blob: fccad90c324ce60514af43c8b2bfebee5bc4ab0e [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
When using this tool, the wscript will look like:
def options(opt):
def configure(conf):
conf.load('compiler_c ndnx')
def build(bld):
bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='NDNX')
Options are generated, in order to specify the location of ndnx includes/libraries.
import sys, re
from waflib import Utils, Logs, Errors, Options, ConfigSet
from waflib.Configure import conf
#include <ndn/ndn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() { printf ("%d.%d.%d", ((NDN_API_VERSION/100000) % 100), ((NDN_API_VERSION/1000) % 100), (NDN_API_VERSION % 1000)); return 0; }
def __ndnx_get_version_file(self,dir):
# Logs.pprint ('CYAN', ' + %s/%s/%s' % (dir, 'include', NDNX_VERSION_FILE))
return self.root.find_dir(dir).find_node('%s/%s' % ('include', NDNX_VERSION_FILE))
return None
def ndnx_get_version(self,dir):
val=self.check_cc(fragment=NDNX_VERSION_CODE,includes=['%s/%s' % (dir, 'include')],execute=True,define_ret = True, mandatory=True)
return val
def ndnx_get_root(self,*k,**kw):
root=Options.options.ndnx_dir or (k and k[0]) or kw.get('path',None)
if root:
if self.__ndnx_get_version_file(root):
return root
self.fatal('NDNx not found in %s'%root)
for dir in NDNX_DIR:
if self.__ndnx_get_version_file(dir):
return dir
self.fatal('NDNx not found, please provide a --ndnx argument (see help)')
def check_openssl(self,*k,**kw):
root = k and k[0] or kw.get('path',None) or Options.options.openssl
mandatory = kw.get('mandatory', True)
var = kw.get('var', 'SSL')
CODE = """
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf ("%s", argv[0]);
return 0;
if root:
testApp = self.check_cc (lib=['ssl', 'crypto'],
define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
mandatory = mandatory,
cflags="-I%s/include" % root,
linkflags="-L%s/lib" % root,
execute = True, fragment = CODE, define_ret = True)
testApp = libcrypto = self.check_cc (lib=['ssl', 'crypto'],
define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
mandatory = mandatory,
execute = True, fragment = CODE, define_ret = True)
if not testApp:
self.start_msg ('Checking if selected openssl matches NDNx')
ndn_var = kw.get('ndn_var', "NDNX")
if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin":
def otool (binary):
p = Utils.subprocess.Popen (['/usr/bin/otool', '-L', binary],
stdout = Utils.subprocess.PIPE, )
for line in p.communicate()[0].split ('\n'):
if re.match ('.*/libcrypto\..*', line):
return line
selected_crypto = otool (testApp)
ndnd_crypto = otool ('%s/bin/ndnd' % self.env['%s_ROOT' % ndn_var])
if ndnd_crypto != selected_crypto:
self.fatal ("Selected openssl does not match used to compile NDNx (%s != %s)" %
(selected_crypto.strip (), ndnd_crypto.strip ()))
self.end_msg (True)
elif Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "linux" or Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "freebsd":
def ldd (binary):
p = Utils.subprocess.Popen (['/usr/bin/ldd', binary],
stdout = Utils.subprocess.PIPE, )
for line in p.communicate()[0].split ('\n'):
if re.match ('libcrypto\..*', line):
return line
selected_crypto = ldd (testApp)
ndnd_crypto = ldd ('%s/bin/ndnd' % self.env['%s_ROOT' % ndn_var])
if ndnd_crypto != selected_crypto:
self.fatal ("Selected openssl does not match used to compile NDNx (%s != %s)" %
(selected_crypto.strip (), ndnd_crypto.strip ()))
self.end_msg (True)
self.end_msg ("Don't know how to check", 'YELLOW')
def check_ndnx(self,*k,**kw):
if not self.env['CC']:
self.fatal('load a c compiler first, conf.load("compiler_c")')
var=kw.get('uselib_store', 'NDNX')
self.start_msg('Checking for NDNx')
root = self.ndnx_get_root(*k,**kw);
self.env['INCLUDES_%s' % var]= '%s/%s' % (root, "include");
self.env['LIB_%s' % var] = "ndn"
self.env['LIBPATH_%s' % var] = '%s/%s' % (root, "lib")
self.env['%s_ROOT' % var] = root
self.end_msg("%s in %s " % (self.env.NDNX_VERSION, root))
if Logs.verbose:
Logs.pprint('CYAN',' NDNx include : %s'%self.env['INCLUDES_%s' % var])
Logs.pprint('CYAN',' NDNx lib : %s'%self.env['LIB_%s' % var])
Logs.pprint('CYAN',' NDNx libpath : %s'%self.env['LIBPATH_%s' % var])
def options(opt):
NDNx options
ndnopt = opt.add_option_group("NDNx Options")
ndnopt.add_option('--ndnx',type='string',default=None,dest='ndnx_dir',help='''path to where NDNx is installed, e.g. /usr/local''')
ndnopt.add_option('--openssl',type='string',default='',dest='openssl',help='''path to openssl, should be the same NDNx is compiled against''')