blob: f337a274df13034b41f41dc5ac4b84e7008cd390 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2014-2021, Regents of the University of California,
* Arizona Board of Regents,
* Colorado State University,
* University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
* Washington University in St. Louis,
* Beijing Institute of Technology,
* The University of Memphis.
* This file is part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon).
* See for complete list of NFD authors and contributors.
* NFD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* NFD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* NFD, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
#include "asf-strategy.hpp"
#include "algorithm.hpp"
#include "common/global.hpp"
#include "common/logger.hpp"
namespace nfd {
namespace fw {
namespace asf {
const time::milliseconds AsfStrategy::RETX_SUPPRESSION_INITIAL(10);
const time::milliseconds AsfStrategy::RETX_SUPPRESSION_MAX(250);
AsfStrategy::AsfStrategy(Forwarder& forwarder, const Name& name)
: Strategy(forwarder)
, m_measurements(getMeasurements())
, m_probing(m_measurements)
ParsedInstanceName parsed = parseInstanceName(name);
if (!parsed.parameters.empty()) {
if (parsed.version && *parsed.version != getStrategyName()[-1].toVersion()) {
"AsfStrategy does not support version " + to_string(*parsed.version)));
this->setInstanceName(makeInstanceName(name, getStrategyName()));
NFD_LOG_DEBUG("probing-interval=" << m_probing.getProbingInterval()
<< " n-silent-timeouts=" << m_nMaxSilentTimeouts);
const Name&
static const auto strategyName = Name("/localhost/nfd/strategy/asf").appendVersion(4);
return strategyName;
static uint64_t
getParamValue(const std::string& param, const std::string& value)
try {
if (!value.empty() && value[0] == '-')
return boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t>(value);
catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) {
NDN_THROW(std::invalid_argument("Value of " + param + " must be a non-negative integer"));
AsfStrategy::processParams(const PartialName& parsed)
for (const auto& component : parsed) {
std::string parsedStr(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(component.value()), component.value_size());
auto n = parsedStr.find("~");
if (n == std::string::npos) {
NDN_THROW(std::invalid_argument("Format is <parameter>~<value>"));
auto f = parsedStr.substr(0, n);
auto s = parsedStr.substr(n + 1);
if (f == "probing-interval") {
m_probing.setProbingInterval(getParamValue(f, s));
else if (f == "n-silent-timeouts") {
m_nMaxSilentTimeouts = getParamValue(f, s);
else {
NDN_THROW(std::invalid_argument("Parameter should be probing-interval or n-silent-timeouts"));
AsfStrategy::afterReceiveInterest(const Interest& interest, const FaceEndpoint& ingress,
const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>& pitEntry)
const auto& fibEntry = this->lookupFib(*pitEntry);
// Check if the interest is new and, if so, skip the retx suppression check
if (!hasPendingOutRecords(*pitEntry)) {
auto* faceToUse = getBestFaceForForwarding(interest, ingress.face, fibEntry, pitEntry);
if (faceToUse == nullptr) {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(interest << " new-interest from=" << ingress << " no-nexthop");
sendNoRouteNack(ingress.face, pitEntry);
else {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(interest << " new-interest from=" << ingress << " forward-to=" << faceToUse->getId());
forwardInterest(interest, *faceToUse, fibEntry, pitEntry);
sendProbe(interest, ingress, *faceToUse, fibEntry, pitEntry);
auto* faceToUse = getBestFaceForForwarding(interest, ingress.face, fibEntry, pitEntry, false);
if (faceToUse != nullptr) {
auto suppressResult = m_retxSuppression.decidePerUpstream(*pitEntry, *faceToUse);
if (suppressResult == RetxSuppressionResult::SUPPRESS) {
// Cannot be sent on this face, interest was received within the suppression window
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(interest << " retx-interest from=" << ingress
<< " forward-to=" << faceToUse->getId() << " suppressed");
else {
// The retx arrived after the suppression period: forward it but don't probe, because
// probing was done earlier for this interest when it was newly received
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(interest << " retx-interest from=" << ingress << " forward-to=" << faceToUse->getId());
auto* outRecord = forwardInterest(interest, *faceToUse, fibEntry, pitEntry);
if (outRecord && suppressResult == RetxSuppressionResult::FORWARD) {
// If all eligible faces have been used (i.e., they all have a pending out-record),
// choose the nexthop with the earliest out-record
const auto& nexthops = fibEntry.getNextHops();
auto it = findEligibleNextHopWithEarliestOutRecord(ingress.face, interest, nexthops, pitEntry);
if (it == nexthops.end()) {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(interest << " retx-interest from=" << ingress << " no eligible nexthop");
auto& outFace = it->getFace();
auto suppressResult = m_retxSuppression.decidePerUpstream(*pitEntry, outFace);
if (suppressResult == RetxSuppressionResult::SUPPRESS) {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(interest << " retx-interest from=" << ingress
<< " retry-to=" << outFace.getId() << " suppressed");
else {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(interest << " retx-interest from=" << ingress << " retry-to=" << outFace.getId());
// sendInterest() is used here instead of forwardInterest() because the measurements info
// were already attached to this face in the previous forwarding
auto* outRecord = sendInterest(interest, outFace, pitEntry);
if (outRecord && suppressResult == RetxSuppressionResult::FORWARD) {
AsfStrategy::beforeSatisfyInterest(const Data& data, const FaceEndpoint& ingress,
const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>& pitEntry)
NamespaceInfo* namespaceInfo = m_measurements.getNamespaceInfo(pitEntry->getName());
if (namespaceInfo == nullptr) {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(pitEntry->getName() << " data from=" << ingress << " no-measurements");
// Record the RTT between the Interest out to Data in
FaceInfo* faceInfo = namespaceInfo->getFaceInfo(ingress.face.getId());
if (faceInfo == nullptr) {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(pitEntry->getName() << " data from=" << ingress << " no-face-info");
auto outRecord = pitEntry->getOutRecord(ingress.face);
if (outRecord == pitEntry->out_end()) {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(pitEntry->getName() << " data from=" << ingress << " no-out-record");
else {
faceInfo->recordRtt(time::steady_clock::now() - outRecord->getLastRenewed());
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(pitEntry->getName() << " data from=" << ingress
<< " rtt=" << faceInfo->getLastRtt() << " srtt=" << faceInfo->getSrtt());
// Extend lifetime for measurements associated with Face
namespaceInfo->extendFaceInfoLifetime(*faceInfo, ingress.face.getId());
// Extend PIT entry timer to allow slower probes to arrive
this->setExpiryTimer(pitEntry, 50_ms);
AsfStrategy::afterReceiveNack(const lp::Nack& nack, const FaceEndpoint& ingress,
const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>& pitEntry)
NFD_LOG_DEBUG(nack.getInterest() << " nack from=" << ingress << " reason=" << nack.getReason());
onTimeoutOrNack(pitEntry->getName(), ingress.face.getId(), true);
AsfStrategy::forwardInterest(const Interest& interest, Face& outFace, const fib::Entry& fibEntry,
const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>& pitEntry)
const auto& interestName = interest.getName();
auto faceId = outFace.getId();
auto* outRecord = sendInterest(interest, outFace, pitEntry);
FaceInfo& faceInfo = m_measurements.getOrCreateFaceInfo(fibEntry, interestName, faceId);
// Refresh measurements since Face is being used for forwarding
NamespaceInfo& namespaceInfo = m_measurements.getOrCreateNamespaceInfo(fibEntry, interestName);
namespaceInfo.extendFaceInfoLifetime(faceInfo, faceId);
if (!faceInfo.isTimeoutScheduled()) {
auto timeout = faceInfo.scheduleTimeout(interestName,
[this, name = interestName, faceId] {
onTimeoutOrNack(name, faceId, false);
NFD_LOG_TRACE("Scheduled timeout for " << fibEntry.getPrefix() << " to=" << faceId
<< " in " << time::duration_cast<time::milliseconds>(timeout));
return outRecord;
AsfStrategy::sendProbe(const Interest& interest, const FaceEndpoint& ingress, const Face& faceToUse,
const fib::Entry& fibEntry, const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>& pitEntry)
if (!m_probing.isProbingNeeded(fibEntry, interest.getName()))
Face* faceToProbe = m_probing.getFaceToProbe(ingress.face, interest, fibEntry, faceToUse);
if (faceToProbe == nullptr)
Interest probeInterest(interest);
NFD_LOG_TRACE("Sending probe " << probeInterest << " to=" << faceToProbe->getId());
forwardInterest(probeInterest, *faceToProbe, fibEntry, pitEntry);
m_probing.afterForwardingProbe(fibEntry, interest.getName());
struct FaceStats
Face* face;
time::nanoseconds rtt;
time::nanoseconds srtt;
uint64_t cost;
struct FaceStatsCompare
operator()(const FaceStats& lhs, const FaceStats& rhs) const
time::nanoseconds lhsValue = getValueForSorting(lhs);
time::nanoseconds rhsValue = getValueForSorting(rhs);
// Sort by RTT and then by cost
return std::tie(lhsValue, lhs.cost) < std::tie(rhsValue, rhs.cost);
static time::nanoseconds
getValueForSorting(const FaceStats& stats)
// These values allow faces with no measurements to be ranked better than timeouts
if (stats.rtt == FaceInfo::RTT_TIMEOUT) {
return time::nanoseconds::max();
else if (stats.rtt == FaceInfo::RTT_NO_MEASUREMENT) {
return time::nanoseconds::max() / 2;
else {
return stats.srtt;
AsfStrategy::getBestFaceForForwarding(const Interest& interest, const Face& inFace,
const fib::Entry& fibEntry, const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>& pitEntry,
bool isInterestNew)
std::set<FaceStats, FaceStatsCompare> rankedFaces;
auto now = time::steady_clock::now();
for (const auto& nh : fibEntry.getNextHops()) {
if (!isNextHopEligible(inFace, interest, nh, pitEntry, !isInterestNew, now)) {
const FaceInfo* info = m_measurements.getFaceInfo(fibEntry, interest.getName(), nh.getFace().getId());
if (info == nullptr) {
rankedFaces.insert({&nh.getFace(), FaceInfo::RTT_NO_MEASUREMENT,
FaceInfo::RTT_NO_MEASUREMENT, nh.getCost()});
else {
rankedFaces.insert({&nh.getFace(), info->getLastRtt(), info->getSrtt(), nh.getCost()});
auto it = rankedFaces.begin();
return it != rankedFaces.end() ? it->face : nullptr;
AsfStrategy::onTimeoutOrNack(const Name& interestName, FaceId faceId, bool isNack)
NamespaceInfo* namespaceInfo = m_measurements.getNamespaceInfo(interestName);
if (namespaceInfo == nullptr) {
NFD_LOG_TRACE(interestName << " FibEntry has been removed since timeout scheduling");
FaceInfo* fiPtr = namespaceInfo->getFaceInfo(faceId);
if (fiPtr == nullptr) {
NFD_LOG_TRACE(interestName << " FaceInfo id=" << faceId << " has been removed since timeout scheduling");
auto& faceInfo = *fiPtr;
size_t nTimeouts = faceInfo.getNSilentTimeouts() + 1;
if (nTimeouts <= m_nMaxSilentTimeouts && !isNack) {
NFD_LOG_TRACE(interestName << " face=" << faceId << " timeout-count=" << nTimeouts << " ignoring");
// Extend lifetime for measurements associated with Face
namespaceInfo->extendFaceInfoLifetime(faceInfo, faceId);
else {
NFD_LOG_TRACE(interestName << " face=" << faceId << " timeout-count=" << nTimeouts);
AsfStrategy::sendNoRouteNack(Face& face, const shared_ptr<pit::Entry>& pitEntry)
lp::NackHeader nackHeader;
this->sendNack(nackHeader, face, pitEntry);
} // namespace asf
} // namespace fw
} // namespace nfd