct function names in security library tutorial (:issue:`2474`)
- Remind users to reinstall ports after OSX upgrade (:issue:`2284`)
- **Tests**
- Fix global buffer overflow in ``ImplicitSha256Digest`` test case (:issue:`2307`)
- Change naming conventions for unit test files and test suite names (:issue:`2497`)
- **Build**
- Explicitly define ``_GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP``, necessary for gcc < 4.8 in some environments
- Delete deprecated ``Block(std::istream&)`` constructor (:issue:`2241`)
- Delete deprecated ``ndn::ptr_lib``, ``ndn::func_lib`` (:issue:`2110`)
- Delete deprecated ``MetaInfo::TYPE_*`` (:issue:`2170`)
ndn-cxx version 0.3.0 (changes since version 0.2.0)
Release date: February 2, 2015
New features:
- **Build**
+ The code now requires C++11. The minimum supported gcc version is 4.6, as earlier versions
do not have proper support for C++11 features.
- **Base**
+ Enable detailed version information when built from shallow clone or tarball
+ Make default transport configurable (:issue:`2189`)
+ Add ability to do partial Name comparison (:issue:`2090`)
- **Security**
+ Add support for KeyDigest key locator (:issue:`1426`)
+ Add a method to get KeyDigest from a PublicKey instance (:issue:`1964`)
+ Add support for KeyChain to sign Interest using SHA256 digest (:issue:`2218`)
+ Add ``ndnsec-dsk-gen`` tool to generate a pair of Data-Signing-Key (DSK) for the specified
identity (:issue:`2246`)
+ Pair-up PIB and TPM in KeyChain: PIB remembers the last used TPM type/location, which is
used during KeyChain construction (unless overriden) (:issue:`2242`)
- **Wire encoding**
+ Add support for application-defined meta information blocks (:issue:`2021`)
+ Introduce new ``name::Component::is*`` methods to allow checking if the name component
follows the specific naming convention without relying on the exception handling
+ Add definition of producer-generated NACK (:issue:`2111`)
+ Add ``std::hash<Name>`` specialization to support ``unordered_map`` container
+ Add support for ImplicitSha256DigestComponent (:issue:`1640`)
+ Allow tagging Interest and Data packets with arbitrary information (:issue:`2336`)
- **Management**
+ Support NFD face query operation (:issue:`2085`)
- **Miscellaneous tools**
+ Add a new helper to calculate digests over dynamic inputs (:issue:`1934`)
+ Add DNS resolver helper (:issue:`1918`)
+ Import and re-license Ethernet and FaceUri classes from NFD codebase, add FaceUri
canonization support for ``udp``, ``tcp``, and ``ether`` schemas (:issue:`1994`)
+ Add per-application in-memory storage with LRU, LFU, and FIFO replacement policies
+ Add ability to specialize system and steady clocks (e.g., for unit tests and simulation
purposes) (:issue:`2158`)
+ Expose DummyClientFace as public API
+ New IndentedStream helper class to simplify writing to streams with the specified indents
or prefixes (:issue:`2238`)
+ New Signal class template as an enhanced version of the deprecated EventEmitter
+ New scheduler::ScopedEventId helper to automatically cancel scheduled events upon
destruction (:issue:`2442`)
+ New NetworkMonitor helper to detect network state changes (:issue:`2443`)
Updates and bug fixes:
- **Base**
+ Prevent flags being set for rib/unregister command (:issue:`1945`)
+ Fix segfault caused by Face::unregisterPrefix when registeredPrefixId does not exist
+ Add explicit internal KeyChain to Face class. KeyChain previously existed in the Face as
part of NFD controller class. (:issue:`2039`)
+ Properly disable assertions in release builds (:issue:`2135`)
+ Connect to Transport during construction of Face instance (:issue:`2318`)
- **Wire encoding**
+ Fix segfault when decoding empty Exclude element (:issue:`1970`)
+ Provide EqualityComparable concept for Exclude element
+ Correct Marker in Name::appendVersion() (:issue:`2086`)
+ Ensure that wire-encoding errors are inherited from ``tlv::Error`` (:issue:`1983`)
- **Management**
+ Replace FaceFlags with individual fields in face management data structures (:issue:`1992`)
+ ``ndn::nfd::Controller`` extended to allow generating ControlCommand for remote prefix
registration (:issue:`2039`)
+ Change ``ForwarderStatus.NfdVersion`` to string (:issue:`2003`)
- **Security**
+ Fix ``ndnsec-cert-gen`` to correctly infer prefix before KEY component (:issue:`2052`)
+ Help message corrections in ``ndnsec-cert-dump``, ``ndnsec-cert-gen``, and
``ndnsec-key-gen`` (:issue:`2052`)
+ Accept ``--sign-id`` and ``--cert-prefix`` in ``ndnsec-cert-revoke`` (:issue:`2058`)
+ Changes output format of ``ndnsec-cert-revoke`` to base64 encoding (:issue:`2059`)
+ Add a new (safer) option to ``ndnsec-cert-gen`` allowing inclusion of additional
information blocks into the certificate. The new ``--signed-info`` parameter makes minimum
assumptions, treating text before first space as OID and the rest as the associated string
with this OID.
+ Make Face optional in Validator class (:issue:`2124`)
+ Display signature information when printing a certificate (:issue:`2196`)
+ Handle certificate decoding error in validation process (:issue:`2212`)
+ Fix segmentation fault in ``ndnsec-sign-req`` (:issue:`2211`)
+ Allow verbose option in ``ndnsec-list`` (:issue:`2197`)
+ Allow generation of DSK using ``ndnsec-key-gen`` (:issue:`2247`)
+ Allow ``ndnsec-key-gen`` to generate ECDSA keys (:issue:`2248`)
+ Fix memory leak in SecPublicInfoSqlite3 (:issue:`2253`)
+ Properly report status of ``ndnsec-delete`` execution (:issue:`2275`)
- **Miscellaneous tools**
+ Fix incorrect tag map in ``tlvdump`` tool
+ Change to default resolver behavior in util::dns::Resolver (:issue:`2415`)
- **Documentation**
+ Update of tutorials and installation instructions
+ Rename manpage of ``client.conf`` to ``ndn-client.conf`` (:issue:`1967`)
+ Updated and extended ndn-cxx code style:
- add rules for some C++11 constructs
- prefer ``BOOST_ASSERT`` and ``static_assert``
+ Improve example applications (:issue:`1976`)
- **Tests**
+ Improve security unit test cases (:issue:`1683`)
+ Embedding CI build and test running scripts into the repository
+ Partial unit test coverage for Face class (previously covered only by integration tests)
+ Improve stability of unit tests by using UnitTestTime (wall clock independent time)
- **Build**
+ Redesign the way default compiler flags are determined (:issue:`2209`)
+ Support tools and examples with multiple translation units (:issue:`2344`)
+ Disable installation of internal headers and headers of the disabled components
(:issue:`2266`, and :issue:`2269`)
+ Enable conditional compilation based on presence of ``getpass()`` function
- Other minor fixes and corrections
- ``ndn::ptr_lib`` and ``ndn::func_lib`` namespace aliases
- The following ``nfd::Controller`` methods:
+ ``Controller::start`` overloads, except the overload taking ``CommandOptions``
+ ``Controller::Sign`` typedef
+ ``Controller::getDefaultCommandTimeout``
+ ``ControlCommand::getPrefix``
+ ``ControlCommand::getRequestName(ControlParameters)``
+ ``Controller::Controller(Face&)``
- ``MetaInfo::TYPE_*`` constants
- ``EventEmitter`` is deprecated in favor of ``Signal``
- FaceFlags APIs (:issue:`1992`)
- ``ControlCommand::makeCommandInterest`` (:issue:`2008`)
- namespace ``ndn::Tlv`` (:issue:`2079`)
- ``shared_ptr<io_service>`` constructor and getter in Face class
- ``tlv::ConentType`` (typo in the name)
- ``Selectors::Selectors(int, int, Exclude, int, bool)`` constructor
- ``Interest::Interest(Name, int, int, Exclude, int, bool, int, time::milliseconds, uint32_t)``
- ``signature-sha256.hpp`` file
- unused ``encryption-manager.hpp`` file
- unused ``openssl`` dependency
ndn-cxx version 0.2.0 (changes since version 0.1.0)
Release date: August 25, 2014
New features:
- **Base**
+ The license under which the library is released is changed to **Lesser GNU Public
License version 3.0**.
+ New ways to use incoming Interest dispatching:
* New :ndn-cxx:`InterestFilter` abstraction that supports filtering based on name
prefixes and regular expressions.
* Separated :ndn-cxx:`Face::registerPrefix()` and :ndn-cxx:`Face::setInterestFilter()`
methods allow distinct operations of registering with the local NDN forwarder and setting
up application-specific ``OnInterest`` call dispatch using InterestFilters.
+ Add support for new `NDN naming conventions
<>`_ (:issue:`1761`)
- **Security**
+ Add ``type dir`` :ref:`trust-anchor in ValidatorConfig <validator-conf-trust-anchors>`_
to add all certificates under the specified directory as trust anchors.
The new option also allow periodic reloading trust anchors, allowing dynamic trust
+ Added support for multiple signature types to :ndn-cxx:`PublicKey`,
:ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfo` abstractions
+ New :ndn-cxx:`SignatureSha256WithEcdsa` signature type
+ Updates in :ndn-cxx:`Signature` data structure to reflect changes in `NDN-TLV spec
0.1.1 <>`_
- **Wire encoding**
+ :ndn-cxx:`Data::getFullName() <getFullName()>` method to get :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet
name with implicit digest
+ New :ndn-cxx:`Name::getSuccessor()` method to get name successor (:issue:`1677`)
+ New in-wire refreshing of Interest's nonce (:issue:`1758`)
- **Management**
+ Support for :ndn-cxx:`ChannelStatus`, :ndn-cxx:`StrategyChoice` datasets
+ Defining new common Route Origins for NFD RIB management protocol (:issue:`1719`)
+ New RibEntry and Route data structures for RIB management protocol (:issue:`1764`)
+ Add support for RIB flags for setInterestFilter and registerPrefix (:issue:`1842`)
- **Miscellaneous tools**
+ Introduce :ndn-cxx:`Scheduler::cancelAllEvents` to cancel all previously scheduled events
+ Introduce :ndn-cxx:`util::EventEmitter`, :ndn-cxx:`util::NotificationSubscriber`,
:ndn-cxx:`util::NotificationStream`, and :ndn-cxx:`nfd::FaceMonitor` utility classes
+ Introduce :ndn-cxx:`util::SegmentFetcher` helper class to fetch multi-segmented data
- **Build**
+ enabled support of precompiled headers for clang and gcc compilers to speed up compilation
Updates and bug fixes:
- **Base**
+ Serialization of socket write operations (:issue:`1707`)
+ Enforcing limit on Interest and Data packet size in :ndn-cxx:`Face::expressInterest` and
:ndn-cxx:`Face::put` methods (:issue:`1774`)
+ Cleaning up transport state on communication failure, so Face can try to reconnect
in the future.
+ Fix bug with Face::removePendingInterest (:issue:`1917`)
- **Wire encoding**
+ Nonce field is now encoded as 4-byte uint8_t value, as defined by NDN-TLV spec.
+ Optimized Data packet signing
:ndn-cxx:`KeyChain::sign` method now pre-allocates :ndn-cxx:`EncodingBuffer`, requests
unsigned portion of :ndn-cxx:`Data` using ``Data::wireEncode(EncodingBuffer, true)``,
and then appends the resulting signature and prepends :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet header.
This way there is no extra memory allocation after :ndn-cxx:`Data` packet is signed.
+ Optimized implicit digest calculation in :ndn-cxx:`Interest::matchesData` method
- **Management**
+ Add link-layer byte counts in FaceStatus data structure (:issue:`1765`)
- **Security**
+ Allow user to explicitly specify the cert name prefix before 'KEY' component in
+ ``SignatureSha256`` has been renamed to :ndn-cxx:`DigestSha256` to conform with
`NDN-TLV specification <>`_.
+ Add checking of ``Timestamp`` and ``Nonce`` fields in signed Interest within
+ Allow validator customization using hooks:
Sub-classes of :ndn-cxx:`Validator` class can use the following hooks to fine-tune the
validation process:
* :ndn-cxx:`Validator::preCertificateValidation <preCertificateValidation>` to
process received certificate before validation.
* :ndn-cxx:`Validator::onTimeout <onTimeout>` to process interest timeout
* :ndn-cxx:`Validator::afterCheckPolicy <afterCheckPolicy>` to process validation requests.
+ Fix memory issues in :ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfoSqlite3`
- **Miscellaneous tools**
+ Redefine method for random number generation: ``random::generateWord*`` and
``random::generateSecureWord*`` to generate cryptographically non-secure (fast) and
secure (slow) random numbers.
- Other minor fixes and corrections
- ``SignatureSha256`` class, use :ndn-cxx:`DigestSha256` instead.
- All :ndn-cxx:`Face` constructors that accept ``shared_ptr<io_service>``.
Use versions that accept reference to ``io_service`` object.
- ``Face::ioService`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`Face::getIoService` instead.
- :ndn-cxx:`Interest` constructor that accepts name, individual selectors, and individual
guiders as constructor parameters.
Use ``Interest().setX(...).setY(...)`` or use the overload taking ``Selectors``
- ``name::Component::toEscapedString`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`name::Component::toUri` instead.
- ``SecPublicInfo::addPublicKey`` method, use :ndn-cxx:`SecPublicInfo::addKey` instead.
- ``Tlv::ConentType`` constant (typo), use ``Tlv::ContentType`` instead.
- ``CommandInterestGenerator`` and ``CommandInterestValidator`` utility classes.
:ndn-cxx:`ValidatorConfig` should be used instead.
- support of ndnd-tlv (only NFD management protocol is supported now)
- ``SecPublicInfoMemory`` and ``SecTpmMemory`` classes that were no longer used
- Removing concept of periodic event from :ndn-cxx:`Scheduler`.
In applications, periodic events should be just re-scheduled within the callback for
single-shot events.
ndn-cxx version 0.1.0
Release date: May 7, 2014
Version 0.1.0 is the initial release of ndn-cxx, an NDN C++ library with eXperimental
Originally based on `ndn-cpp library <>`_ the ndn-cxx
library adopts a slightly different design philosophy (including an extensive use of Boost
libraries to facilitate development, as well as the use of Crypto++ library to support
cryptographic operations), and includes a number of extensions that aim to simplify NDN
application development.
The current features include:
- **Base**
+ Fully asynchronous, event-driven communication model, which is implemented using `Boost.Asio
+ Single-threaded, but thread-safe Face operations
A single Face object can be safely used in multiple threads to express Interests and
publish Data packets
+ Explicit time management for NDN operations using `Boost.Chrono
+ Simplified and extended `NDN API <doxygen/annotated.html>`_
+ Extensive set of unit-tests based on `Boost.Test framework
- Continuous integration using an in-house installation of Jenkins build bots and the
hosted `Travis CI <>`_ continuous
integration service compile and verify correctness of the library for each commit
- **Wire format**
+ Full support of `NDN-TLV packet format v0.1 <>`_
+ Pure C++ implementation of wire encoding/decoding with simple access to wire format
of all NDN packet abstractions via ``wireEncode`` and ``wireDecode`` methods
In many cases, NDN packet abstractions are just "indices" to the wire format
- **Communication with the forwarder**
+ Enable connecting to local forwarder via UNIX and TCP transports and to remote
forwarders using TCP transport
+ Full support for communication with `Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon (NFD)
- Full support for `NFD management protocols
<>`_ to NFD status
information, create and manage NFD Faces, receive NFD Face status change
notifications, update StrategyChoice for namespaces, and manage routes in RIB
- Support for `LocalControlHeader
<>`_ to implement
special NDN applications that need low-level control of NDN packet forwarding
- **Security support**
+ A set of security primitives to allowing implementation of secure NDN applications in
a simplified manner
- **KeyChain**: provides simple interfaces of packet signing, and key and certificate
- **ValidatorConfig**: validator that implements trust model defined in a configuration
- **CommandInterestGenerator** and **CommandInterestValidator**: convenient helpers to produce
and validate command interests, while preventing potential replay attacks
+ Several implementations of trusted platform modules to securely manage private keys
- **SecTpmOsx**: TPM based on OSX KeyChain (OSX-specific)
- **SecTpmFile**: TPM that uses file-based access control to protect keys (cross-platform)
+ Extensive set of security command-line tools to manage security identities and certificates
- Generating private/public keys
- Issuing certificates
- Exporting/importing identities
- Managing default security settings
- **Miscellaneous tools**
+ Scheduler to support delayed time operations
+ NDN regular expressions
+ Simple config file to alter various aspects of the library
+ **tlvdump**: a simple tool to visualize TLV-encoded blocks