| #! /usr/bin/env python |
| # encoding: utf-8 |
| # WARNING! Do not edit! http://waf.googlecode.com/git/docs/wafbook/single.html#_obtaining_the_waf_file |
| |
| import os,re,sys,shutil |
| from waflib import Utils,Errors |
| exclude_regs=''' |
| **/*~ |
| **/#*# |
| **/.#* |
| **/%*% |
| **/._* |
| **/CVS |
| **/CVS/** |
| **/.cvsignore |
| **/SCCS |
| **/SCCS/** |
| **/vssver.scc |
| **/.svn |
| **/.svn/** |
| **/BitKeeper |
| **/.git |
| **/.git/** |
| **/.gitignore |
| **/.bzr |
| **/.bzrignore |
| **/.bzr/** |
| **/.hg |
| **/.hg/** |
| **/_MTN |
| **/_MTN/** |
| **/.arch-ids |
| **/{arch} |
| **/_darcs |
| **/_darcs/** |
| **/.intlcache |
| **/.DS_Store''' |
| def split_path(path): |
| return path.split('/') |
| def split_path_cygwin(path): |
| if path.startswith('//'): |
| ret=path.split('/')[2:] |
| ret[0]='/'+ret[0] |
| return ret |
| return path.split('/') |
| re_sp=re.compile('[/\\\\]') |
| def split_path_win32(path): |
| if path.startswith('\\\\'): |
| ret=re.split(re_sp,path)[2:] |
| ret[0]='\\'+ret[0] |
| return ret |
| return re.split(re_sp,path) |
| if sys.platform=='cygwin': |
| split_path=split_path_cygwin |
| elif Utils.is_win32: |
| split_path=split_path_win32 |
| class Node(object): |
| __slots__=('name','sig','children','parent','cache_abspath','cache_isdir','cache_sig') |
| def __init__(self,name,parent): |
| self.name=name |
| self.parent=parent |
| if parent: |
| if name in parent.children: |
| raise Errors.WafError('node %s exists in the parent files %r already'%(name,parent)) |
| parent.children[name]=self |
| def __setstate__(self,data): |
| self.name=data[0] |
| self.parent=data[1] |
| if data[2]is not None: |
| self.children=data[2] |
| if data[3]is not None: |
| self.sig=data[3] |
| def __getstate__(self): |
| return(self.name,self.parent,getattr(self,'children',None),getattr(self,'sig',None)) |
| def __str__(self): |
| return self.name |
| def __repr__(self): |
| return self.abspath() |
| def __hash__(self): |
| return id(self) |
| def __eq__(self,node): |
| return id(self)==id(node) |
| def __copy__(self): |
| raise Errors.WafError('nodes are not supposed to be copied') |
| def read(self,flags='r',encoding='ISO8859-1'): |
| return Utils.readf(self.abspath(),flags,encoding) |
| def write(self,data,flags='w',encoding='ISO8859-1'): |
| Utils.writef(self.abspath(),data,flags,encoding) |
| def chmod(self,val): |
| os.chmod(self.abspath(),val) |
| def delete(self): |
| try: |
| if hasattr(self,'children'): |
| shutil.rmtree(self.abspath()) |
| else: |
| os.remove(self.abspath()) |
| except OSError: |
| pass |
| self.evict() |
| def evict(self): |
| del self.parent.children[self.name] |
| def suffix(self): |
| k=max(0,self.name.rfind('.')) |
| return self.name[k:] |
| def height(self): |
| d=self |
| val=-1 |
| while d: |
| d=d.parent |
| val+=1 |
| return val |
| def listdir(self): |
| lst=Utils.listdir(self.abspath()) |
| lst.sort() |
| return lst |
| def mkdir(self): |
| if getattr(self,'cache_isdir',None): |
| return |
| try: |
| self.parent.mkdir() |
| except OSError: |
| pass |
| if self.name: |
| try: |
| os.makedirs(self.abspath()) |
| except OSError: |
| pass |
| if not os.path.isdir(self.abspath()): |
| raise Errors.WafError('Could not create the directory %s'%self.abspath()) |
| try: |
| self.children |
| except AttributeError: |
| self.children={} |
| self.cache_isdir=True |
| def find_node(self,lst): |
| if isinstance(lst,str): |
| lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.'] |
| cur=self |
| for x in lst: |
| if x=='..': |
| cur=cur.parent or cur |
| continue |
| try: |
| ch=cur.children |
| except AttributeError: |
| cur.children={} |
| else: |
| try: |
| cur=cur.children[x] |
| continue |
| except KeyError: |
| pass |
| cur=self.__class__(x,cur) |
| try: |
| os.stat(cur.abspath()) |
| except OSError: |
| cur.evict() |
| return None |
| ret=cur |
| try: |
| os.stat(ret.abspath()) |
| except OSError: |
| ret.evict() |
| return None |
| try: |
| while not getattr(cur.parent,'cache_isdir',None): |
| cur=cur.parent |
| cur.cache_isdir=True |
| except AttributeError: |
| pass |
| return ret |
| def make_node(self,lst): |
| if isinstance(lst,str): |
| lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.'] |
| cur=self |
| for x in lst: |
| if x=='..': |
| cur=cur.parent or cur |
| continue |
| if getattr(cur,'children',{}): |
| if x in cur.children: |
| cur=cur.children[x] |
| continue |
| else: |
| cur.children={} |
| cur=self.__class__(x,cur) |
| return cur |
| def search_node(self,lst): |
| if isinstance(lst,str): |
| lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.'] |
| cur=self |
| for x in lst: |
| if x=='..': |
| cur=cur.parent or cur |
| else: |
| try: |
| cur=cur.children[x] |
| except(AttributeError,KeyError): |
| return None |
| return cur |
| def path_from(self,node): |
| c1=self |
| c2=node |
| c1h=c1.height() |
| c2h=c2.height() |
| lst=[] |
| up=0 |
| while c1h>c2h: |
| lst.append(c1.name) |
| c1=c1.parent |
| c1h-=1 |
| while c2h>c1h: |
| up+=1 |
| c2=c2.parent |
| c2h-=1 |
| while id(c1)!=id(c2): |
| lst.append(c1.name) |
| up+=1 |
| c1=c1.parent |
| c2=c2.parent |
| for i in range(up): |
| lst.append('..') |
| lst.reverse() |
| return os.sep.join(lst)or'.' |
| def abspath(self): |
| try: |
| return self.cache_abspath |
| except AttributeError: |
| pass |
| if os.sep=='/': |
| if not self.parent: |
| val=os.sep |
| elif not self.parent.name: |
| val=os.sep+self.name |
| else: |
| val=self.parent.abspath()+os.sep+self.name |
| else: |
| if not self.parent: |
| val='' |
| elif not self.parent.name: |
| val=self.name+os.sep |
| else: |
| val=self.parent.abspath().rstrip(os.sep)+os.sep+self.name |
| self.cache_abspath=val |
| return val |
| def is_child_of(self,node): |
| p=self |
| diff=self.height()-node.height() |
| while diff>0: |
| diff-=1 |
| p=p.parent |
| return id(p)==id(node) |
| def ant_iter(self,accept=None,maxdepth=25,pats=[],dir=False,src=True,remove=True): |
| dircont=self.listdir() |
| dircont.sort() |
| try: |
| lst=set(self.children.keys()) |
| except AttributeError: |
| self.children={} |
| else: |
| if remove: |
| for x in lst-set(dircont): |
| self.children[x].evict() |
| for name in dircont: |
| npats=accept(name,pats) |
| if npats and npats[0]: |
| accepted=[]in npats[0] |
| node=self.make_node([name]) |
| isdir=os.path.isdir(node.abspath()) |
| if accepted: |
| if isdir: |
| if dir: |
| yield node |
| else: |
| if src: |
| yield node |
| if getattr(node,'cache_isdir',None)or isdir: |
| node.cache_isdir=True |
| if maxdepth: |
| for k in node.ant_iter(accept=accept,maxdepth=maxdepth-1,pats=npats,dir=dir,src=src,remove=remove): |
| yield k |
| raise StopIteration |
| def ant_glob(self,*k,**kw): |
| src=kw.get('src',True) |
| dir=kw.get('dir',False) |
| excl=kw.get('excl',exclude_regs) |
| incl=k and k[0]or kw.get('incl','**') |
| reflags=kw.get('ignorecase',0)and re.I |
| def to_pat(s): |
| lst=Utils.to_list(s) |
| ret=[] |
| for x in lst: |
| x=x.replace('\\','/').replace('//','/') |
| if x.endswith('/'): |
| x+='**' |
| lst2=x.split('/') |
| accu=[] |
| for k in lst2: |
| if k=='**': |
| accu.append(k) |
| else: |
| k=k.replace('.','[.]').replace('*','.*').replace('?','.').replace('+','\\+') |
| k='^%s$'%k |
| try: |
| accu.append(re.compile(k,flags=reflags)) |
| except Exception ,e: |
| raise Errors.WafError("Invalid pattern: %s"%k,e) |
| ret.append(accu) |
| return ret |
| def filtre(name,nn): |
| ret=[] |
| for lst in nn: |
| if not lst: |
| pass |
| elif lst[0]=='**': |
| ret.append(lst) |
| if len(lst)>1: |
| if lst[1].match(name): |
| ret.append(lst[2:]) |
| else: |
| ret.append([]) |
| elif lst[0].match(name): |
| ret.append(lst[1:]) |
| return ret |
| def accept(name,pats): |
| nacc=filtre(name,pats[0]) |
| nrej=filtre(name,pats[1]) |
| if[]in nrej: |
| nacc=[] |
| return[nacc,nrej] |
| ret=[x for x in self.ant_iter(accept=accept,pats=[to_pat(incl),to_pat(excl)],maxdepth=25,dir=dir,src=src,remove=kw.get('remove',True))] |
| if kw.get('flat',False): |
| return' '.join([x.path_from(self)for x in ret]) |
| return ret |
| def is_src(self): |
| cur=self |
| x=id(self.ctx.srcnode) |
| y=id(self.ctx.bldnode) |
| while cur.parent: |
| if id(cur)==y: |
| return False |
| if id(cur)==x: |
| return True |
| cur=cur.parent |
| return False |
| def is_bld(self): |
| cur=self |
| y=id(self.ctx.bldnode) |
| while cur.parent: |
| if id(cur)==y: |
| return True |
| cur=cur.parent |
| return False |
| def get_src(self): |
| cur=self |
| x=id(self.ctx.srcnode) |
| y=id(self.ctx.bldnode) |
| lst=[] |
| while cur.parent: |
| if id(cur)==y: |
| lst.reverse() |
| return self.ctx.srcnode.make_node(lst) |
| if id(cur)==x: |
| return self |
| lst.append(cur.name) |
| cur=cur.parent |
| return self |
| def get_bld(self): |
| cur=self |
| x=id(self.ctx.srcnode) |
| y=id(self.ctx.bldnode) |
| lst=[] |
| while cur.parent: |
| if id(cur)==y: |
| return self |
| if id(cur)==x: |
| lst.reverse() |
| return self.ctx.bldnode.make_node(lst) |
| lst.append(cur.name) |
| cur=cur.parent |
| lst.reverse() |
| if lst and Utils.is_win32 and len(lst[0])==2 and lst[0].endswith(':'): |
| lst[0]=lst[0][0] |
| return self.ctx.bldnode.make_node(['__root__']+lst) |
| def find_resource(self,lst): |
| if isinstance(lst,str): |
| lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.'] |
| node=self.get_bld().search_node(lst) |
| if not node: |
| self=self.get_src() |
| node=self.find_node(lst) |
| if node: |
| if os.path.isdir(node.abspath()): |
| return None |
| return node |
| def find_or_declare(self,lst): |
| if isinstance(lst,str): |
| lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.'] |
| node=self.get_bld().search_node(lst) |
| if node: |
| if not os.path.isfile(node.abspath()): |
| node.sig=None |
| node.parent.mkdir() |
| return node |
| self=self.get_src() |
| node=self.find_node(lst) |
| if node: |
| if not os.path.isfile(node.abspath()): |
| node.sig=None |
| node.parent.mkdir() |
| return node |
| node=self.get_bld().make_node(lst) |
| node.parent.mkdir() |
| return node |
| def find_dir(self,lst): |
| if isinstance(lst,str): |
| lst=[x for x in split_path(lst)if x and x!='.'] |
| node=self.find_node(lst) |
| try: |
| if not os.path.isdir(node.abspath()): |
| return None |
| except(OSError,AttributeError): |
| return None |
| return node |
| def change_ext(self,ext,ext_in=None): |
| name=self.name |
| if ext_in is None: |
| k=name.rfind('.') |
| if k>=0: |
| name=name[:k]+ext |
| else: |
| name=name+ext |
| else: |
| name=name[:-len(ext_in)]+ext |
| return self.parent.find_or_declare([name]) |
| def nice_path(self,env=None): |
| return self.path_from(self.ctx.launch_node()) |
| def bldpath(self): |
| return self.path_from(self.ctx.bldnode) |
| def srcpath(self): |
| return self.path_from(self.ctx.srcnode) |
| def relpath(self): |
| cur=self |
| x=id(self.ctx.bldnode) |
| while cur.parent: |
| if id(cur)==x: |
| return self.bldpath() |
| cur=cur.parent |
| return self.srcpath() |
| def bld_dir(self): |
| return self.parent.bldpath() |
| def bld_base(self): |
| s=os.path.splitext(self.name)[0] |
| return self.bld_dir()+os.sep+s |
| def get_bld_sig(self): |
| try: |
| return self.cache_sig |
| except AttributeError: |
| pass |
| if not self.is_bld()or self.ctx.bldnode is self.ctx.srcnode: |
| self.sig=Utils.h_file(self.abspath()) |
| self.cache_sig=ret=self.sig |
| return ret |
| search=search_node |
| pickle_lock=Utils.threading.Lock() |
| class Nod3(Node): |
| pass |