blob: 6ac28eae9637980c887ddb0247a9729f997795bb [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (C) 2013 Regents of the University of California.
* @author: Yingdi Yu <>
* See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
// Only compile if ndn-cpp-config.h defines NDN_CPP_HAVE_OSX_SECURITY 1.
#include <ndn-cpp/ndn-cpp-config.h>
#include "../../common.hpp"
#include "private-key-storage.hpp"
namespace ndn
class OSXPrivateKeyStorage : public PrivateKeyStorage {
* constructor of OSXPrivateKeyStorage
* @param keychainName the name of keychain
OSXPrivateKeyStorage(const std::string & keychainName = "");
* destructor of OSXPrivateKeyStore
// From PrivateKeyStorage
virtual void
generateKeyPair(const Name& keyName, KeyType keyType = KEY_TYPE_RSA, int keySize = 2048);
virtual ptr_lib::shared_ptr<PublicKey>
getPublicKey(const Name& keyName);
virtual Block
sign(const uint8_t *data, size_t dataLength,
const Name& keyName, DigestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm = DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA256);
virtual void
sign(Data &data,
const Name& keyName, DigestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm = DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA256);
* Decrypt data.
* @param keyName The name of the decrypting key.
* @param data The byte to be decrypted.
* @param dataLength the length of data.
* @param isSymmetric If true symmetric encryption is used, otherwise asymmetric decryption is used.
* @return The decrypted data.
virtual ConstBufferPtr
decrypt(const Name& keyName, const uint8_t* data, size_t dataLength, bool isSymmetric = false);
* Encrypt data.
* @param keyName The name of the encrypting key.
* @param data The byte to be encrypted.
* @param dataLength the length of data.
* @param isSymmetric If true symmetric encryption is used, otherwise asymmetric decryption is used.
* @return The encrypted data.
virtual ConstBufferPtr
encrypt(const Name& keyName, const uint8_t* data, size_t dataLength, bool isSymmetric = false);
* Generate a symmetric key.
* @param keyName The name of the key.
* @param keyType The type of the key, e.g. KEY_TYPE_AES.
* @param keySize The size of the key.
virtual void
generateKey(const Name& keyName, KeyType keyType = KEY_TYPE_AES, int keySize = 256);
* Check if a particular key exists.
* @param keyName The name of the key.
* @param keyClass The class of the key, e.g. KEY_CLASS_PUBLIC, KEY_CLASS_PRIVATE, or KEY_CLASS_SYMMETRIC.
* @return True if the key exists, otherwise false.
virtual bool
doesKeyExist(const Name& keyName, KeyClass keyClass);
// OSX-specifics
* configure ACL of a particular key
* @param keyName the name of key
* @param keyClass the class of key, e.g. Private Key
* @param acl the new acl of the key
* @param appPath the absolute path to the application
* @returns true if setting succeeds
setACL(const Name & keyName, KeyClass keyClass, int acl, const std::string & appPath);
// /**
// * verify data (test only)
// * @param keyName the name of key
// * @param pData the data to be verified
// * @param pSig the signature associated with the data
// * @param digestAlgo digest algorithm
// * @return true if signature can be verified, otherwise false
// */
// bool
// verifyData(const Name & keyName, const Blob & pData, const Blob & pSig, DigestAlgorithm digestAlgo = DIGEST_ALGORITHM_SHA256);
class Impl;
std::auto_ptr<Impl> impl_;