blob: c0c9bd7f62e0332b2d54962f839aa19ee8ac04a4 [file] [log] [blame]
System configuration of NDN platform is specified in ``client.conf``.
Here is an example of ``client.conf`` for current ndn-cxx package:
; "unix_socket" specifies the location of the NFD unix socket
; "protocol" determines the protocol for prefix registration
; it has a value of:
; nrd-0.1
; "pib" determines which Public Info Base (PIB) should used by default in applications.
; If "pib" is not specified, the default PIB will be used.
; Note that default PIB could be different on different system.
; If "pib" is specified, it may have a value of:
; sqlite3
; pib=sqlite3
; "tpm" determines which Trusted Platform Module (TPM) should used by default in applications.
; If "tpm" is not specified, the default TPM will be used.
; Note that default TPM could be different on different system.
; If "tpm" is specified, it may have a value of:
; file
; osx-keychain
; tpm=file
The local interface of NFD to applications. By default, the path to the socket is ``/var/run/nfd.sock``.
Prefix Registration
The prefix registration protocol. For now, only one protocol ``nrd-0.1`` is supported.
With this protocol, applications send prefix registration requests to NRD.
NRD, after authenticating the request, will set up corresponding FIB entries in NFD.
Key Management
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) where the private keys are stored.
Two options are currently available: ``file`` and ``osx-keychain``.
**Users are not supposed to change the ``tpm`` setting once it is configued,
otherwise users may face the problem of "Keys are not found".**
The default value of ``tpm`` depends on the operating system.
For OS X, the default value is ``osx-keychain``.
For other systems, the default value is ``file``.
The public key information for each private key stored in TPM.
There is only one option for ``pib``: ``sqlite3``, which is also the default value of ``pib``.
Users are not supposed to change the configuration of Key Management.
If changes is inevitable, please clean up the all the existing data (which is usually under ``~/.ndn/``):
rm -rf ~/.ndn/ndnsec-*