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| \title{NLSR Developer's Guide} |
| \author[1]{Vince Lehman, Muktadir Chowdhury, Nicholas Gordon, Ashlesh Gawande} |
| |
| \affil[1]{University of Memphis} |
| |
| %\date{NFD Team} |
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| %NDN, Technical Report NDN-0021. \url{http://named-data.net/techreports.html}} |
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| \begin{document} |
| \maketitle |
| |
| \begin{abstract} |
| The Named Data Link-State Routing Protocol (NLSR) is a Named Data Networking (NDN) routing protocol that populates NDN Forwarding Daemon's (NFD) Routing Information Base (RIB). |
| The main design goal of NLSR is to provide a routing protocol to populate NFD's RIB and Forwarding Information Base (FIB). |
| NLSR calculates the routing table using link-state or hyperbolic routing and produces multiple faces for each reachable name prefix in a single authoritative domain. |
| NLSR will continue to evolve alongside the NDN protocol, NFD, and ndn-cxx. |
| This document is meant to explain the design of NLSR including major module and data structures descriptions and the interactions between those components. |
| |
| \end{abstract} |
| |
| \tableofcontents |
| \clearpage |
| |
| \input{intro} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{hello-protocol} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{sync-logic} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{lsas} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{lsdb} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{routing-table} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{npt} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{fib} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{prefix-update} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{nfd-rib-command-processor} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{lsdb-status-dataset} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{security} |
| \clearpage |
| \input{configuration} |
| \clearpage |
| |
| \phantomsection |
| \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References} |
| |
| \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} |
| \bibliography{nlsr} |
| |
| \end{document} |