blob: a96f21bc26294109dc2a4f0860150002e5ddc68f [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2016 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of the nTorrent codebase.
* nTorrent is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* nTorrent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with nTorrent, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See AUTHORS for complete list of nTorrent authors and contributors.
#include "file-manifest.hpp"
#include "stats-table.hpp"
#include "torrent-file.hpp"
#include <ndn-cxx/data.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/face.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/interest.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/link.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/name.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
namespace ndn {
namespace ntorrent {
class TorrentManager : noncopyable {
* \class TorrentManager
* \brief A class to manage the interaction with the system in seeding/leaching a torrent
typedef std::function<void(const ndn::Name&)> DataReceivedCallback;
typedef std::function<void(const std::vector<ndn::Name>&)> ManifestReceivedCallback;
typedef std::function<void(const ndn::Name&, const std::string&)> FailedCallback;
* \brief Create a new Torrent manager with the specified parameters.
* @param torrentFileName The full name of the initial segment of the torrent file
* @param dataPath The path to the location on disk to use for the torrent data
* @param face Optional face object to be used for data retrieval
* The behavior is undefined unless Initialize() is called before calling any other method on a
* TorrentManger object.
TorrentManager(const ndn::Name& torrentFileName,
const std::string& dataPath,
ndn::Face& face);
* \brief Create a new Torrent manager with the specified parameters.
* @param torrentFileName The full name of the initial segment of the torrent file
* @param dataPath The path to the location on disk to use for the torrent data
* The behavior is undefined unless Initialize() is called before calling any other method on a
* TorrentManger object.
TorrentManager(const ndn::Name& torrentFileName,
const std::string& dataPath);
* @brief Initialize the state of this object.
* Read and validate from disk all torrent file segments, file manifests, and data packets for
* the torrent file managed by this object initializing all state in this manager respectively.
* Also seeds all validated data.
* @brief Download the torrent file
* @param path The path to write the downloaded segments
* @return A vector of the file manifest names contained in the torrent file
downloadTorrentFile(const std::string& path);
* @brief Download the torrent file
* @param path The path to write the downloaded segments
* @param onSuccess Callback to be called if we successfully download all the
* segments of the torrent file. It passes the name of the file manifest
* to be downloaded to the callback
* @param onFailed Callaback to be called if we fail to download a segment of
* the torrent file. It passes the name of the torrent file segment that
* failed to download and a failure reason to the callback
* This method provides non-blocking downloading of all the torrent file segments
downloadTorrentFile(const std::string& path,
DataReceivedCallback onSuccess,
FailedCallback onFailed);
* @brief Download a file manifest
* @param manifestName The name of the manifest file to be downloaded
* @param path The path to write the downloaded segments
* @param onSuccess Callback to be called if we successfully download all the
* segments of the file manifest. It passes the names of the data packets
* to be downloaded to the callback
* @param onFailed Callaback to be called if we fail to download a segment of
* the file manifest. It passes the name of the data packet that failed
* to download and a failure reason
* This method provides non-blocking downloading of all the file manifest segments
void download_file_manifest(const Name& manifestName,
const std::string& path,
ManifestReceivedCallback onSuccess,
FailedCallback onFailed);
* @brief Download a data packet
* @param packetName The name of the data packet to be downloaded
* @param onSuccess Callback to be called if we successfully download the data packet.
* It passes the name of the data packet to the callback
* @param onFailed Callaback to be called if we fail to download the requested data packet
* It passes the name of the data packet to the callback and a failure reason
* This method writes the downloaded data packet to m_dataPath on disk
void download_data_packet(const Name& packetName,
DataReceivedCallback onSuccess,
FailedCallback onFailed);
// Seed the specified 'data' to the network.
void seed(const Data& data) const;
* \brief Write @p packet composed of torrent date to disk.
* @param packet The data packet to be written to the disk
* Write the Data packet to disk, return 'true' if data successfully written to disk 'false'
* otherwise. Behavior is undefined unless the corresponding file manifest has already been
* downloaded.
bool writeData(const Data& packet);
* \brief Write the @p segment torrent segment to disk at the specified path.
* @param segment The torrent file segment to be written to disk
* @param path The path at which to write the torrent file segment
* Write the segment to disk, return 'true' if data successfully written to disk 'false'
* otherwise. Behavior is undefined unless @segment is a correct segment for the torrent file of
* this manager and @p path is the directory used for all segments of this torrent file.
bool writeTorrentSegment(const TorrentFile& segment, const std::string& path);
* \brief Write the @p manifest file manifest to disk at the specified @p path.
* @param manifest The file manifest to be written to disk
* @param path The path at which to write the file manifest
* Write the file manifest to disk, return 'true' if data successfully written to disk 'false'
* otherwise. Behavior is undefined unless @manifest is a correct file manifest for a file in the
* torrent file of this manager and @p path is the directory used for all file manifests of this
* torrent file.
bool writeFileManifest(const FileManifest& manifest, const std::string& path);
* \brief Download the segments of the torrent file
* @param name The name of the torrent file to be downloaded
* @param path The path to write the torrent file on disk
* @param manifestNames A vector containing the name of the manifests in the torrent file.
* This parameter will be updated every time we receive a torrent
* file segment
* @param async Blocking (sync) or non-blocking (async) operation
* @param onSuccess Optional callback to be called when all the segments of the torrent file
* have been downloaded. The default value is an empty callack. A callback
* should be specified when async is false
* @param onFailed Optional callback to be called when we fail to download a segment of the
* torrent file. The default value is an empty callack. A callback should be
* specified when async is false
void downloadTorrentFileSegment(const ndn::Name& name,
const std::string& path,
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<Name>> manifestNames,
bool async,
DataReceivedCallback onSuccess,
FailedCallback onFailed);
* \brief Download the segments of a file manifest
* @param manifestName The name of the file manifest to be downloaded
* @param path The path to write the file manifest on disk
* @param packetNames A vector containing the name of the data packets in the file manifest
* @param onSuccess Callback to be called when all the segments of the file manifest have been
* downloaded
* @param onFailed Callback to be called when we fail to download a file manifest segment
void downloadFileManifestSegment(const Name& manifestName,
const std::string& path,
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<Name>> packetNames,
TorrentManager::ManifestReceivedCallback onSuccess,
TorrentManager::FailedCallback onFailed);
enum {
// Number of times to retry if a routable prefix fails to retrieve data
// Number of Interests to be sent before sorting the stats table
// A map from each fileManifest to corresponding file stream on disk and a bitmap of which Data
// packets this manager currently has
mutable std::unordered_map<Name,
std::vector<bool>>> m_fileStates;
// The segments of the TorrentFile this manager has
std::vector<TorrentFile> m_torrentSegments;
// The FileManifests this manager has
std::vector<FileManifest> m_fileManifests;
// The name of the initial segment of the torrent file for this manager
Name m_torrentFileName;
// The path to the location on disk of the Data packet for this manager
std::string m_dataPath;
createInterest(Name name);
// Stats table where routable prefixes are stored
StatsTable m_statsTable;
// Face used for network communication
Face& m_face;
// Iterator to the routable prefix that we currently use
StatsTable::iterator m_stats_table_iter;
// Number of retries per routable prefix
uint64_t m_retries;
// Number of Interests sent since last sorting
uint64_t m_sortingCounter;
// Keychain instance
unique_ptr<KeyChain> m_keyChain;
TorrentManager::TorrentManager(const ndn::Name& torrentFileName,
const std::string& dataPath,
ndn::Face& face)
: m_fileStates()
, m_torrentSegments()
, m_fileManifests()
, m_torrentFileName(torrentFileName)
, m_dataPath(dataPath)
, m_face(face)
, m_retries(0)
, m_sortingCounter(0)
, m_keyChain(new KeyChain())
// Hardcoded prefixes for now
// TODO(Spyros): Think of something more clever to bootstrap...
m_stats_table_iter = m_statsTable.begin();
TorrentManager::TorrentManager(const ndn::Name& torrentFileName,
const std::string& dataPath)
: m_fileStates()
, m_torrentSegments()
, m_fileManifests()
, m_torrentFileName(torrentFileName)
, m_dataPath(dataPath)
, m_face(*(new ndn::Face()))
, m_retries(0)
, m_sortingCounter(0)
, m_keyChain(new KeyChain())
// Hardcoded prefixes for now
// TODO(Spyros): Think of something more clever to bootstrap...
m_stats_table_iter = m_statsTable.begin();
} // end ntorrent
} // end ndn