blob: 0b8fc0e3dc0c2a50c2999fd9f9aa920034f4063f [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2014-2025, Regents of the University of California,
* Arizona Board of Regents,
* Colorado State University,
* University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
* Washington University in St. Louis,
* Beijing Institute of Technology,
* The University of Memphis.
* This file is part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon).
* See for complete list of NFD authors and contributors.
* NFD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* NFD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* NFD, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
#include "fib-updater.hpp"
#include "common/logger.hpp"
#include <ndn-cxx/mgmt/nfd/control-command.hpp>
namespace nfd::rib {
constexpr int MAX_NUM_TIMEOUTS = 10;
constexpr uint32_t ERROR_FACE_NOT_FOUND = 410;
FibUpdater::FibUpdater(Rib& rib, ndn::nfd::Controller& controller)
: m_rib(rib)
, m_controller(controller)
FibUpdater::computeAndSendFibUpdates(const RibUpdateBatch& batch,
const FibUpdateSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const FibUpdateFailureCallback& onFailure)
m_batchFaceId = batch.getFaceId();
// Erase previously calculated inherited routes
// Erase previously calculated FIB updates
sendUpdatesForBatchFaceId(onSuccess, onFailure);
FibUpdater::computeUpdates(const RibUpdateBatch& batch)
NFD_LOG_TRACE("Computing updates for batch with faceid=" << batch.getFaceId());
// Compute updates and add to m_fibUpdates
for (const RibUpdate& update : batch) {
switch (update.getAction()) {
case RibUpdate::REGISTER:
case RibUpdate::UNREGISTER:
case RibUpdate::REMOVE_FACE:
// Do not apply updates with the same face ID as the destroyed face
// since they will be rejected by the FIB
FibUpdater::computeUpdatesForRegistration(const RibUpdate& update)
const Name& prefix = update.getName();
const Route& route = update.getRoute();
auto it = m_rib.find(prefix);
// Name prefix exists
if (it != m_rib.end()) {
shared_ptr<const RibEntry> entry(it->second);
auto existingRoute = entry->findRoute(route);
// Route will be new
if (existingRoute == entry->end()) {
// Will the new route change the namespace's capture flag?
bool willCaptureBeTurnedOn = (entry->hasCapture() == false && route.isRibCapture());
createFibUpdatesForNewRoute(*entry, route, willCaptureBeTurnedOn);
else {
// Route already exists
RibEntry entryCopy = *entry;
Route& routeToUpdate = *entryCopy.findRoute(route);
routeToUpdate.flags = route.flags;
routeToUpdate.cost = route.cost;
routeToUpdate.expires = route.expires;
createFibUpdatesForUpdatedRoute(entryCopy, route, *existingRoute);
else {
// New name in RIB
// Find prefix's parent
shared_ptr<RibEntry> parent = m_rib.findParent(prefix);
Rib::RibEntryList descendants = m_rib.findDescendantsForNonInsertedName(prefix);
Rib::RibEntryList children;
for (const auto& descendant : descendants) {
// If the child has the same parent as the new entry,
// the new entry must be the child's new parent
if (descendant->getParent() == parent) {
createFibUpdatesForNewRibEntry(prefix, route, children);
FibUpdater::computeUpdatesForUnregistration(const RibUpdate& update)
const Name& prefix = update.getName();
const Route& route = update.getRoute();
auto ribIt = m_rib.find(prefix);
// Name prefix exists
if (ribIt != m_rib.end()) {
shared_ptr<const RibEntry> entry(ribIt->second);
const bool hadCapture = entry->hasCapture();
auto existing = entry->findRoute(route);
if (existing != entry->end()) {
RibEntry temp = *entry;
// Erase route in temp entry
const bool captureWasTurnedOff = (hadCapture && !temp.hasCapture());
createFibUpdatesForErasedRoute(temp, *existing, captureWasTurnedOff);
// The RibEntry still has the face ID; need to update FIB
// with lowest cost for the same face instead of removing the face from the FIB
const Route* next = entry->getRouteWithSecondLowestCostByFaceId(route.faceId);
if (next != nullptr) {
createFibUpdatesForNewRoute(temp, *next, false);
// The RibEntry will be empty after this removal
if (entry->getNRoutes() == 1) {
FibUpdater::sendUpdates(const FibUpdateList& updates,
const FibUpdateSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const FibUpdateFailureCallback& onFailure)
NFD_LOG_DEBUG("Applying " << updates.size() << " FIB update(s)");
for (const FibUpdate& update : updates) {
NFD_LOG_DEBUG("Sending " << update);
if (update.action == FibUpdate::ADD_NEXTHOP) {
sendAddNextHopUpdate(update, onSuccess, onFailure);
else if (update.action == FibUpdate::REMOVE_NEXTHOP) {
sendRemoveNextHopUpdate(update, onSuccess, onFailure);
FibUpdater::sendUpdatesForBatchFaceId(const FibUpdateSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const FibUpdateFailureCallback& onFailure)
if (m_updatesForBatchFaceId.size() > 0) {
sendUpdates(m_updatesForBatchFaceId, onSuccess, onFailure);
else {
sendUpdatesForNonBatchFaceId(onSuccess, onFailure);
FibUpdater::sendUpdatesForNonBatchFaceId(const FibUpdateSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const FibUpdateFailureCallback& onFailure)
if (m_updatesForNonBatchFaceId.size() > 0) {
sendUpdates(m_updatesForNonBatchFaceId, onSuccess, onFailure);
else {
FibUpdater::sendAddNextHopUpdate(const FibUpdate& update,
const FibUpdateSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const FibUpdateFailureCallback& onFailure,
uint32_t nTimeouts)
[=] (const auto&) { onUpdateSuccess(update, onSuccess, onFailure); },
[=] (const auto& resp) { onUpdateError(update, onSuccess, onFailure, resp, nTimeouts); });
FibUpdater::sendRemoveNextHopUpdate(const FibUpdate& update,
const FibUpdateSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const FibUpdateFailureCallback& onFailure,
uint32_t nTimeouts)
[=] (const auto&) { onUpdateSuccess(update, onSuccess, onFailure); },
[=] (const auto& resp) { onUpdateError(update, onSuccess, onFailure, resp, nTimeouts); });
FibUpdater::onUpdateSuccess(const FibUpdate& update,
const FibUpdateSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const FibUpdateFailureCallback& onFailure)
if (update.faceId == m_batchFaceId) {
if (m_updatesForBatchFaceId.size() == 0) {
sendUpdatesForNonBatchFaceId(onSuccess, onFailure);
else {
if (m_updatesForNonBatchFaceId.size() == 0) {
FibUpdater::onUpdateError(const FibUpdate& update,
const FibUpdateSuccessCallback& onSuccess,
const FibUpdateFailureCallback& onFailure,
const ndn::nfd::ControlResponse& response, uint32_t nTimeouts)
uint32_t code = response.getCode();
NFD_LOG_DEBUG("Failed to apply " << update <<
" [code: " << code << ", error: " << response.getText() << "]");
if (code == ndn::nfd::Controller::ERROR_TIMEOUT && nTimeouts < MAX_NUM_TIMEOUTS) {
sendAddNextHopUpdate(update, onSuccess, onFailure, ++nTimeouts);
else if (code == ERROR_FACE_NOT_FOUND) {
if (update.faceId == m_batchFaceId) {
onFailure(code, response.getText());
else {
if (m_updatesForNonBatchFaceId.size() == 0) {
else {
NDN_THROW(Error("Non-recoverable error " + std::to_string(code) + ": " + response.getText()));
FibUpdater::addFibUpdate(const FibUpdate& update)
FibUpdateList& updates = (update.faceId == m_batchFaceId) ? m_updatesForBatchFaceId :
// If an update with the same name and route already exists, replace it
auto it = std::find_if(updates.begin(), updates.end(),
[&update] (const FibUpdate& other) {
return == && update.faceId == other.faceId;
if (it != updates.end()) {
FibUpdate& existingUpdate = *it;
existingUpdate.action = update.action;
existingUpdate.cost = update.cost;
else {
FibUpdater::addInheritedRoutes(const RibEntry& entry, const Rib::RouteSet& routesToAdd)
for (const Route& route : routesToAdd) {
// Don't add an ancestor faceId if the namespace has an entry for that faceId
if (!entry.hasFaceId(route.faceId)) {
// Create a record of the inherited route so it can be added to the RIB later
addInheritedRoute(entry.getName(), route);
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createAddUpdate(entry.getName(), route.faceId, route.cost));
FibUpdater::addInheritedRoutes(const Name& name, const Rib::RouteSet& routesToAdd,
const Route& ignore)
for (const Route& route : routesToAdd) {
if (route.faceId != ignore.faceId) {
// Create a record of the inherited route so it can be added to the RIB later
addInheritedRoute(name, route);
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createAddUpdate(name, route.faceId, route.cost));
FibUpdater::removeInheritedRoutes(const RibEntry& entry, const Rib::Rib::RouteSet& routesToRemove)
for (const Route& route : routesToRemove) {
// Only remove if the route has been inherited
if (entry.hasInheritedRoute(route)) {
removeInheritedRoute(entry.getName(), route);
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createRemoveUpdate(entry.getName(), route.faceId));
FibUpdater::createFibUpdatesForNewRibEntry(const Name& name, const Route& route,
const Rib::RibEntryList& children)
// Create FIB update for new entry
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createAddUpdate(name, route.faceId, route.cost));
// No flags are set
if (!route.isChildInherit() && !route.isRibCapture()) {
// Add ancestor routes to self
addInheritedRoutes(name, m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(name), route);
else if (route.isChildInherit() && route.isRibCapture()) {
// Add route to children
Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd;
// Remove routes blocked by capture and add self to children
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(children, routesToAdd, m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(name));
else if (route.isChildInherit()) {
Rib::RouteSet ancestorRoutes = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(name);
// Add ancestor routes to self
addInheritedRoutes(name, ancestorRoutes, route);
// If there is an ancestor route which is the same as the new route, replace it
// with the new route
auto it = ancestorRoutes.find(route);
// There is a route that needs to be overwritten, erase and then replace
if (it != ancestorRoutes.end()) {
// Add new route to ancestor list so it can be added to children
// Add ancestor routes to children
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(children, ancestorRoutes, Rib::RouteSet());
else if (route.isRibCapture()) {
// Remove routes blocked by capture
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(children, Rib::RouteSet(), m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(name));
FibUpdater::createFibUpdatesForNewRoute(const RibEntry& entry, const Route& route,
bool captureWasTurnedOn)
// Only update if the new route has a lower cost than a previously installed route
const Route* prevRoute = entry.getRouteWithLowestCostAndChildInheritByFaceId(route.faceId);
Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd;
if (route.isChildInherit()) {
// Add to children if this new route doesn't override a previous lower cost, or
// add to children if this new route is lower cost than a previous route.
// Less than equal, since entry may find this route
if (prevRoute == nullptr || route.cost <= prevRoute->cost) {
// Add self to children
Rib::RouteSet routesToRemove;
if (captureWasTurnedOn) {
// Capture flag on
routesToRemove = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(entry);
// Remove ancestor routes from self
removeInheritedRoutes(entry, routesToRemove);
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), routesToAdd, routesToRemove);
// If another route with same faceId and lower cost exists, don't update.
// Must be done last so that add updates replace removal updates
// Create FIB update for new entry
const Route* other = entry.getRouteWithLowestCostByFaceId(route.faceId);
if (other == nullptr || route.cost <= other->cost) {
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createAddUpdate(entry.getName(), route.faceId, route.cost));
FibUpdater::createFibUpdatesForUpdatedRoute(const RibEntry& entry, const Route& route,
const Route& existingRoute)
const bool costDidChange = (route.cost != existingRoute.cost);
// Look for an installed route with the lowest cost and child inherit set
const Route* prevRoute = entry.getRouteWithLowestCostAndChildInheritByFaceId(route.faceId);
// No flags changed and cost didn't change, no change in FIB
if (route.flags == existingRoute.flags && !costDidChange) {
// Cost changed so create update for the entry itself
if (costDidChange) {
// Create update if this route's cost is lower than other routes
if (route.cost <= entry.getRouteWithLowestCostByFaceId(route.faceId)->cost) {
// Create FIB update for the updated entry
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createAddUpdate(entry.getName(), route.faceId, route.cost));
else if (existingRoute.cost < entry.getRouteWithLowestCostByFaceId(route.faceId)->cost) {
// Create update if this route used to be the lowest route but is no longer
// the lowest cost route.
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createAddUpdate(entry.getName(), prevRoute->faceId, prevRoute->cost));
// If another route with same faceId and lower cost and ChildInherit exists,
// don't update children.
if (prevRoute == nullptr || route.cost <= prevRoute->cost) {
// If no flags changed but child inheritance is set, need to update children
// with new cost
if ((route.flags == existingRoute.flags) && route.isChildInherit()) {
// Add self to children
Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd;
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), routesToAdd, Rib::RouteSet());
// Child inherit was turned on
if (!existingRoute.isChildInherit() && route.isChildInherit()) {
// If another route with same faceId and lower cost and ChildInherit exists,
// don't update children.
if (prevRoute == nullptr || route.cost <= prevRoute->cost) {
// Add self to children
Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd;
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), routesToAdd, Rib::RouteSet());
} // Child inherit was turned off
else if (existingRoute.isChildInherit() && !route.isChildInherit()) {
// Remove self from children
Rib::RouteSet routesToRemove;
Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd;
// If another route with same faceId and ChildInherit exists, update children with this route.
if (prevRoute != nullptr) {
else {
// Look for an ancestor that was blocked previously
const Rib::RouteSet ancestorRoutes = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(entry);
auto it = ancestorRoutes.find(route);
// If an ancestor is found, add it to children
if (it != ancestorRoutes.end()) {
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), routesToAdd, routesToRemove);
// Capture was turned on
if (!existingRoute.isRibCapture() && route.isRibCapture()) {
Rib::RouteSet ancestorRoutes = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(entry);
// Remove ancestor routes from self
removeInheritedRoutes(entry, ancestorRoutes);
// Remove ancestor routes from children
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), Rib::RouteSet(), ancestorRoutes);
} // Capture was turned off
else if (existingRoute.isRibCapture() && !route.isRibCapture()) {
Rib::RouteSet ancestorRoutes = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(entry);
// Add ancestor routes to self
addInheritedRoutes(entry, ancestorRoutes);
// Add ancestor routes to children
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), ancestorRoutes, Rib::RouteSet());
FibUpdater::createFibUpdatesForErasedRoute(const RibEntry& entry, const Route& route,
bool captureWasTurnedOff)
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createRemoveUpdate(entry.getName(), route.faceId));
if (route.isChildInherit() && route.isRibCapture()) {
// Remove self from children
Rib::RouteSet routesToRemove;
// If capture is turned off for the route and another route is installed in the RibEntry,
// add ancestors to self
Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd;
if (captureWasTurnedOff && entry.getNRoutes() != 0) {
// Look for an ancestors that were blocked previously
routesToAdd = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(entry);
// Add ancestor routes to self
addInheritedRoutes(entry, routesToAdd);
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), routesToAdd, routesToRemove);
else if (route.isChildInherit()) {
// If not blocked by capture, add inherited routes to children
Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd;
if (!entry.hasCapture()) {
routesToAdd = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(entry);
Rib::RouteSet routesToRemove;
// Add ancestor routes to children
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), routesToAdd, routesToRemove);
else if (route.isRibCapture()) {
// If capture is turned off for the route and another route is installed in the RibEntry,
// add ancestors to self
Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd;
if (captureWasTurnedOff && entry.getNRoutes() != 0) {
// Look for an ancestors that were blocked previously
routesToAdd = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(entry);
// Add ancestor routes to self
addInheritedRoutes(entry, routesToAdd);
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), routesToAdd, Rib::RouteSet());
// Need to check if the removed route was blocking an inherited route
Rib::RouteSet ancestorRoutes = m_rib.getAncestorRoutes(entry);
// If the current entry has capture set or is pending removal, don't add inherited route
if (!entry.hasCapture() && entry.getNRoutes() != 0) {
// If there is an ancestor route which is the same as the erased route, add that route
// to the current entry
auto it = ancestorRoutes.find(route);
if (it != ancestorRoutes.end()) {
addInheritedRoute(entry.getName(), *it);
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createAddUpdate(entry.getName(), it->faceId, it->cost));
FibUpdater::createFibUpdatesForErasedRibEntry(const RibEntry& entry)
for (const Route& route : entry.getInheritedRoutes()) {
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createRemoveUpdate(entry.getName(), route.faceId));
FibUpdater::modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(const Rib::RibEntryList& children,
const Rib::RouteSet& routesToAdd,
const Rib::RouteSet& routesToRemove)
for (const auto& child : children) {
traverseSubTree(*child, routesToAdd, routesToRemove);
FibUpdater::traverseSubTree(const RibEntry& entry, Rib::Rib::RouteSet routesToAdd,
Rib::Rib::RouteSet routesToRemove)
// If a route on the namespace has the capture flag set, ignore self and children
if (entry.hasCapture()) {
// Remove inherited routes from current namespace
for (auto removeIt = routesToRemove.begin(); removeIt != routesToRemove.end(); ) {
// If a route on the namespace has the same face ID and child inheritance set,
// ignore this route
if (entry.hasChildInheritOnFaceId(removeIt->faceId)) {
removeIt = routesToRemove.erase(removeIt);
// Only remove route if it removes an existing inherited route
if (entry.hasInheritedRoute(*removeIt)) {
removeInheritedRoute(entry.getName(), *removeIt);
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createRemoveUpdate(entry.getName(), removeIt->faceId));
// Add inherited routes to current namespace
for (auto addIt = routesToAdd.begin(); addIt != routesToAdd.end(); ) {
// If a route on the namespace has the same face ID and child inherit set, ignore this face
if (entry.hasChildInheritOnFaceId(addIt->faceId)) {
addIt = routesToAdd.erase(addIt);
// Only add route if it does not override an existing route
if (!entry.hasFaceId(addIt->faceId)) {
addInheritedRoute(entry.getName(), *addIt);
addFibUpdate(FibUpdate::createAddUpdate(entry.getName(), addIt->faceId, addIt->cost));
modifyChildrensInheritedRoutes(entry.getChildren(), routesToAdd, routesToRemove);
FibUpdater::addInheritedRoute(const Name& name, const Route& route)
RibUpdate update;
FibUpdater::removeInheritedRoute(const Name& name, const Route& route)
RibUpdate update;
} // namespace nfd::rib