catalog: initial query module

Change-Id: I0ddd22c5774d5e5d54c1ee80e0f01566fed311fd
refs: #2638
diff --git a/catalog/src/util/catalog-adapter.hpp b/catalog/src/util/catalog-adapter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52f21d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog/src/util/catalog-adapter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+/** NDN-Atmos: Cataloging Service for distributed data originally developed
+ *  for atmospheric science data
+ *  Copyright (C) 2015 Colorado State University
+ *
+ *  NDN-Atmos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  NDN-Atmos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with NDN-Atmos.  If not, see <>.
+#include <ndn-cxx/data.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/face.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/interest.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/name.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <ndn-cxx/encoding/block.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace atmos {
+namespace util {
+ * Catalog Adapter acts as a common interface for Classes that need to register as Interest Filters
+ *
+ * Both QueryAdapter and PublisherAdapter use this as a template to allow consistancy between
+ * their designs and flow-control
+ */
+template <typename DatabaseHandler>
+class CatalogAdapter {
+  /**
+   * Constructor
+   * @param face:            Face that will be used for NDN communications
+   * @param keyChain:        KeyChain to sign query responses and evaluate the incoming publish
+   *                          and ChronoSync requests against
+   * @param databaseHandler: <typename DatabaseHandler> to the database that stores our catalog
+   * @oaram prefix:          Name that will define the prefix to all queries and publish requests
+   *                          that will be routed to this specific Catalog Instance
+   */
+  CatalogAdapter(std::shared_ptr<ndn::Face> face, std::shared_ptr<ndn::KeyChain> keyChain,
+          std::shared_ptr<DatabaseHandler> databaseHandler, const ndn::Name& prefix);
+  /**
+   * Destructor
+   */
+  virtual
+  ~CatalogAdapter();
+  // @{ (onData and onTimeout) and/or onInterest should be overwritten at a minimum
+  /**
+   * Data that is routed to this class based on the Interest
+   *
+   * @param interest: Interest that caused this Data to be routed
+   * @param data:     Data that needs to be handled
+   */
+  virtual void
+  onData(const ndn::Interest& interest, const ndn::Data& data);
+  /**
+   * Timeout from a Data request
+   *
+   * @param interest: Interest that failed to be satisfied (within the timelimit)
+   */
+  virtual void
+  onTimeout(const ndn::Interest& interest);
+  /**
+   * Interest that is routed to this class based on the InterestFilter
+   *
+   * @param filter:   InterestFilter that caused this Interest to be routed
+   * @param interest: Interest that needs to be handled
+   */
+  virtual void
+  onInterest(const ndn::InterestFilter& filter, const ndn::Interest& interest);
+  // @}
+  /**
+   * Callback that should/can be used to evaluate that the Interest Filter has been correctly set up
+   *
+   * @param prefix: Name that will be routed to this class
+   */
+  virtual void
+  onRegisterSuccess(const ndn::Name& prefix);
+  /**
+   * Callback that should/can be used to evaluate that the Interest Filter has been correctly set up
+   *
+   * @param prefix: Name that failed to route
+   * @param reason: String explanation as to why the failure occured
+   */
+  virtual void
+  onRegisterFailure(const ndn::Name& prefix, const std::string& reason);
+  // Face to communicate with
+  std::shared_ptr<ndn::Face> m_face;
+  // KeyChain used for security
+  std::shared_ptr<ndn::KeyChain> m_keyChain;
+  // Handle to the Catalog's database
+  std::shared_ptr<DatabaseHandler> m_databaseHandler;
+  // Prefix for our namespace
+  ndn::Name m_prefix;
+}; // class CatalogAdapter
+template <typename DatabaseHandler>
+CatalogAdapter<DatabaseHandler>::CatalogAdapter(std::shared_ptr<ndn::Face> face,
+                                                std::shared_ptr<ndn::KeyChain> keyChain,
+                                                std::shared_ptr<DatabaseHandler> databaseHandler,
+                                                const ndn::Name& prefix)
+  : m_face(face), m_keyChain(keyChain), m_databaseHandler(databaseHandler), m_prefix(prefix)
+  // empty
+template <typename DatabaseHandler>
+  // empty
+template <typename DatabaseHandler>
+CatalogAdapter<DatabaseHandler>::onRegisterSuccess(const ndn::Name& prefix)
+  // std::cout << "Successfully registered " << prefix << std::endl;
+template <typename DatabaseHandler>
+CatalogAdapter<DatabaseHandler>::onRegisterFailure(const ndn::Name& prefix, const std::string& reason)
+  // std::cout << "Failed to register prefix " << prefix << ": " << reason << std::endl;
+template <typename DatabaseHandler>
+CatalogAdapter<DatabaseHandler>::onData(const ndn::Interest& interest, const ndn::Data& data)
+  // At this point we need to get the ndn::Block out of data.getContent()
+template <typename DatabaseHandler>
+CatalogAdapter<DatabaseHandler>::onInterest(const ndn::InterestFilter& filter, const ndn::Interest& interest)
+  // At this point we need to use the filter to either:
+  // a) Request the Data for the Interest, or
+  // b) Use the Filter to ID where in the Interest the Interest's "Content" is, and grab that out
+template <typename DatabaseHandler>
+CatalogAdapter<DatabaseHandler>::onTimeout(const ndn::Interest& interest)
+  // At this point, probably should do a retry
+} // namespace util
+} // namespace atmos