blob: 4e6119b31ff46c1f502e6fc5f7b1cdf432ebfb6c [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndn-cxx library (NDN C++ library with eXperimental eXtensions).
* ndn-cxx library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ndn-cxx library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with ndn-cxx, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See for complete list of ndn-cxx authors and contributors.
#include "common.hpp"
#include "encoding/block.hpp"
#include "encoding/block-helpers.hpp"
#include "util/time.hpp"
namespace ndn {
namespace name {
/// @brief Segment marker for NDN naming conventions
static const uint8_t SEGMENT_MARKER = 0x00;
/// @brief Segment offset marker for NDN naming conventions
static const uint8_t SEGMENT_OFFSET_MARKER = 0xFB;
/// @brief Version marker for NDN naming conventions
static const uint8_t VERSION_MARKER = 0xFD;
/// @brief Timestamp marker for NDN naming conventions
static const uint8_t TIMESTAMP_MARKER = 0xFC;
/// @brief Sequence number marker for NDN naming conventions
static const uint8_t SEQUENCE_NUMBER_MARKER = 0xFE;
* @brief Component holds a read-only name component value.
class Component : public Block
* @brief Error that can be thrown from name::Component
class Error : public Block::Error
Error(const std::string& what)
: Block::Error(what)
* Create a new name::Component with an empty value
* @brief Create name::Component from a wire block
* @param wire tlv::NameComponent Block from which to create name::Component
* @throws Error if wire.type() is not tlv::NameComponent
* Any block can be implicitly converted to name::Component
Component(const Block& wire);
* @brief Create a new name::Component from the buffer pointer (buffer pointer will be copied)
* @param buffer A pointer to an immutable buffer
* This constructor will create a new tlv::NameComponent Block with `buffer` as a payload.
* Note that this method **will not** allocate new memory for and copy the payload until
* toWire() method is called.
Component(const ConstBufferPtr& buffer);
* @brief Create a new name::Component from the buffer (data from buffer will be copied)
* @param buffer A reference to the buffer
* This constructor will create a new tlv::NameComponent Block with `buffer` as a payload.
* Note that this method **will** allocate new memory for and copy the payload.
Component(const Buffer& buffer);
* @brief Create a new name::Component from the buffer (data from buffer will be copied)
* @param buffer A pointer to the first byte of the buffer
* @param bufferSize Size of the buffer
* This constructor will create a new tlv::NameComponent Block with `buffer` as a payload.
* Note that this method **will** allocate new memory for and copy the payload.
Component(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t bufferSize);
* @brief Create a new name::Component frome the range [@p first, @p last) of bytes
* @param first Iterator pointing to the beginning of the buffer
* @param last Iterator pointing to the ending of the buffer
* @tparam Iterator iterator type satisfying at least InputIterator concept. Implementation
* is more optimal when the iterator type satisfies RandomAccessIterator concept.
* It is required that sizeof(std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type) == 1.
* This constructor will create a new tlv::NameComponent Block with `buffer` as a payload.
* Note that this method **will** allocate new memory for and copy the payload.
template<class Iterator>
Component(Iterator first, Iterator last);
* @brief Create a new name::Component from the C string (data from string will be copied)
* @param str Zero-ended string. Note that this string will be interpreted as is (i.e.,
* it will not be interpreted as URI)
* This constructor will create a new tlv::NameComponent Block with `buffer` as a payload.
* Note that this method **will** allocate new memory for and copy the payload.
Component(const char* str);
* @brief Create a new name::Component from the STL string (data from string will be copied)
* @param str Const reference to STL string. Note that this string will be interpreted
* as is (i.e., it will not be interpreted as URI)
* This constructor will create a new tlv::NameComponent Block with `buffer` as a payload.
* Note that this method **will** allocate new memory for and copy the payload.
Component(const std::string& str);
* @brief Fast encoding or block size estimation
template<encoding::Tag TAG>
wireEncode(EncodingImpl<TAG>& block) const;
* @brief Encode to a wire format
const Block&
wireEncode() const;
* @brief Decode from the wire format
wireDecode(const Block& wire);
* @brief Create name::Component by decoding the escapedString between beginOffset and
* endOffset according to the NDN URI Scheme.
* If the escaped string is "", "." or ".." then return an empty name::Component. Note
* that an empty name::Component should not be added to Name and if attempted, an
* exception will be thrown.
* @param escapedString String containing NDN URI-encoded name
* component. [escapedString+beginOffset, beginOffset+endOffset)
* must be a valid memory buffer.
* @param beginOffset The offset in escapedString of the beginning of the portion to decode.
* @param endOffset The offset in escapedString of the end of the portion to decode.
static Component
fromEscapedString(const char* escapedString, size_t beginOffset, size_t endOffset);
* @brief Create name::Component by decoding the escapedString according to the NDN URI Scheme
* This overload is a convenience wrapper for fromEscapedString(char*,size_t,size)
static Component
fromEscapedString(const char* escapedString)
return fromEscapedString(escapedString, 0, std::char_traits<char>::length(escapedString));
* @brief Create name::Component by decoding the escapedString according to the NDN URI Scheme
* This overload is a convenience wrapper for fromEscapedString(char*,size_t,size)
static Component
fromEscapedString(const std::string& escapedString)
return fromEscapedString(escapedString.c_str(), 0, escapedString.size());
* @brief Write *this to the output stream, escaping characters according to the NDN URI Scheme
* @deprecated Use toUri(std::ostream&) instead
* This also adds "..." to a value with zero or more "."
* @param os The output stream to where write the URI escaped version *this
toEscapedString(std::ostream& os) const)
return toUri(os);
* @brief Convert *this by escaping characters according to the NDN URI Scheme
* @deprecated Use toUri() instead
* This also adds "..." to a value with zero or more "."
* @return The escaped string
toEscapedString() const)
return toUri();
* @brief Write *this to the output stream, escaping characters according to the NDN URI Scheme
* This also adds "..." to a value with zero or more "."
* @param os The output stream to where write the URI escaped version *this
toUri(std::ostream& os) const;
* @brief Convert *this by escaping characters according to the NDN URI Scheme
* This also adds "..." to a value with zero or more "."
* @return The escaped string
toUri() const;
* @brief Check if the component is nonNegativeInteger
* @see
isNumber() const;
* @brief Check if the component is NameComponentWithMarker per NDN naming conventions
* @see
isNumberWithMarker(uint8_t marker) const;
* @brief Check if the component is version per NDN naming conventions
* @see
isVersion() const;
* @brief Check if the component is segment number per NDN naming conventions
* @see
isSegment() const;
* @brief Check if the component is segment offset per NDN naming conventions
* @see
isSegmentOffset() const;
* @brief Check if the component is timestamp per NDN naming conventions
* @see
isTimestamp() const;
* @brief Check if the component is sequence number per NDN naming conventions
* @see
isSequenceNumber() const;
* @brief Interpret this name component as nonNegativeInteger
* @see
* @return The integer number.
toNumber() const;
* @brief Interpret this name component as NameComponentWithMarker
* @see
* @param marker 1-byte octet of the marker
* @return The integer number.
* @throws Error if name component does not have the specified marker.
* tlv::Error if format does not follow NameComponentWithMarker specification.
toNumberWithMarker(uint8_t marker) const;
* @brief Interpret as version component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
* @throws Error if name component does not have the specified marker.
* tlv::Error if format does not follow NameComponentWithMarker specification.
toVersion() const;
* @brief Interpret as segment number component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
* @throws Error if name component does not have the specified marker.
* tlv::Error if format does not follow NameComponentWithMarker specification.
toSegment() const;
* @brief Interpret as segment offset component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
* @throws Error if name component does not have the specified marker.
* tlv::Error if format does not follow NameComponentWithMarker specification.
toSegmentOffset() const;
* @brief Interpret as timestamp component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
* @throws Error if name component does not have the specified marker.
* tlv::Error if format does not follow NameComponentWithMarker specification.
toTimestamp() const;
* @brief Interpret as sequence number component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
* @throws Error if name component does not have the specified marker.
* tlv::Error if format does not follow NameComponentWithMarker specification.
toSequenceNumber() const;
* @brief Create a component encoded as nonNegativeInteger
* @see
* @param number The non-negative number
* @return The component value.
static Component
fromNumber(uint64_t number);
* @brief Create a component encoded as NameComponentWithMarker
* NameComponentWithMarker is defined as:
* NameComponentWithMarker ::= NAME-COMPONENT-TYPE TLV-LEGTH
* Marker
* includedNonNegativeInteger
* Marker ::= BYTE
* includedNonNegativeInteger ::= BYTE{1,2,4,8}
* @see
* @param marker 1-byte marker octet
* @param number The non-negative number
* @return The component value.
static Component
fromNumberWithMarker(uint8_t marker, uint64_t number);
* @brief Create version component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
static Component
fromVersion(uint64_t version);
* @brief Create segment number component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
static Component
fromSegment(uint64_t segmentNo);
* @brief Create segment offset component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
static Component
fromSegmentOffset(uint64_t offset);
* @brief Create sequence number component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
static Component
fromTimestamp(const time::system_clock::TimePoint& timePoint);
* @brief Create sequence number component using NDN naming conventions
* @see
static Component
fromSequenceNumber(uint64_t seqNo);
* @brief Check if the component is GenericComponent
isGeneric() const;
* @brief Check if the component is ImplicitSha256DigestComponent
isImplicitSha256Digest() const;
* @brief Create ImplicitSha256DigestComponent component
static Component
fromImplicitSha256Digest(const ConstBufferPtr& digest);
* @brief Create ImplicitSha256DigestComponent component
static Component
fromImplicitSha256Digest(const uint8_t* digest, size_t digestSize);
empty() const
return !hasValue();
getSuccessor() const;
* @brief Check if this is the same component as other
* @param other The other Component to compare with
* @return true if the components are equal, otherwise false.
equals(const Component& other) const
if (value_size() != other.value_size())
return false;
if (value_size() == 0 /* == other.value_size()*/)
return true;
// somehow, behavior is wrong on OSX 10.9 when component is empty
// (probably some bug in STL...)
return std::equal(value_begin(), value_end(), other.value_begin());
* @brief Compare this to the other Component using NDN canonical ordering
* @param other The other Component to compare with.
* @return 0 If they compare equal, -1 if *this comes before other in the canonical ordering, or
* 1 if *this comes after other in the canonical ordering.
* @see
compare(const Component& other) const;
* @brief Check if this is the same component as other
* @param other The other Component to compare with.
* @return true if the components are equal, otherwise false.
operator==(const Component& other) const
return equals(other);
* @brief Check if this is not the same component as other
* @param other The other Component to compare with
* @return true if the components are not equal, otherwise false
operator!=(const Component& other) const
return !equals(other);
* @brief Check if the *this is less than or equal to the other in NDN canonical ordering
* @param other The other Component to compare with
* @see
operator<=(const Component& other) const
return compare(other) <= 0;
* @brief Check if the *this is less than the other in NDN canonical ordering
* @param other The other Component to compare with
* @see
operator<(const Component& other) const
return compare(other) < 0;
* @brief Check if the *this is greater or equal than the other in NDN canonical ordering
* @param other The other Component to compare with
* @see
operator>=(const Component& other) const
return compare(other) >= 0;
* @brief Check if the *this is greater than the other in NDN canonical ordering
* @param other The other Component to compare with
* @see
operator>(const Component& other) const
return compare(other) > 0;
// This class MUST NOT contain any data fields.
// Block can be reinterpret_cast'ed as Component type.
inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Component& component)
return os;
template<class Iterator>
Component::Component(Iterator first, Iterator last)
: Block(dataBlock(tlv::NameComponent, first, last))
} // namespace name
} // namespace ndn