blob: 1db6cf37afa585d74bab2cebc6682da9fc482ed6 [file] [log] [blame]
nlsrc [-h] [-V] COMMAND [<Command Options>]
``nlsrc`` is a tool to retrieve link-state database (LSDB) status information from NLSR and
announce/withdraw Name prefixes advertised by NLSR.
Print usage information
Show NLSRC version information
Retrieve LSDB status information
Add a Name prefix to be advertised by NLSR
``advertise <name>``
The Name prefix to be advertised
Remove a Name prefix advertised through NLSR
``withdraw <name>``
The Name prefix to be withdrawn
Exit Status
nlsrc exits with one of the following values:
0 nlsrc exited successfully
>0 An error occurred