blob: 369252e509e36c3af38001d8bc83fb7766b06cfa [file] [log] [blame]
.. _ndn-autoconfig-server:
**ndn-autoconfig-server** [**-h**] [**-V**] [**-p** *PREFIX*]... *FACEURI*
``ndn-autoconfig-server`` is a daemon that implements the server part for the stage 1 of
:ref:`NDN hub discovery procedure`.
This daemon essentially waits for Interests for ``/localhop/ndn-autoconf/hub`` and
satisfies them with a Data packet that contains a TLV-encoded FaceUri block. The value of
this block is the ``Uri`` for the HUB, preferably a UDP tunnel.
FaceUri for this NDN hub.
``-p <PREFIX>``
A local prefix for which the local hub allows end applications to register prefixes
(See more details in :ref:`local-prefix-discovery`). One can supply more than one
prefixes. All supplied prefixes will be put into the local prefix discovery data
as described in :ref:`local-prefix-discovery`. If no prefix is specified,
auto-config-server will not serve any local prefix discovery data.
Print usage and exit.
Print version number and exit.
Exit status
0: No error.
1: An unspecified error occurred.
2: Malformed command line, e.g., invalid, missing, or unknown argument.
4: Insufficient privileges.
ndn-autoconfig-server tcp://
ndn-autoconfig-server -p /ndn/edu/ucla tcp://
See also