blob: 64b371fe27626d38551cd1fa286d7323e8842429 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup github 1.0
name ccnx-trace
license GPL-3+
version 1.1.1
revision 0
categories net ccnx
platforms darwin
description traceroute-like functionality for CCNx
long_description The CCNx Trace is a tool with traceroute like functionality for CCNx. \
The CCNx code can be obtained at This tools is \
written for troubleshooting problems in a network of ccnx nodes. This \
tool can trace to a certain CCN URI, e.g, ccnx:/ndn/csu/netsec/index. \
The tool displays all routes to the namespace and problems at each route, \
if any. In this process, the tool bypasses the intermediate ccnx caches.
github.setup cawka ccnx-trace 1.1.1
checksums rmd160 fa569bf96d226c5317e1e518ace6b49eb4a05cba \
sha256 b59043944900a219c9f8852c46fdb3864bca6949776e668deff106537415f99e
#checksums rmd160 31d1b240cff0450c61acf7ca8884bd8121b4310e \
# sha256 2c04ad0a109c5f40f7ab11ee12193ce116a3e29c6e98a3d31e44620626430a53
use_autoreconf yes
use_configure yes
depends_lib-append port:ccnx
#patchfiles patch-Makefiles.diff
configure.args-append --with-ccnx=${prefix} \
post-patch {
reinplace "s|LOGFILE \"ccn_traced.log\"|LOGFILE \"${prefix}/var/log/ccn_traced.log\"|g" ${worksrcpath}/source/conf.h
reinplace "s|CCN_DIR \"/usr/local/bin/\"|CCN_DIR \"${prefix}/\"|g" ${worksrcpath}/source/conf.h
post-destroot {
system "echo \"su - ccnx -c '${prefix}/bin/ccn_traced'\" > \"${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ccn_traced-wrapper\""
file attributes "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ccn_traced-wrapper" -permissions 0755
post-activate {
touch "${prefix}/var/log/ccn_traced.log"
file attributes "${prefix}/var/log/ccn_traced.log" -owner ccnx -group ccnx
startupitem.executable "${prefix}/bin/ccn_traced-wrapper"
startupitem.create yes ${name}
startupitem.netchange no
startupitem.logevents yes
startupitem.logfile ${prefix}/var/log/ccnx-trace-events.log