blob: 4c1ac6a6feca476b8d7e2892f3fc1c0467f70ce1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2014-2024, Regents of the University of California,
* Arizona Board of Regents,
* Colorado State University,
* University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
* Washington University in St. Louis,
* Beijing Institute of Technology,
* The University of Memphis.
* This file is part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon).
* See for complete list of NFD authors and contributors.
* NFD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* NFD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* NFD, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
#include "common/global.hpp"
#include "face/face.hpp"
#include "face/tcp-channel.hpp"
#include "face/udp-channel.hpp"
#include <boost/asio/signal_set.hpp>
#include <boost/exception/diagnostic_information.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <valgrind/callgrind.h>
namespace nfd::tests {
class FaceBenchmark
FaceBenchmark(const char* configFileName)
: m_terminationSignalSet{getGlobalIoService(), SIGINT, SIGTERM}
, m_tcpChannel{tcp::Endpoint{boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 6363}, false,
[] (auto&&...) { return ndn::nfd::FACE_SCOPE_NON_LOCAL; }}
, m_udpChannel{udp::Endpoint{boost::asio::ip::udp::v4(), 6363}, 10_min, false, ndn::MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE}
m_terminationSignalSet.async_wait([] (const auto& error, int) {
if (!error)
m_tcpChannel.listen(std::bind(&FaceBenchmark::onLeftFaceCreated, this, _1),
std::bind(&FaceBenchmark::onFaceCreationFailed, _1, _2));
std::clog << "Listening on " << m_tcpChannel.getUri() << std::endl;
m_udpChannel.listen(std::bind(&FaceBenchmark::onLeftFaceCreated, this, _1),
std::bind(&FaceBenchmark::onFaceCreationFailed, _1, _2));
std::clog << "Listening on " << m_udpChannel.getUri() << std::endl;
parseConfig(const char* configFileName)
std::ifstream file{configFileName};
std::string uriStrL;
std::string uriStrR;
while (file >> uriStrL >> uriStrR) {
FaceUri uriL{uriStrL};
FaceUri uriR{uriStrR};
if (uriL.getScheme() != "tcp4" && uriL.getScheme() != "udp4") {
std::clog << "Unsupported protocol '" << uriL.getScheme() << "'" << std::endl;
else if (uriR.getScheme() != "tcp4" && uriR.getScheme() != "udp4") {
std::clog << "Unsupported protocol '" << uriR.getScheme() << "'" << std::endl;
else {
m_faceUris.emplace_back(uriL, uriR);
if (m_faceUris.empty()) {
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("No supported FaceUri pairs found in config file"));
onLeftFaceCreated(const shared_ptr<Face>& faceL)
std::clog << "Left face created: remote=" << faceL->getRemoteUri()
<< " local=" << faceL->getLocalUri() << std::endl;
// find a matching right uri
FaceUri uriR;
for (const auto& [first, second] : m_faceUris) {
if (first.getHost() == faceL->getRemoteUri().getHost() &&
first.getScheme() == faceL->getRemoteUri().getScheme()) {
uriR = second;
else if (second.getHost() == faceL->getRemoteUri().getHost() &&
second.getScheme() == faceL->getRemoteUri().getScheme()) {
uriR = first;
if (uriR == FaceUri()) {
std::clog << "No FaceUri matched, ignoring..." << std::endl;
// create the right face
auto addr = boost::asio::ip::make_address(uriR.getHost());
auto port = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(uriR.getPort());
if (uriR.getScheme() == "tcp4") {
m_tcpChannel.connect(tcp::Endpoint(addr, port), {},
std::bind(&FaceBenchmark::onRightFaceCreated, faceL, _1),
std::bind(&FaceBenchmark::onFaceCreationFailed, _1, _2));
else if (uriR.getScheme() == "udp4") {
m_udpChannel.connect(udp::Endpoint(addr, port), {},
std::bind(&FaceBenchmark::onRightFaceCreated, faceL, _1),
std::bind(&FaceBenchmark::onFaceCreationFailed, _1, _2));
static void
onRightFaceCreated(const shared_ptr<Face>& faceL, const shared_ptr<Face>& faceR)
std::clog << "Right face created: remote=" << faceR->getRemoteUri()
<< " local=" << faceR->getLocalUri() << std::endl;
tieFaces(faceR, faceL);
tieFaces(faceL, faceR);
static void
tieFaces(const shared_ptr<Face>& face1, const shared_ptr<Face>& face2)
face1->afterReceiveInterest.connect([face2] (const auto& interest, const EndpointId&) {
face1->afterReceiveData.connect([face2] (const auto& data, const EndpointId&) {
face1->afterReceiveNack.connect([face2] (const auto& nack, const EndpointId&) {
[[noreturn]] static void
onFaceCreationFailed(uint32_t status, const std::string& reason)
NDN_THROW(std::runtime_error("Failed to create face: [" + to_string(status) + "] " + reason));
boost::asio::signal_set m_terminationSignalSet;
face::TcpChannel m_tcpChannel;
face::UdpChannel m_udpChannel;
std::vector<std::pair<FaceUri, FaceUri>> m_faceUris;
} // namespace nfd::tests
main(int argc, char** argv)
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::cerr << "Benchmark compiled in debug mode is unreliable, please compile in release mode.\n";
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <config-file>" << std::endl;
return 2;
try {
nfd::tests::FaceBenchmark bench{argv[1]};
catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << boost::diagnostic_information(e);
return 1;
return 0;