blob: 2ddb1e45766197d8614660508005d8ae1cb77d39 [file] [log] [blame]
; the general section contains all the general settings for router
; mandatory configuration command section network, site and router
network /ndn/ ; name of the network the router belongs to in ndn URI format
site /edu/memphis ; name of the site the router belongs to in ndn URI format
router /%C1.Router/cs/pollux ; name of the router in ndn URI format
; lsa-refresh-time is the time in seconds, after which router will refresh its LSAs
lsa-refresh-time 1800 ; default value 1800. Valid values 240-7200
; router-dead-interval is the time in seconds after which an inactive router's
; LSAs are removed
;router-dead-interval 3600 ; default value: 2*lsa-refresh-time. Value must be larger
; than lsa-refresh-time
; InterestLifetime (in seconds) for LSA fetching
lsa-interest-lifetime 4 ; default value 4. Valid values 1-60
; log-level is used to set the logging level for NLSR.
; All debugging levels listed above the selected value are enabled.
; Valid values:
; NONE ; no messages
; ERROR ; error messages
; WARN ; warning messages
; INFO ; informational messages (default)
; DEBUG ; debugging messages
; TRACE ; trace messages (most verbose)
; ALL ; all messages
log-level INFO
log-dir /var/log/nlsr/ ; path for log directory (Absolute path)
seq-dir /var/lib/nlsr/ ; path for sequence directory (Absolute path)
;log4cxx-conf /path/to/log4cxx-conf ; path for log4cxx configuration file (Absolute path)
; the neighbors section contains the configuration for router's neighbors and hello's behavior
; in case hello interest timed out, router will try 'hello-retries' times at 'hello-timeout'
; seconds interval before giving up for any neighbors (deciding link is down)
hello-retries 3 ; interest retries number in integer. Default value 3
; valid values 1-10
hello-timeout 1 ; interest time out value in integer. Default value 1
; Valid values 1-15
hello-interval 60 ; interest sending interval in seconds. Default value 60
; valid values 30-90
; adj-lsa-build-interval is the time to wait in seconds after an Adjacency LSA build is scheduled
; before actually building the Adjacency LSA
adj-lsa-build-interval 5 ; default value 5. Valid values 0-5. It is recommended that
; adj-lsa-build-interval have a lower value than routing-calc-interval
; first-hello-interval is the time to wait in seconds before sending the first Hello Interest
first-hello-interval 10 ; Default value 10. Valid values 0-10
; neighbor command is used to configure router's neighbor. Each neighbor will need
; one block of neighbor command
name /ndn/edu/memphis/%C1.Router/cs/castor ; name prefix of the neighbor router consists
; of network, site-name and router-name
face-uri udp:// ; face uri of the face connected to the neighbor
link-cost 25 ; cost of the connecting link to neighbor
name /ndn/edu/memphis/%C1.Router/cs/mira ; name prefix of the neighbor router consists
; of network, site-name and router-name
face-uri udp:// ; face uri of the face connected to the neighbor
link-cost 30 ; cost of the connecting link to neighbor
; the hyperbolic section contains the configuration settings of enabling a router to calculate
; routing table using [hyperbolic routing table calculation]( method
; commands in this section follows a strict order
; the switch is used to set hyperbolic routing calculation in NLSR
state off ; default value 'off', set value 'on' to enable hyperbolic routing table
; calculation which turns link state routing 'off'. set value to 'dry-run"
; to test hyperbolic routing and compare with link state routing.
radius 123.456 ; radius of the router in hyperbolic coordinate system
angle 1.45 ; angle of the router in hyperbolic coordinate system
; the fib section is used to configure fib entry's type to ndn FIB updated by NLSR
; the max-faces-per-prefix is used to limit the number of faces for each name prefixes
; by NLSR in ndn FIB
max-faces-per-prefix 3 ; default value 0. Valid value 0-60. By default (value 0) NLSR adds
; all available faces for each reachable name prefixes in NDN FIB
; routing-calc-interval is the time to wait in seconds after a routing table calculation is
; scheduled before actually performing the routing table calculation
routing-calc-interval 15 ; default value 15. Valid values 0-15. It is recommended that
; routing-calc-interval have a higher value than adj-lsa-build-interval
; the advertising section contains the configuration settings of the name prefixes
; hosted by this router
; the ndnname is used to advertised name from the router. To advertise each name prefix
; configure one block of ndnname configuration command for every name prefix.
prefix /ndn/edu/memphis/cs/netlab ; name in ndn URI format
prefix /ndn/edu/memphis/sports/basketball
id "NSLR Hello Rule"
for data
type name
regex ^[^<NLSR><INFO>]*<NLSR><INFO><><>$
type customized
sig-type rsa-sha256
type name
k-regex ^([^<KEY><NLSR>]*)<NLSR><KEY><ksk-.*><ID-CERT>$
k-expand \\1
h-relation equal
p-regex ^([^<NLSR><INFO>]*)<NLSR><INFO><><>$
p-expand \\1
id "NSLR LSA Rule"
for data
type name
regex ^[^<NLSR><LSA>]*<NLSR><LSA>
type customized
sig-type rsa-sha256
type name
k-regex ^([^<KEY><NLSR>]*)<NLSR><KEY><ksk-.*><ID-CERT>$
k-expand \\1
h-relation equal
p-regex ^([^<NLSR><LSA>]*)<NLSR><LSA>(<>*)<><><>$
p-expand \\1\\2
id "NSLR Hierarchy Exception Rule"
for data
type name
regex ^[^<KEY><%C1.Router>]*<%C1.Router>[^<KEY><NLSR>]*<KEY><ksk-.*><ID-CERT><>$
type customized
sig-type rsa-sha256
type name
k-regex ^([^<KEY><%C1.Operator>]*)<%C1.Operator>[^<KEY>]*<KEY><ksk-.*><ID-CERT>$
k-expand \\1
h-relation equal
p-regex ^([^<KEY><%C1.Router>]*)<%C1.Router>[^<KEY>]*<KEY><ksk-.*><ID-CERT><>$
p-expand \\1
id "NSLR Hierarchical Rule"
for data
type name
regex ^[^<KEY>]*<KEY><ksk-.*><ID-CERT><>$
type hierarchical
sig-type rsa-sha256
type file
file-name "root.cert"
; cert-to-publish "root.cert" ; optional, a file containing the root certificate
; Only the router that is designated to publish the root cert
; needs to specify this
; cert-to-publish "site.cert" ; optional, a file containing the site certificate
; Only the router that is designated to publish the site cert
; needs to specify this
; cert-to-publish "operator.cert" ; optional, a file containing the operator certificate
; Only the router that is designated to publish the operator
; cert needs to specify this
cert-to-publish "router.cert" ; required, a file containing the router certificate.