blob: 3833e597a4eeb379fe64b06c544f18f8fd43a28b [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
* This file licensed under New BSD License. See COPYING for detailed information about
* ndn-cxx library copyright, permissions, and redistribution restrictions.
#include "name.hpp"
namespace ndn {
class RegexPatternListMatcher;
class InterestFilter
class Error : public std::runtime_error
Error(const std::string& what)
: std::runtime_error(what)
* @brief Create an Interest filter to match Interests by prefix
* This filter will match all Interests, whose name start with the given prefix
* Any Name can be implicitly converted to the InterestFilter.
InterestFilter(const Name& prefix);
* @brief Create an Interest filter to match Interests by prefix URI
* This filter will match all Interests, whose name start with the given prefix
* Any const char* can be implicitly converted to the InterestFilter.
InterestFilter(const char* prefixUri);
* @brief Create an Interest filter to match Interests by prefix URI
* This filter will match all Interests, whose name start with the given prefix
* Any std::string can be implicitly converted to the InterestFilter.
InterestFilter(const std::string& prefixUri);
* @brief Create an Interest filter to match Interest by prefix and regular expression
* This filter will match all Interests, whose name start with the given prefix and
* other components of the Interest name match the given regular expression.
* For example, the following InterestFilter:
* InterestFilter("/hello", "<world><>+")
* will match all Interests, whose name has prefix `/hello`, which is followed by
* component `world` and has at least one more component after it. Examples:
* /hello/world/!
* /hello/world/x/y/z
* Note that regular expression will need to match all components (e.g., there is
* an implicit heading `^` and trailing `$` symbols in the regular expression).
InterestFilter(const Name& prefix, const std::string& regexFilter);
* @brief Implicit conversion to Name (to provide backwards compatibility for onInterest callback)
operator const Name&() const
if (static_cast<bool>(m_regexFilter)) {
throw Error("Please update OnInterest callback to accept const InterestFilter& "
"(non-trivial Interest filter is being used)");
return m_prefix;
* @brief Check if specified name matches the filter
doesMatch(const Name& name) const;
const Name&
getPrefix() const
return m_prefix;
hasRegexFilter() const
return static_cast<bool>(m_regexFilter);
const RegexPatternListMatcher&
getRegexFilter() const
return *m_regexFilter;
Name m_prefix;
shared_ptr<RegexPatternListMatcher> m_regexFilter;
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InterestFilter& filter);
InterestFilter::InterestFilter(const Name& prefix)
: m_prefix(prefix)
InterestFilter::InterestFilter(const char* prefixUri)
: m_prefix(prefixUri)
InterestFilter::InterestFilter(const std::string& prefixUri)
: m_prefix(prefixUri)
} // namespace ndn