| nlsrc [-h] [-V] COMMAND [<Command Options>] |
| ``nlsrc`` is a tool to retrieve link-state database (LSDB) status information from NLSR and |
| announce/withdraw Name prefixes advertised by NLSR. |
| Show NLSRC version information |
| Retrieve LSDB status information |
| Retrieve routing table status information |
| Retrieve LSDB status and routing table status information |
| Add a Name prefix to be advertised by NLSR |
| The Name prefix to be advertised |
| Remove a Name prefix advertised through NLSR |
| The Name prefix to be withdrawn |
| When security is enabled, NLSR will not be allowed to successfully |
| advertise/withdraw names without first setting a default identity of operator. |
| If default identity is not set as operator, the user will be presented with the |
| error message: “Name prefix update error (code: 403)”. To remedy this |
| issue, use command 'ndn-sec-default'. |
| ndnsec-set-default /ndn/a-site/%C1.Operator/op |
| nlsrc exits with one of the following values: |
| 0 nlsrc exited successfully |