blob: 0536c17b9999af968e172f83dcbafa0771897695 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2016 Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of the nTorrent codebase.
* nTorrent is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* nTorrent is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser
* General Public License along with nTorrent, e.g., in file. If not, see
* <>.
* See AUTHORS for complete list of nTorrent authors and contributors.
#include "file-manifest.hpp"
#include <ndn-cxx/name.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/encoding/block.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/data.hpp>
#include <memory>
namespace ndn {
namespace ntorrent {
class TorrentFile : public Data {
class Error : public Data::Error
Error(const std::string& what)
: Data::Error(what)
* @brief Create a new empty TorrentFile.
TorrentFile() = default;
* @brief Create a new TorrentFile.
* @param torrentFileName The name of the torrent-file
* @param torrentFilePtr A pointer (name) to the next segment of the torrent-file
* @param commonPrefix The common name prefix of the manifest file names included in the catalog
* @param catalog The catalog containing the name of each file manifest
TorrentFile(const Name& torrentFileName,
const Name& torrentFilePtr,
const Name& commonPrefix,
const std::vector<ndn::Name>& catalog);
* @brief Create a new TorrentFile.
* @param torrentFileName The name of the torrent-file
* @param commonPrefix The common name prefix of the manifest file names included in the catalog
* @param catalog The catalog containing the name of each file manifest
TorrentFile(const Name& torrentFileName,
const Name& commonPrefix,
const std::vector<ndn::Name>& catalog);
* @brief Create a new TorrentFile
* @param block The block format of the torrent-file
TorrentFile(const Block& block);
* @brief Get the name of the TorrentFile
const Name&
getName() const;
* @brief Get the common prefix of the file manifest names of this torrent-file
const Name&
getCommonPrefix() const;
* @brief Get a shared pointer to the name of the next segment of the torrent-file.
* If there is no next segment, it returns a nullptr
getTorrentFilePtr() const;
* @brief Get the catalog of names of the file manifests
const std::vector<Name>&
getCatalog() const;
* @brief Get the segment number for this torrent file
getSegmentNumber() const;
* @brief Get the directory name for this torrent file
getTorrentFilePath() const;
* @brief Decode from wire format
wireDecode(const Block& wire);
* @brief Finalize torrent-file before signing the data packet
* This method has to be called (every time) right before signing or encoding
* the torrent-file
* @brief Insert a name to the catalog of file manifest names
insert(const Name& name);
* @brief Erase a name from the catalog of file manifest names
erase(const Name& name);
* @brief Get the size of the catalog of file manifest names
catalogSize() const;
* @brief Given a directory path for the torrent file, it generates the torrent file
* @param directoryPath The path to the directory for which we are to create a torrent-file
* @param torrentFilePrefix The prefix to be used for the name of this torrent-file
* @param namesPerSegment The number of manifest names to be included in each segment of the
* torrent-file
* @param returnData Determines whether the data would be returned in memory or it will be
* stored on disk without being returned
* Generates the torrent-file for the directory at the specified 'directoryPath',
* splitting the torrent-file into multiple segments, each one of which contains
* at most 'namesPerSegment' number of manifest names
static std::pair<std::vector<TorrentFile>,
generate(const std::string& directoryPath,
size_t namesPerSegment,
size_t subManifestSize,
size_t dataPacketSize,
bool returnData = false);
* @brief prepend torrent file as a Content block to the encoder
template<encoding::Tag TAG>
encodeContent(EncodingImpl<TAG>& encoder) const;
* @brief Check whether the torrent-file has a pointer to the next segment
hasTorrentFilePtr() const;
* @brief Create a catalog of suffixes for the names of the file manifests
* To optimize encoding and decoding, we encode the name of the file manifests
* as suffixes along with their common prefix.
* @brief Construct the catalog of long names from a catalog of suffixes for the file
* manifests' name
* After decoding a torrent-file from its wire format, we construct the catalog of
* long names from the decoded common prefix and suffixes
* @brief Insert a suffix to the suffix catalog
insertToSuffixCatalog(const PartialName& suffix);
* @brief Set the pointer of the current torrent-file segment to the next segment
setTorrentFilePtr(const Name& ptrName);
Name m_commonPrefix;
Name m_torrentFilePtr;
std::vector<ndn::Name> m_suffixCatalog;
std::vector<ndn::Name> m_catalog;
inline bool
TorrentFile::hasTorrentFilePtr() const
return !m_torrentFilePtr.empty();
inline const std::vector<Name>&
TorrentFile::getCatalog() const
return m_catalog;
inline size_t
TorrentFile::catalogSize() const
return m_catalog.size();
inline void
TorrentFile::insert(const Name& name)
inline void
TorrentFile::insertToSuffixCatalog(const PartialName& suffix)
inline void
TorrentFile::setTorrentFilePtr(const Name& ptrName)
m_torrentFilePtr = ptrName;
inline const Name&
TorrentFile::getName() const
return Data::getName();
inline const Name&
TorrentFile::getCommonPrefix() const
return m_commonPrefix;
inline std::string
TorrentFile::getTorrentFilePath() const
return (0 == getSegmentNumber() ? getFullName().get(-3) : getFullName().get(-4)).toUri();
inline size_t
TorrentFile::getSegmentNumber() const
const auto& lastComponent = getName().get(getName().size() - 1);
return lastComponent.isSequenceNumber() ? lastComponent.toSequenceNumber() : 0;
} // namespace ntorrent
} // namespace ndn