blob: fc47169a789c88c20d91406378f0de30323e664f [file] [log] [blame]
**ndnsec delete** [**-h**] [**-k**\|\ **-c**] *name*
This command allows deleting security data from both the
**Public Information Base (PIB)** and the **Trusted Platform Module (TPM)**.
By default, *name* is interpreted as an identity name.
If an identity is deleted, all keys and certificates belonging to that identity
will be deleted as well. If a key is deleted, all certificates associated with
that key will be deleted as well.
.. option:: -k, --delete-key
Interpret *name* as a key name and delete the key and its associated data.
.. option:: -c, --delete-cert
Interpret *name* as a certificate name and delete the certificate.
Exit Status
Normally, the exit status is 0 if the requested entity is deleted successfully.
If the entity to be deleted does not exist, the exit status is 1.
For any other errors, the exit status is 2.
Delete all data related to the identity ``/ndn/test/david``::
$ ndnsec delete /ndn/test/david
See Also