blob: 3ce898aa5943520341e34a5a23598564546e65e1 [file] [log] [blame]
**nfd-autoreg** --prefix=</autoreg/prefix> [--prefix=</another/prefix>]...
``nfd-autoreg`` is a daemon application that automatically registers the specified
prefix(es) when new on-demand faces are created (i.e., when a new UDP face is created as
the result of an incoming packet or when a new TCP face is created as the result of an
incoming connection).
``-i`` or ``--prefix``
Prefix that should be automatically registered when a new remote face is created.
Can be repeated multiple times to specify additional prefixes.
``-c`` or ``--cost``
RIB cost to be assigned to auto-registered prefixes. If not specified, default cost
is set to 255.
``-w`` or ``--whitelist``
Whitelisted network, e.g., or ::1/128. Can be repeated multiple times
to specify multiple whitelisted networks.
Prefix(es) will be auto-registered only when remote IP address is within the specified
range(s), except blacklist ranges.
Default: and ::/0
``-b`` or ``--blacklist``
Blacklisted network, e.g., or ::1/128. Can be repeated multiple times
to specify multiple blacklisted networks.
Prefix(es) will be auto-registered only when remote IP address in **NOT** within the
specified range(s), but is within the range define by the whitelist(s).
Default: none
``-h`` or ``--help``
Print help message and exit.
``-V`` or ``--version``
Show version information and exit.
Exit status
0: No error.
1: An unspecified error occurred.
2: Malformed command line, e.g., invalid, missing, or unknown argument.
4: Insufficient privileges.
Auto-register two prefixes for any newly created on-demand face, except those that has
source IP address in ```` network::
nfd-autoreg --prefix=/app1/video --prefix=/app2/pictures -b