blob: 4a4e1f9d4c8dc6092ef744b476085c87eac1052c [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup github 1.0
github.setup ProjectCCNx ccnx ccnx-0.7.0
checksums rmd160 534f622acf2c67b61b75cf4bbaec483a91c25be0 \
sha256 45c1e7c1c24774f41eedd6b7ceea30bacef148977602e85042a4b977371ad9e4
name ccnx
license GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+
version 0.7.0
revision 0
epoch 0
categories net ccnx
platforms darwin
description ProjectCCNx implementation of Content Centric Networking (CCN) / \
Named Data Networking (NDN) architecture
long_description Project CCNx(r) exists to develop, promote, and evaluate a new \
approach to communication architecture we call content-centric \
networking. We seek to carry out this mission by creating and \
publishing open protocol specifications and an open source \
software reference implementation of those protocols. We provide \
support for a community of people interested in experimentation, \
research, and building applications with this technology, all \
contributing to its evolution.
use_parallel_build no
depends_lib-append port:openssl \
port:expat \
port:libpcap \
port:libxml2 \
set ccnxuser ccnx
set ccnxgroup ccnx
set ccnxdir ${prefix}/etc/ccnx
add_users ${ccnxuser} shell=/bin/sh group=${ccnxgroup} \
home=${ccnxdir} \
realname=CCNx\ Account
default_variants +java +apps
variant java description {Enable Java API build} {
configure.env-delete BUILD_JAVA=false
variant apps requires java description {Enable build of reference applications} {
configure.env-delete BUILD_APPS=false
# patchfiles autoconfig.patch
post-patch {
reinplace "s|\$HOME/.ccnx/|${prefix}/etc/ccnx/|g" ${worksrcpath}/csrc/util/
configure.env-append OPENSSL_CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include \
OPENSSL_LIBS=-L${prefix}/lib \
INSTALL_BASE=${prefix} \
BUILD_JAVA=false \
BUILD_APPS=false \
configure.cflags -DCCNX_DIR=\\\"${prefix}/etc/ccnx\\\" -O0 -g
build.env-append OPENSSL_CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include \
OPENSSL_LIBS=-L${prefix}/lib \
INSTALL_BASE=${prefix} \
post-destroot {
# Create a configuration directory, which also a home directory for ${ccnxuser}
xinstall -d -o ${ccnxuser} -g ${ccnxgroup} "${destroot}${prefix}/etc/ccnx"
# Copy a sample ccnd.conf file
xinstall -o ${ccnxuser} -g ${ccnxgroup} \
${worksrcpath}/csrc/libexec/ccnd.conf.sample \
# Create a sample ccndrc file
system "echo CCND_LOG=${prefix}/var/log/ccnd.log > \"${destroot}${prefix}/etc/ccnx/ccndrc.sample\""
system "echo CCND_DEBUG=16 >> \"${destroot}${prefix}/etc/ccnx/ccndrc.sample\""
post-activate {
# log file needs to be owned by ${ccnxuser}, otherwise ccnd will not be able to write to it
file mkdir "${prefix}/var/log"
touch "${prefix}/var/log/ccnd.log"
file attributes "${prefix}/var/log/ccnd.log" -owner ${ccnxuser} -group ${ccnxgroup}
# Make sure initial conf files are present and setup correctly
foreach f { ccnd.conf ccndrc } {
if {![file exists ${prefix}/etc/ccnx/${f}]} {
file copy ${prefix}/etc/ccnx/${f}.sample \
startupitem.pidfile none
startupitem.start "su ${ccnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ccndstart\" && sleep 1 && \"${prefix}/bin/ccnd-autoconfig\""
startupitem.stop "su ${ccnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ccndstop\""
startupitem.restart "su ${ccnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ccndc -f ${prefix}/etc/ccnx/ccnd.conf\" && su ${ccnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ccnd-autoconfig\""
variant no_autoconf {
startupitem.start "su ${ccnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ccndstart\""
startupitem.restart "su ${ccnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ccndc -f ${prefix}/etc/ccnx/ccnd.conf\""
startupitem.create yes ${name}
startupitem.netchange yes
startupitem.logevents yes
startupitem.logfile ${prefix}/var/log/ccnx.log
notes "
If you want to run repo, please install and load a separate ccnx-repo package:
# port install ccnx-repo
# port load ccnx-repo
For more information and documentation, refer to man pages and website.