blob: 86b7d956ebdf0398f18278d5bf015646d1a26380 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
#include "ndn-cxx/detail/packet-base.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/name.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/security/security-common.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/signature-info.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/util/string-helper.hpp"
#include "ndn-cxx/util/time.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <boost/endian/conversion.hpp>
namespace ndn {
class Data;
* @brief Default value of `InterestLifetime`.
inline constexpr time::milliseconds DEFAULT_INTEREST_LIFETIME = 4_s;
* @brief Represents an %Interest packet.
* @sa
class Interest : public PacketBase, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Interest>
class Error : public tlv::Error
using tlv::Error::Error;
class Nonce final : public std::array<uint8_t, 4>, private boost::equality_comparable<Nonce>
Nonce() = default;
// implicit conversion from uint32_t
Nonce(uint32_t n) noexcept
std::memcpy(data(), &n, sizeof(n));
Nonce(uint8_t n1, uint8_t n2, uint8_t n3, uint8_t n4) noexcept
(*this)[0] = n1;
(*this)[1] = n2;
(*this)[2] = n3;
(*this)[3] = n4;
private: // non-member operators
// NOTE: the following "hidden friend" operators are available via
// argument-dependent lookup only and must be defined inline.
// boost::equality_comparable provides != operator.
friend bool
operator==(const Nonce& lhs, const Nonce& rhs) noexcept
return std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());
friend std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Nonce& nonce)
printHex(os, nonce, false);
return os;
* @brief Construct an Interest with given @p name and @p lifetime.
* @throw std::invalid_argument @p name is invalid or @p lifetime is negative.
* @warning In certain contexts that use `Interest::shared_from_this()`, the Interest must be created
* using `std::make_shared`. Otherwise, `shared_from_this()` will throw `std::bad_weak_ptr`.
Interest(const Name& name = {}, time::milliseconds lifetime = DEFAULT_INTEREST_LIFETIME);
* @brief Construct an Interest by decoding from @p wire.
* @warning In certain contexts that use `Interest::shared_from_this()`, the Interest must be created
* using `std::make_shared`. Otherwise, `shared_from_this()` will throw `std::bad_weak_ptr`.
Interest(const Block& wire);
* @brief Prepend wire encoding to @p encoder.
template<encoding::Tag TAG>
wireEncode(EncodingImpl<TAG>& encoder) const;
* @brief Encode into a Block.
const Block&
wireEncode() const;
* @brief Decode from @p wire.
wireDecode(const Block& wire);
* @brief Check if this instance has cached wire encoding.
hasWire() const noexcept
return m_wire.hasWire();
* @brief Return a URI-like string that represents the Interest.
* The string always starts with the Interest's name in URI format. After the name, if any
* of the Interest's CanBePrefix, MustBeFresh, Nonce, InterestLifetime, or HopLimit fields
* are present, their textual representation is appended as a query string.
* Example: `"/test/name?MustBeFresh&Nonce=123456"`
toUri() const;
public: // matching
* @brief Check if this Interest can be satisfied by @p data.
* This method considers `Name`, `CanBePrefix`, and `MustBeFresh`. However, `MustBeFresh`
* evaluation is limited to rejecting Data with zero/omitted `FreshnessPeriod`.
[[nodiscard]] bool
matchesData(const Data& data) const;
* @brief Check if this Interest matches @p other.
* Two Interests match if they have the same `Name`, `CanBePrefix`, and `MustBeFresh`.
[[nodiscard]] bool
matchesInterest(const Interest& other) const;
public: // Interest fields
* @brief Get the %Interest name.
const Name&
getName() const noexcept
return m_name;
* @brief Set the %Interest name.
* @throw std::invalid_argument @p name is not a valid %Interest name
setName(const Name& name);
* @brief Check whether the `CanBePrefix` element is present.
getCanBePrefix() const noexcept
return m_canBePrefix;
* @brief Add or remove `CanBePrefix` element.
* @param canBePrefix Whether the element should be present.
setCanBePrefix(bool canBePrefix);
* @brief Check whether the `MustBeFresh` element is present.
getMustBeFresh() const noexcept
return m_mustBeFresh;
* @brief Add or remove `MustBeFresh` element.
* @param mustBeFresh Whether the element should be present.
setMustBeFresh(bool mustBeFresh);
* @brief Get the delegations (names) in the `ForwardingHint`.
span<const Name>
getForwardingHint() const noexcept
return m_forwardingHint;
* @brief Set the `ForwardingHint` delegations (names).
* To completely remove the `ForwardingHint` element from the Interest, pass an empty vector.
setForwardingHint(std::vector<Name> value);
* @brief Check if the `Nonce` element is present.
hasNonce() const noexcept
return m_nonce.has_value();
* @brief Get nonce value.
* If nonce was not present, it is added and assigned a random value.
getNonce() const;
* @brief Set the %Interest's nonce.
* Use `setNonce(std::nullopt)` to remove any nonce from the Interest.
setNonce(std::optional<Nonce> nonce);
* @brief Change nonce value.
* If the `Nonce` element is present, the new nonce value will differ from the old value.
* If the `Nonce` element is not present, this method does nothing.
* @brief Get the %Interest's lifetime.
* If the `InterestLifetime` element is not present, returns #DEFAULT_INTEREST_LIFETIME.
* If the `InterestLifetime` value is not representable in the return type, it's clamped to
* the nearest representable value.
getInterestLifetime() const noexcept;
* @brief Set the %Interest's lifetime.
* @throw std::invalid_argument @p lifetime is negative
setInterestLifetime(time::milliseconds lifetime);
* @brief Get the %Interest's hop limit.
getHopLimit() const noexcept
return m_hopLimit;
* @brief Set the %Interest's hop limit.
* Use `setHopLimit(std::nullopt)` to remove any hop limit from the Interest.
setHopLimit(std::optional<uint8_t> hopLimit);
* @brief Return whether this Interest has any `ApplicationParameters` element.
hasApplicationParameters() const noexcept
return !m_parameters.empty();
* @brief Get the `ApplicationParameters` element.
* If the element is not present, an invalid Block will be returned.
* @sa hasApplicationParameters()
getApplicationParameters() const
if (m_parameters.empty())
return {};
return m_parameters.front();
* @brief Set `ApplicationParameters` from a Block.
* @param block TLV element to be used as ApplicationParameters; must be valid
* @return A reference to this Interest.
* If the block's TLV-TYPE is tlv::ApplicationParameters, it will be used directly as
* this Interest's ApplicationParameters element. Otherwise, the block will be nested
* into an ApplicationParameters element.
* This function will also recompute the value of the ParametersSha256DigestComponent in the
* Interest's name. If the name does not contain a ParametersSha256DigestComponent, one will
* be appended to it.
setApplicationParameters(const Block& block);
* @brief Set `ApplicationParameters` by copying from a contiguous sequence of bytes.
* @param value buffer from which the TLV-VALUE of the parameters will be copied
* @return A reference to this Interest.
* This function will also recompute the value of the ParametersSha256DigestComponent in the
* Interest's name. If the name does not contain a ParametersSha256DigestComponent, one will
* be appended to it.
setApplicationParameters(span<const uint8_t> value);
* @brief Set `ApplicationParameters` by copying from a string.
* @param value string from which the TLV-VALUE of the parameters will be copied
* @return A reference to this Interest.
* This function will also recompute the value of the ParametersSha256DigestComponent in the
* Interest's name. If the name does not contain a ParametersSha256DigestComponent, one will
* be appended to it.
setApplicationParameters(std::string_view value);
* @brief Set `ApplicationParameters` from a shared buffer.
* @param value buffer containing the TLV-VALUE of the parameters; must not be null
* @return A reference to this Interest.
* This function will also recompute the value of the ParametersSha256DigestComponent in the
* Interest's name. If the name does not contain a ParametersSha256DigestComponent, one will
* be appended to it.
setApplicationParameters(ConstBufferPtr value);
setApplicationParameters(std::nullptr_t) = delete;
* @brief Remove the `ApplicationParameters` element from this Interest.
* @return A reference to this Interest.
* @post hasApplicationParameters() == false
* This function will also remove any InterestSignatureInfo and InterestSignatureValue elements
* in the Interest, as well as any ParametersSha256DigestComponents in the Interest's name.
* @brief Return whether the Interest is signed.
* @warning This function only determines whether signature information is present in the
* Interest; it does not verify that the signature is valid.
isSigned() const noexcept;
* @brief Get the `InterestSignatureInfo` element.
getSignatureInfo() const;
* @brief Set the `InterestSignatureInfo` element.
setSignatureInfo(const SignatureInfo& info);
* @brief Get the `InterestSignatureValue` element.
* If the element is not present, an invalid Block will be returned.
getSignatureValue() const;
* @brief Set `InterestSignatureValue` by copying from a contiguous sequence of bytes.
* @param value buffer from which the TLV-VALUE of the InterestSignatureValue will be copied
* @return A reference to this Interest.
* @throw Error InterestSignatureInfo is unset
* InterestSignatureInfo must be set before setting InterestSignatureValue.
setSignatureValue(span<const uint8_t> value);
* @brief Set `InterestSignatureValue` from a shared buffer.
* @param value buffer containing the TLV-VALUE of the InterestSignatureValue; must not be null
* @return A reference to this Interest.
* @throw Error InterestSignatureInfo is unset
* InterestSignatureInfo must be set before setting InterestSignatureValue.
setSignatureValue(ConstBufferPtr value);
setSignatureValue(std::nullptr_t) = delete;
* @brief Extract ranges of Interest covered by the signature.
* @throw Error Interest cannot be encoded or is missing ranges necessary for signing
* @warning The returned pointers will be invalidated if wireDecode() or wireEncode() are called.
[[nodiscard]] InputBuffers
extractSignedRanges() const;
public: // ParametersSha256DigestComponent support
static bool
return s_autoCheckParametersDigest;
static void
setAutoCheckParametersDigest(bool b)
s_autoCheckParametersDigest = b;
* @brief Check if the ParametersSha256DigestComponent in the name is valid.
* Returns true if there is a single ParametersSha256DigestComponent in the name and the digest
* value is correct, or if there is no ParametersSha256DigestComponent in the name and the
* Interest does not contain any parameters.
* Returns false otherwise.
isParametersDigestValid() const;
setApplicationParametersInternal(Block parameters);
setSignatureValueInternal(Block sigValue);
[[nodiscard]] shared_ptr<Buffer>
computeParametersDigest() const;
/** @brief Append a ParametersSha256DigestComponent to the Interest's name
* or update the digest value in the existing component.
* @pre The name is assumed to be valid, i.e., it must not contain more than one
* ParametersSha256DigestComponent.
* @pre hasApplicationParameters() == true
/** @brief Return the index of the ParametersSha256DigestComponent in @p name.
* @retval pos The name contains exactly one ParametersSha256DigestComponent at index `pos`.
* @retval -1 The name contains zero ParametersSha256DigestComponents.
* @retval -2 The name contains more than one ParametersSha256DigestComponents.
static ssize_t
findParametersDigestComponent(const Name& name);
findFirstParameter(uint32_t type) const;
Name m_name;
std::vector<Name> m_forwardingHint;
mutable std::optional<Nonce> m_nonce;
uint64_t m_interestLifetime = DEFAULT_INTEREST_LIFETIME.count();
std::optional<uint8_t> m_hopLimit;
bool m_canBePrefix = false;
bool m_mustBeFresh = false;
// Stores the "Interest parameters", i.e., all maybe-unrecognized non-critical TLV
// elements that appear at the end of the Interest, starting from ApplicationParameters.
// If the Interest does not contain any ApplicationParameters TLV, this vector will
// be empty. Conversely, if this vector is not empty, the first element will always
// be an ApplicationParameters block. All blocks in this vector are covered by the
// digest in the ParametersSha256DigestComponent.
std::vector<Block> m_parameters;
mutable Block m_wire;
static inline bool s_autoCheckParametersDigest = true;
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Interest& interest);
} // namespace ndn