blob: 9a4c6ed916f8eb118c4ade85c3c44eb5fec5edea [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2014-2022, Regents of the University of California,
* Arizona Board of Regents,
* Colorado State University,
* University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
* Washington University in St. Louis,
* Beijing Institute of Technology,
* The University of Memphis.
* This file is part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon).
* See for complete list of NFD authors and contributors.
* NFD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* NFD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* NFD, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
#include "cs-entry.hpp"
namespace nfd {
namespace cs {
class Cs;
* \brief Represents a CS replacement policy
class Policy : noncopyable
public: // registry
template<typename P>
static void
registerPolicy(const std::string& policyName = P::POLICY_NAME)
auto r = getRegistry().insert_or_assign(policyName, [] { return make_unique<P>(); });
/** \return a cs::Policy identified by \p policyName,
* or nullptr if \p policyName is unknown
static unique_ptr<Policy>
create(const std::string& policyName);
/** \return a list of available policy names
static std::set<std::string>
~Policy() = default;
const std::string&
getName() const
return m_policyName;
/** \brief gets cs
getCs() const
return m_cs;
/** \brief sets cs
setCs(Cs* cs)
m_cs = cs;
/** \brief gets hard limit (in number of entries)
getLimit() const
return m_limit;
/** \brief sets hard limit (in number of entries)
* \post getLimit() == nMaxEntries
* \post cs.size() <= getLimit()
* The policy may evict entries if necessary.
setLimit(size_t nMaxEntries);
/** \brief a reference to an CS entry
* \note operator< of EntryRef compares the Data name enclosed in the Entry.
using EntryRef = Table::const_iterator;
/** \brief emits when an entry is being evicted
* A policy implementation should emit this signal to cause CS to erase an entry from its index.
* CS should connect to this signal and erase the entry upon signal emission.
signal::Signal<Policy, EntryRef> beforeEvict;
/** \brief invoked by CS after a new entry is inserted
* \post cs.size() <= getLimit()
* The policy may evict entries if necessary.
* During this process, \p i might be evicted.
afterInsert(EntryRef i);
/** \brief invoked by CS after an existing entry is refreshed by same Data
* The policy may witness this refresh to make better eviction decisions in the future.
afterRefresh(EntryRef i);
/** \brief invoked by CS before an entry is erased due to management command
* \warning CS must not invoke this method if an entry is erased due to eviction.
beforeErase(EntryRef i);
/** \brief invoked by CS before an entry is used to match a lookup
* The policy may witness this usage to make better eviction decisions in the future.
beforeUse(EntryRef i);
/** \brief invoked after a new entry is created in CS
* When overridden in a subclass, a policy implementation should decide whether to accept \p i.
* If \p i is accepted, it should be inserted into a cleanup index.
* Otherwise, \p beforeEvict signal should be emitted with \p i to inform CS to erase the entry.
* A policy implementation may decide to evict other entries by emitting \p beforeEvict signal,
* in order to keep CS size under limit.
virtual void
doAfterInsert(EntryRef i) = 0;
/** \brief invoked after an existing entry is refreshed by same Data
* When overridden in a subclass, a policy implementation may witness this operation
* and adjust its cleanup index.
virtual void
doAfterRefresh(EntryRef i) = 0;
/** \brief invoked before an entry is erased due to management command
* \note This will not be invoked for an entry being evicted by policy.
* When overridden in a subclass, a policy implementation should erase \p i
* from its cleanup index without emitted \p afterErase signal.
virtual void
doBeforeErase(EntryRef i) = 0;
/** \brief invoked before an entry is used to match a lookup
* When overridden in a subclass, a policy implementation may witness this operation
* and adjust its cleanup index.
virtual void
doBeforeUse(EntryRef i) = 0;
/** \brief evicts zero or more entries
* \post CS size does not exceed hard limit
virtual void
evictEntries() = 0;
Policy(std::string_view policyName);
private: // registry
using CreateFunc = std::function<unique_ptr<Policy>()>;
using Registry = std::map<std::string, CreateFunc>; // indexed by policy name
static Registry&
const std::string m_policyName;
size_t m_limit;
Cs* m_cs;
} // namespace cs
} // namespace nfd
/** \brief registers a CS policy
* \param P a subclass of nfd::cs::Policy
static class NfdAuto ## P ## CsPolicyRegistrationClass \
{ \
public: \
NfdAuto ## P ## CsPolicyRegistrationClass() \
{ \
::nfd::cs::Policy::registerPolicy<P>(); \
} \
} g_nfdAuto ## P ## CsPolicyRegistrationVariable