blob: cab63d157a5b6566975a17ebe9436f0cb1b273c6 [file] [log] [blame]
NFD version 0.6.2
Release date: May 4, 2018
New features
- ``afterContentStoreHit``, ``afterReceiveData`` strategy trigger (:issue:`4290`)
- ``Cs::erase`` method and ``cs/erase`` management command (:issue:`4318`)
- ``nfdc cs config`` to configure parameters of NFD Content Store at run time (:issue:`4050`)
- Support for IPv6 subnets in white-/blacklists of NFD config file (:issue:`4546`)
- Configurable IP subnets for "local" TCP faces (:issue:`4546`)
Improvements and bug fixes
- Replace PIT straggler timer with a per-strategy decision (:issue:`4200`)
- Add ``isSatisfied`` and ``dataFreshnessPeriod`` properties to PIT entries
- Prevent potential nullptr dereference in ``FaceManager`` (:issue:`4548`)
- Enforce ``NameTree`` maximum depth universally (:issue:`4262`)
- Correctly handle removed fragments in ``LpReliability`` (:issue:`4479`)
- More hints, aliases, and visual improvements in ``nfdc`` command (:issue:`4498`)
- Fix listing of face flags in the HTML status page produced by ``nfd-status-http-server``
- Upgrade build environment to latest version of ``waf`` and other improvements
- ``onInterestUnsatisfied`` pipeline stage (:issue:`4290`)