blob: 93382588ab7db51400c786d669cc7c5694f7fa34 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
#ifndef NDN_DATA_HPP
#define NDN_DATA_HPP
#include "common.hpp"
#include "name.hpp"
#include "encoding/block.hpp"
#include "signature.hpp"
#include "meta-info.hpp"
#include "key-locator.hpp"
#include "management/nfd-local-control-header.hpp"
namespace ndn {
class Data : public enable_shared_from_this<Data>
class Error : public std::runtime_error
Error(const std::string& what)
: std::runtime_error(what)
* @brief Create an empty Data object
* Note that in certain contexts that use Data::shared_from_this(), Data must be
* created using `make_shared`:
* shared_ptr<Data> data = make_shared<Data>();
* Otherwise, Data::shared_from_this() will throw an exception.
* @brief Create a new Data object with the given name
* @param name A reference to the name
* Note that in certain contexts that use Data::shared_from_this(), Data must be
* created using `make_shared`:
* shared_ptr<Data> data = make_shared<Data>(name);
* Otherwise, Data::shared_from_this() will throw an exception.
Data(const Name& name);
* @brief Create a new Data object from wire encoding
* Note that in certain contexts that use Data::shared_from_this(), Data must be
* created using `make_shared`:
* shared_ptr<Data> data = make_shared<Data>(wire);
* Otherwise, Data::shared_from_this() will throw an exception.
Data(const Block& wire);
* @brief Fast encoding or block size estimation
* @param block EncodingEstimator or EncodingBuffer instance
* @param wantUnsignedPortionOnly Request only unsigned portion to be encoded in block.
* If true, only Name, MetaInfo, Content, and SignatureInfo
* blocks will be encoded into the block. Note that there
* will be no outer TLV header of the Data packet.
template<bool T>
wireEncode(EncodingImpl<T>& block, bool wantUnsignedPortionOnly = false) const;
* @brief Encode to a wire format
const Block&
wireEncode() const;
* @brief Finalize Data packet encoding with the specified SignatureValue
* @param encoder EncodingBuffer instance, containing Name, MetaInfo, Content, and
* SignatureInfo (without outer TLV header of the Data packet).
* @param signatureValue SignatureValue block to be added to Data packet to finalize
* the wire encoding
* This method is intended to be used in concert with Data::wireEncode(EncodingBuffer&, true)
* method to optimize Data packet wire format creation:
* Data data;
* ...
* EncodingBuffer encoder;
* data.wireEncode(encoder, true);
* ...
* Block signatureValue = <sign_over_unsigned_portion>(encoder.buf(), encoder.size());
* data.wireEncode(encoder, signatureValue)
const Block&
wireEncode(EncodingBuffer& encoder, const Block& signatureValue) const;
* @brief Decode from the wire format
wireDecode(const Block& wire);
* @brief Check if Data is already has wire encoding
hasWire() const;
* @brief Get name of the Data packet
const Name&
getName() const;
* @brief Set name to a copy of the given Name
* @return This Data so that you can chain calls to update values
setName(const Name& name);
* @brief Get MetaInfo block from Data packet
const MetaInfo&
getMetaInfo() const;
* @brief Set metaInfo to a copy of the given MetaInfo
* @return This Data so that you can chain calls to update values.
setMetaInfo(const MetaInfo& metaInfo);
// MetaInfo proxy methods
getContentType() const;
setContentType(uint32_t type);
const time::milliseconds&
getFreshnessPeriod() const;
setFreshnessPeriod(const time::milliseconds& freshnessPeriod);
const name::Component&
getFinalBlockId() const;
setFinalBlockId(const name::Component& finalBlockId);
* @brief Get content Block
* To access content value, one can use value()/value_size() or
* value_begin()/value_end() methods of the Block class
const Block&
getContent() const;
* @brief Set the content from the buffer (buffer will be copied)
* @param buffer Pointer to first byte of the buffer
* @param bufferSize Size of the buffer
* @return This Data so that you can chain calls to update values.
setContent(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize);
* @brief Set the content from the block
* Depending on type of the supplied block, there are two cases:
* - if block.type() == Tlv::Content, then block will be used directly as Data packet's
* content (no extra copying)
* - if block.type() != Tlv::Content, then this method will create a new Block with type
* Tlv::Content and put block as a nested element in the content Block.
* @param block The Block containing the content to assign
* @return This Data so that you can chain calls to update values.
setContent(const Block& block);
* @brief Set the content from the pointer to immutable buffer
* This method will create a Block with Tlv::Content and set contentValue as a payload
* for this block. Note that this method is very different from setContent(const
* Block&), since it does not require that payload should be a valid TLV element.
* @param contentValue The pointer to immutable buffer containing the content to assign
* @return This Data so that you can chain calls to update values.
setContent(const ConstBufferPtr& contentValue);
const Signature&
getSignature() const;
* @brief Set the signature to a copy of the given signature.
* @param signature The signature object which is cloned.
setSignature(const Signature& signature);
setSignatureValue(const Block& value);
const nfd::LocalControlHeader&
getLocalControlHeader() const;
getIncomingFaceId() const;
setIncomingFaceId(uint64_t incomingFaceId);
public: // EqualityComparable concept
operator==(const Data& other) const;
operator!=(const Data& other) const;
* @brief Clear the wire encoding.
Name m_name;
MetaInfo m_metaInfo;
mutable Block m_content;
Signature m_signature;
mutable Block m_wire;
nfd::LocalControlHeader m_localControlHeader;
friend class nfd::LocalControlHeader;
inline bool
Data::hasWire() const
return m_wire.hasWire();
inline const Name&
Data::getName() const
return m_name;
inline const MetaInfo&
Data::getMetaInfo() const
return m_metaInfo;
inline uint32_t
Data::getContentType() const
return m_metaInfo.getType();
inline const time::milliseconds&
Data::getFreshnessPeriod() const
return m_metaInfo.getFreshnessPeriod();
inline const name::Component&
Data::getFinalBlockId() const
return m_metaInfo.getFinalBlockId();
inline const Signature&
Data::getSignature() const
return m_signature;
inline nfd::LocalControlHeader&
return m_localControlHeader;
inline const nfd::LocalControlHeader&
Data::getLocalControlHeader() const
return m_localControlHeader;
inline uint64_t
Data::getIncomingFaceId() const
return getLocalControlHeader().getIncomingFaceId();
} // namespace ndn