blob: 3dcc9489a1b8ed6f0c1cac2d9cb5538a5f58ec5e [file] [log] [blame]
**ndnsec cert-install** [**-h**] [**-I**\|\ **-K**\|\ **-N**] *file*
This command allows importing a certificate into the **Public Information Base (PIB)**.
By default, the installed certificate will be set as the default certificate for the
corresponding identity and the identity will be set as the user's default identity.
*file* is a path to a file that contains the certificate to install.
If *file* is "-", the certificate will be read from the standard input.
The certificate should be in Base64 encoding.
.. option:: -I, --identity-default
Set the certificate as the default certificate for the corresponding identity,
but do not change the user's default identity.
.. option:: -K, --key-default
Set the certificate as the default certificate for the corresponding key, but
do not change the identity's default key or the user's default identity.
.. option:: -N, --no-default
Install the certificate but do not change any default settings.
Install a certificate and set it as the default certificate::
$ ndnsec cert-install cert_file.cert
Install a certificate but do not change any default settings::
$ ndnsec cert-install -N cert_file.cert
See Also