blob: 33dff3ecbb685caad00f3f72d3b4bc07f67ba50c [file] [log] [blame]
NFD version 0.5.1
Release date: January 25, 2017
Changes since version 0.5.0:
New features
- In ndn-autoconfig, add the Find (geographically) Closest Hub stage (NDN-FCH) using a
`deployed service <>`__ (:issue:`3800`)
- Add ``face_system.ether.whitelist`` and ``face_system.ether.blacklist`` config options for
Ethernet multicast faces creation (:issue:`1712`)
- Add ``face_system.udp.whitelist`` and ``face_system.udp.blacklist`` config options for
UDP multicast faces creation (:issue:`1712`)
- Introduce ``tables.cs_policy`` config option to configure cache policy (policy change requires
restart of NFD) (:issue:`3148`)
- Introduce strategy parameters that can be specified when selecting a strategy for a
namespace (:issue:`3868`)
- Initial implementation of route re-advertise feature. This release only includes supporting
classes. Full implementation of this feature is expected to be introduced in the next
release (:issue:`3818`).
- Introduce ``FACE_EVENT_UP`` and ``FACE_EVENT_DOWN`` notifications (:issue:`3794`, :issue:`3818`)
- GenericLinkService now encodes and decodes the NDNLPv2 CongestionMark field (:issue:`3797`)
- Allow strategies to pick outgoing Interest. The outgoing Interest pipeline and Strategy API
have changed to give strategies an opportunity to pick an outgoing Interest that matches
the Interest table entry (:issue:`1756`)
- Refactor localhop restriction handling in strategies. Previously available
``canForwardToLegacy`` function no longer checks scope. Strategies using this function shall
use ``wouldViolateScope`` separately (:issue:`3841`, :issue:`1756`)
- Strategy instances are no longer shared among different StrategyChoice entries. Each instance can
be individually configured using the arguments supplied during construction (as part of strategy
name) (:issue:`3868`)
- Change ``strategy-choice/set`` response codes. Specifically, if the specified strategy name
cannot be instantiated, the command responds with 404 status code (:issue:`3868`)
- Add ability to instantiate strategy of next higher version if the requested version is not
available (:issue:`3868`)
- Refactor face management system. The function of the monolithic ``FaceManager`` class has
been split among the newly introduced ``FaceSystem`` class and the various protocol
factories. FaceSystem class is the entry point of NFD's face system and owns the concrete
protocol factories, created based on ``face_system`` section of the NFD configuration
file. (:issue:`3904`)
- Switch to use ``faces/update`` instead of legacy ``faces/enable-local-control`` to enable
local fields (:issue:`3734`)
- Add support for permanent persistency in TcpTransport (:issue:`3167`)
- Add missing and refactor existing registry implementations for replaceable modules, including
strategy, protocol factory, CS policy, and unsolicited data policy (:issue:`2181`, :issue:`3148`,
:issue:`3868`, :issue:`3904`)
- Refactor and extend ``nfdc`` tool. The tool is now a universal instrument to query and
change NFD state (:issue:`3780`)
- Refactor implementation of ``ndn-autoconfig`` tool (:issue:`2426`)
- Fix RTT calculation in ASF strategy (:issue:`3829`)
- Ensure that ``pit::Entry`` checks that Interest matches entry when updating in/out-record to
prevent strategies to incorrectly pick an incorrect Interest (:issue:`1756`)
- Fix uncaught ``bad_lexical_cast`` exception in ``Network::isValidCidr()`` (:issue:`3858`)
- Fix incorrect output of ``operator<<`` for Rib class (:issue:`3423`)
- Make FIB and StrategyChoice iterators default-constructible (:issue:`3882`)
- Ensure that ``nfd-status-http-server`` returns error code (HTTP/504) when NFD is not running
- A number of fixes in documentation
- Deprecate ``nfd-status`` command line options. Use ``nfdc`` subcommands, such as ``nfdc face
list`` and ``nfdc status report xml``. The argument-less ``nfd-status`` is retained as an
alias of ``nfdc status report`` (:issue:`3780`)
- Delete deprecated ``Strategy::sendInterest`` overload and ``violatesScope`` (:issue:`1756`,
- StrategyChoice no longer supports installed instances. All strategies should be registered
in the strategy registry (:issue:`3868`)
- ``Strategy::getName``. Instead, Strategy API introduces ``getStrategyName`` (strategy program
name, including version component) and ``getInstanceName`` (strategy name assigned during
strategy instance instantiation, including version and optional extra parameter components)