blob: 96f0358c2b242e75b98693cb15a20a3b6437f60d [file] [log] [blame]
In order to install **Mini-CCNx**, follow the steps below. All of them are required!
### What equipment will I need ?
Basically, you'll need a laptop/desktop with a recent Linux distro (Ubuntu, Fedora). We recommend Ubuntu. For this guide, the _Ubuntu 12.04 LTS_ was used. Also, note that you'll need administrative privileges in order to download and install extra packages and also to execute **Mini-CCNx**.
### Installing CCNx
Each node in **Mini-CCNx** will run the official implementation of CCNx. Let's get it.
In the [Project CCNx]( webpage, you'll find all the details for installing the CCNx. See [Installing CCNx]( To use **Mini-CCNx** you won't need to create the init script as outlined in the prior link. But please, pay attention to the necessary pre-requisite packages, as they are, indeed, necessary.
Now, to **Mini-CCNx** itself.
### Downloading and installing **Mini-CCNx**
If you don't have it yet, you'll need to have _git_ installed first. In Ubuntu, that would be:
`sudo apt-get install git`
Now, let's get the source code of **Mini-CCNx**.
Go to your home directory and use the following command:
`git clone git://`
As result, there will be a directory named _mn-ccnx_ in your home directory, containing all the source code.
Still in your home directory, use the utility install script with the _-fnv_ options:
`sudo ./mn-ccnx/util/ -fnv`
Pre-requisite packages will be downloaded and installed during the process.