blob: bd76dfb20d226311a697e8d010a42a16879a6de1 [file] [log] [blame]
NFD version 0.1.0
Release date: May 7, 2014
This is an incomplete list of features that are implemented in NFD version 0.1.0.
- **Packet Format**
+ `NDN-TLV <>`__
+ LocalControlHeader, to allow apps to set outgoing face and learn incoming face
- **Faces**
+ Unix stream socket
+ UDP unicast
+ UDP multicast
+ Ethernet, currently without fragmentation.
.. note::
Ethernet support will not work properly on Linux kernels with TPACKET_V3 flexible
buffer implementation (>= 3.2.0) and libpcap >= 1.5.0 (e.g., Ubuntu Linux 14.04).
Refer to :issue:`1551` for more details and implementation progress.
- **Management**
+ Use of signed Interests as commands, with authentication and authorization.
+ Face management
+ FIB management
+ Per-namespace strategy selection
+ NFD status publishing
+ Notification to authorized apps of internal events, including Face creation and destruction.
- **Tables and forwarding pipelines** support most Interest/Data processing, including
- **RIB Management** that runs as a separate process, ``nrd``. It supports basic prefix
registration by applications, but no flags yet.
- **Strategies**
+ ``broadcast``
+ ``best-route``
+ ``ncc``: based on ccnx 0.7 for experimentation
+ ``client-control``: authorized application can directly control Interest forwarding
- **Name-based scoping**
+ ``/localhost``: communication only within localhost using "local" Faces
(UnixStreamFace, LocalTcpFace). NFD will strictly enforce this scope for Interests
and Data packets
+ ``/localhop``: one-hop communication (e.g., if at least one incoming or outgoing Face
in PIT entry is non-local, the Interest cannot be forwarded to any non-local Face)
- **Support configuration file**, which is in the Boost INFO format.
- **Applications**
+ Tools to discover hubs on NDN testbed.
+ peek/poke and traffic generators for testing and debugging.
+ ``nfdc``, a command-line tool to configure NFD.
+ ``nfd-status``, a command-line tool to query NFD status.
+ ``nfd-status-http-server``, which reads the NFD status and publishes over HTTP.
Planned Functions and Features for Next Releases
A packet sent back by a producer or a router to signal the unavailability of a requested
Data packet. The protocol specification for NACK is in progress.
- New strategies
Additional strategies, including self-learning that populates the FIB by observing
Interest and Data exchange.
- Hop-by-hop Interest limit mechanism
For congestion control
- Face enhancements
Add faces for new underlying protocols such as WiFi direct.
Introduce the concept of "permanent faces" that can survive socket errors.
Design a new hop-by-hop header that supports fragmentation, reliability improvement, etc.
- Tables
Experiment and evaluate different data structures and algorithms.
- RIB management
Move to more scalable data structures and support all flags in prefix registrations.
- Tunnel management
For hub nodes to authenticate incoming tunnel requests and maintain the tunnels.
- Extensible name-based scoping
Configurable organization-based scoping