blob: de4acde4b4b36cf23e34daa15e00ae0ef024167d [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
#include "ndn-cxx/ims/in-memory-storage-entry.hpp"
#include <limits>
#include <stack>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/identity.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/mem_fun.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp>
namespace ndn {
/** @brief Represents in-memory storage.
class InMemoryStorage : noncopyable
// multi_index_container to implement storage
class byFullName;
using Cache = boost::multi_index_container<
// by Full Name
boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun<InMemoryStorageEntry, const Name&,
* @brief Represents a const_iterator for the in-memory storage.
* @note Do not instantiate this class directly, use InMemoryStorage::begin() instead.
class const_iterator : public boost::forward_iterator_helper<const_iterator, const Data>
const_iterator(const Data* ptr, const Cache* cache,
Cache::index<byFullName>::type::iterator it) noexcept
: m_ptr(ptr)
, m_cache(cache)
, m_it(it)
operator*() const noexcept
return *m_ptr;
friend bool
operator==(const const_iterator& lhs, const const_iterator& rhs) noexcept
return lhs.m_it == rhs.m_it;
const Data* m_ptr;
const Cache* m_cache;
Cache::index<byFullName>::type::iterator m_it;
/** @brief Represents an error might be thrown during reduce the current capacity of the
* in-memory storage through function setCapacity(size_t nMaxPackets).
class Error : public std::runtime_error
: std::runtime_error("Cannot reduce the capacity of the in-memory storage!")
/** @brief Create a InMemoryStorage with up to @p limit entries.
* The InMemoryStorage created through this method will ignore MustBeFresh in interest processing
InMemoryStorage(size_t limit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
/** @brief Create a InMemoryStorage with up to @p limit entries.
* The InMemoryStorage created through this method will handle MustBeFresh in interest processing
InMemoryStorage(boost::asio::io_context& ioCtx,
size_t limit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
/** @note Please make sure to implement it to free m_freeEntries and evict
* all items in the derived class for anybody who wishes to inherit this class.
/** @brief Inserts a Data packet.
* @param data the packet to insert, must be signed and have wire encoding
* @param mustBeFreshProcessingWindow Beyond this time period, the inserted data can
* only be used to answer interest without MustBeFresh. The value of
* mustBeFreshProcessingWindow is an application decision and it may or may not
* correspond to FreshnessPeriod.
* @note InMemoryStorage does not use the inserted data packet's FreshnessPeriod value.
* If the packet needs to be marked "stale" after application-defined period of time,
* the application must supply proper @p mustBeFreshProcessingWindow value.
* @note Packets are considered duplicate if the name with implicit digest matches.
* The new Data packet with the identical name, but a different payload
* will be placed in the in-memory storage.
* @note It will invoke afterInsert(shared_ptr<InMemoryStorageEntry>).
insert(const Data& data, const time::milliseconds& mustBeFreshProcessingWindow = INFINITE_WINDOW);
/** @brief Finds the best match Data for an Interest.
* @note It will invoke afterAccess(shared_ptr<InMemoryStorageEntry>).
* As currently it is impossible to determine whether a Name contains implicit digest or not,
* therefore this find function is not able to locate a packet according to an interest(
* including implicit digest) whose name is not the full name of the data matching the
* implicit digest.
* @return the best match, if any; otherwise a null shared_ptr
shared_ptr<const Data>
find(const Interest& interest);
/** @brief Finds the best match Data for a Name with or without implicit digest.
* If packets with the same name but different digests exist
* and the Name supplied is the one without implicit digest, a packet
* will be arbitrarily chosen to return.
* @note It will invoke afterAccess(shared_ptr<InMemoryStorageEntry>).
* @return the one matched the Name; otherwise a null shared_ptr
shared_ptr<const Data>
find(const Name& name);
/** @brief Deletes in-memory storage entry by prefix by default.
* @param prefix Exact name of a prefix of the data to remove
* @param isPrefix If false, the function will only delete the
* entry completely matched with the prefix according to canonical ordering.
* For this case, user should substitute the prefix with full name.
* @warning Please do not use this function directly in any derived class to erase
* an entry from the cache, use eraseImpl() instead.
* @note It will invoke beforeErase(shared_ptr<InMemoryStorageEntry>).
erase(const Name& prefix, const bool isPrefix = true);
/** @return Maximum number of packets that can be allowed to store in in-memory storage.
getLimit() const
return m_limit;
/** @return Number of packets stored in in-memory storage.
size() const
return m_nPackets;
/** @brief Returns begin iterator of the in-memory storage ordering by name with digest.
* @return const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the m_cache
begin() const;
/** @brief Returns end iterator of the in-memory storage ordering by name with digest.
* @return const_iterator pointing to the end of the m_cache
end() const;
/** @brief Update the entry when the entry is returned by the find() function
* according to derived class implemented replacement policy
virtual void
afterAccess(InMemoryStorageEntry* entry);
/** @brief Update the entry or other data structures
* after a entry is successfully inserted
* according to derived class implemented replacement policy
virtual void
afterInsert(InMemoryStorageEntry* entry);
/** @brief Update the entry or other data structures
* before a entry is successfully erased
* according to derived class implemented replacement policy
virtual void
beforeErase(InMemoryStorageEntry* entry);
/** @brief Removes one Data packet from in-memory storage based on
* derived class implemented replacement policy
* @return whether a Data packet was removed
* @warning Please do not use this function directly in any derived class to erase
* an entry from the cache, use eraseImpl() instead.
virtual bool
evictItem() = 0;
/** @brief Sets current capacity of in-memory storage (in packets).
setCapacity(size_t nMaxPackets);
/** @brief Returns current capacity of in-memory storage (in packets).
* @return number of packets that can be stored in application cache
getCapacity() const
return m_capacity;
/** @brief Returns true if the in-memory storage uses up the current capacity, false otherwise.
isFull() const
return size() >= m_capacity;
/** @brief Deletes in-memory storage entries by the Name with implicit digest.
* This is the function one should use to erase entry in the cache
* in derived class.
* It won't invoke beforeErase(shared_ptr<Entry>).
eraseImpl(const Name& name);
/** @brief Prints contents of the in-memory storage.
printCache(std::ostream& os) const;
/** @brief Free in-memory storage entries by an iterator pointing to that entry.
* @return An iterator pointing to the element that followed the last element erased.
freeEntry(Cache::iterator it);
/** @brief Implements child selector (leftmost, rightmost, undeclared).
* Operates on the first layer of a skip list.
* startingPoint must be less than Interest Name.
* startingPoint can be equal to Interest Name only
* when the item is in the begin() position.
* Iterates toward greater Names, terminates when application cache entry falls out of Interest
* prefix. When childSelector = leftmost, returns first application cache entry that satisfies
* other selectors. When childSelector = rightmost, it goes till the end, and returns application
* cache entry that satisfies other selectors. Returned application cache entry is the leftmost
* child of the rightmost child.
* @return the best match, if any; otherwise 0
selectChild(const Interest& interest,
Cache::index<byFullName>::type::iterator startingPoint) const;
/** @brief Get the next iterator (include startingPoint) that satisfies MustBeFresh requirement.
* @param startingPoint The iterator to start with.
* @return The next qualified iterator
findNextFresh(Cache::index<byFullName>::type::iterator startingPoint) const;
static constexpr time::milliseconds INFINITE_WINDOW = -1_ms;
Cache m_cache;
/// user defined maximum capacity of the in-memory storage in packets
size_t m_limit;
/// current capacity of the in-memory storage in packets
size_t m_capacity;
/// current number of packets in in-memory storage
size_t m_nPackets;
/// memory pool
std::stack<InMemoryStorageEntry*> m_freeEntries;
/// scheduler
unique_ptr<Scheduler> m_scheduler;
} // namespace ndn