| #! /usr/bin/env python |
| # encoding: utf-8 |
| # WARNING! Do not edit! http://waf.googlecode.com/git/docs/wafbook/single.html#_obtaining_the_waf_file |
| |
| import os,sys |
| from waflib.TaskGen import feature,after_method |
| from waflib import Utils,Task,Logs,Options |
| testlock=Utils.threading.Lock() |
| @feature('test') |
| @after_method('apply_link') |
| def make_test(self): |
| if getattr(self,'link_task',None): |
| self.create_task('utest',self.link_task.outputs) |
| class utest(Task.Task): |
| color='PINK' |
| after=['vnum','inst'] |
| vars=[] |
| def runnable_status(self): |
| if getattr(Options.options,'no_tests',False): |
| return Task.SKIP_ME |
| ret=super(utest,self).runnable_status() |
| if ret==Task.SKIP_ME: |
| if getattr(Options.options,'all_tests',False): |
| return Task.RUN_ME |
| return ret |
| def run(self): |
| filename=self.inputs[0].abspath() |
| self.ut_exec=getattr(self.generator,'ut_exec',[filename]) |
| if getattr(self.generator,'ut_fun',None): |
| self.generator.ut_fun(self) |
| try: |
| fu=getattr(self.generator.bld,'all_test_paths') |
| except AttributeError: |
| fu=os.environ.copy() |
| lst=[] |
| for g in self.generator.bld.groups: |
| for tg in g: |
| if getattr(tg,'link_task',None): |
| s=tg.link_task.outputs[0].parent.abspath() |
| if s not in lst: |
| lst.append(s) |
| def add_path(dct,path,var): |
| dct[var]=os.pathsep.join(Utils.to_list(path)+[os.environ.get(var,'')]) |
| if Utils.is_win32: |
| add_path(fu,lst,'PATH') |
| elif Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()=='darwin': |
| add_path(fu,lst,'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH') |
| add_path(fu,lst,'LD_LIBRARY_PATH') |
| else: |
| add_path(fu,lst,'LD_LIBRARY_PATH') |
| self.generator.bld.all_test_paths=fu |
| cwd=getattr(self.generator,'ut_cwd','')or self.inputs[0].parent.abspath() |
| testcmd=getattr(Options.options,'testcmd',False) |
| if testcmd: |
| self.ut_exec=(testcmd%self.ut_exec[0]).split(' ') |
| proc=Utils.subprocess.Popen(self.ut_exec,cwd=cwd,env=fu,stderr=Utils.subprocess.PIPE,stdout=Utils.subprocess.PIPE) |
| (stdout,stderr)=proc.communicate() |
| tup=(filename,proc.returncode,stdout,stderr) |
| self.generator.utest_result=tup |
| testlock.acquire() |
| try: |
| bld=self.generator.bld |
| Logs.debug("ut: %r",tup) |
| try: |
| bld.utest_results.append(tup) |
| except AttributeError: |
| bld.utest_results=[tup] |
| finally: |
| testlock.release() |
| def summary(bld): |
| lst=getattr(bld,'utest_results',[]) |
| if lst: |
| Logs.pprint('CYAN','execution summary') |
| total=len(lst) |
| tfail=len([x for x in lst if x[1]]) |
| Logs.pprint('CYAN',' tests that pass %d/%d'%(total-tfail,total)) |
| for(f,code,out,err)in lst: |
| if not code: |
| Logs.pprint('CYAN',' %s'%f) |
| Logs.pprint('CYAN',' tests that fail %d/%d'%(tfail,total)) |
| for(f,code,out,err)in lst: |
| if code: |
| Logs.pprint('CYAN',' %s'%f) |
| def set_exit_code(bld): |
| lst=getattr(bld,'utest_results',[]) |
| for(f,code,out,err)in lst: |
| if code: |
| msg=[] |
| if out: |
| msg.append('stdout:%s%s'%(os.linesep,out.decode('utf-8'))) |
| if err: |
| msg.append('stderr:%s%s'%(os.linesep,err.decode('utf-8'))) |
| bld.fatal(os.linesep.join(msg)) |
| def options(opt): |
| opt.add_option('--notests',action='store_true',default=False,help='Exec no unit tests',dest='no_tests') |
| opt.add_option('--alltests',action='store_true',default=False,help='Exec all unit tests',dest='all_tests') |
| opt.add_option('--testcmd',action='store',default=False,help='Run the unit tests using the test-cmd string'' example "--test-cmd="valgrind --error-exitcode=1'' %s" to run under valgrind',dest='testcmd') |