ndnboost: Include boost::iostreams for internal use.
diff --git a/include/ndnboost/iostreams/detail/buffer.hpp b/include/ndnboost/iostreams/detail/buffer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beb5f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ndnboost/iostreams/detail/buffer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// (C) Copyright 2008 CodeRage, LLC (turkanis at coderage dot com)
+// (C) Copyright 2003-2007 Jonathan Turkanis
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt.)
+// See http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams for documentation.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+# pragma once
+#include <algorithm> // swap.
+#include <memory> // allocator.
+#include <ndnboost/config.hpp> // member templates.
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/char_traits.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/detail/ios.hpp> // streamsize.
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/read.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/traits.hpp> // int_type_of.
+#include <ndnboost/iostreams/checked_operations.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/mpl/if.hpp>
+#include <ndnboost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
+namespace ndnboost { namespace iostreams { namespace detail {
+// Template name: buffer
+// Description: Character buffer.
+// Template parameters:
+// Ch - The character type.
+// Alloc - The Allocator type.
+template< typename Ch,
+ typename Alloc = std::allocator<Ch> >
+class basic_buffer {
+ typedef typename Alloc::template rebind<Ch>::other allocator_type;
+ typedef std::allocator<Ch> allocator_type;
+ basic_buffer();
+ basic_buffer(int buffer_size);
+ ~basic_buffer();
+ void resize(int buffer_size);
+ Ch* begin() const { return buf_; }
+ Ch* end() const { return buf_ + size_; }
+ Ch* data() const { return buf_; }
+ std::streamsize size() const { return size_; }
+ void swap(basic_buffer& rhs);
+ // Disallow copying and assignment.
+ basic_buffer(const basic_buffer&);
+ basic_buffer& operator=(const basic_buffer&);
+ Ch* buf_;
+ std::streamsize size_;
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+void swap(basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc>& lhs, basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc>& rhs)
+{ lhs.swap(rhs); }
+// Template name: buffer
+// Description: Character buffer with two pointers accessible via ptr() and
+// eptr().
+// Template parameters:
+// Ch - A character type.
+template< typename Ch,
+ typename Alloc = std::allocator<Ch> >
+class buffer : public basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc> {
+ typedef basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc> base;
+ typedef iostreams::char_traits<Ch> traits_type;
+ using base::resize;
+ using base::data;
+ using base::size;
+ typedef Ch* const const_pointer;
+ buffer(int buffer_size);
+ Ch* & ptr() { return ptr_; }
+ const_pointer& ptr() const { return ptr_; }
+ Ch* & eptr() { return eptr_; }
+ const_pointer& eptr() const { return eptr_; }
+ void set(std::streamsize ptr, std::streamsize end);
+ void swap(buffer& rhs);
+ // Returns an int_type as a status code.
+ template<typename Source>
+ typename int_type_of<Source>::type fill(Source& src)
+ {
+ using namespace std;
+ std::streamsize keep;
+ if ((keep = static_cast<std::streamsize>(eptr_ - ptr_)) > 0)
+ traits_type::move(this->data(), ptr_, keep);
+ set(0, keep);
+ std::streamsize result =
+ iostreams::read(src, this->data() + keep, this->size() - keep);
+ if (result != -1)
+ this->set(0, keep + result);
+ return result == -1 ?
+ traits_type::eof() :
+ result == 0 ?
+ traits_type::would_block() :
+ traits_type::good();
+ }
+ // Returns true if one or more characters were written.
+ template<typename Sink>
+ bool flush(Sink& dest)
+ {
+ using namespace std;
+ std::streamsize amt = static_cast<std::streamsize>(eptr_ - ptr_);
+ std::streamsize result = iostreams::write_if(dest, ptr_, amt);
+ if (result < amt) {
+ traits_type::move( this->data(),
+ ptr_ + result,
+ amt - result );
+ }
+ this->set(0, amt - result);
+ return result != 0;
+ }
+ Ch *ptr_, *eptr_;
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+void swap(buffer<Ch, Alloc>& lhs, buffer<Ch, Alloc>& rhs)
+{ lhs.swap(rhs); }
+//--------------Implementation of basic_buffer--------------------------------//
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc>::basic_buffer() : buf_(0), size_(0) { }
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc>::basic_buffer(int buffer_size)
+ : buf_(static_cast<Ch*>(allocator_type().allocate(buffer_size, 0))),
+ size_(buffer_size) // Cast for SunPro 5.3.
+ { }
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+inline basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc>::~basic_buffer()
+ if (buf_) {
+ allocator_type().deallocate(buf_,
+ static_cast<NDNBOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Alloc::size_type>(size_));
+ }
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+inline void basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc>::resize(int buffer_size)
+ if (size_ != buffer_size) {
+ basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc> temp(buffer_size);
+ std::swap(size_, temp.size_);
+ std::swap(buf_, temp.buf_);
+ }
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+void basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc>::swap(basic_buffer& rhs)
+ std::swap(buf_, rhs.buf_);
+ std::swap(size_, rhs.size_);
+//--------------Implementation of buffer--------------------------------------//
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+buffer<Ch, Alloc>::buffer(int buffer_size)
+ : basic_buffer<Ch, Alloc>(buffer_size) { }
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+inline void buffer<Ch, Alloc>::set(std::streamsize ptr, std::streamsize end)
+ ptr_ = data() + ptr;
+ eptr_ = data() + end;
+template<typename Ch, typename Alloc>
+inline void buffer<Ch, Alloc>::swap(buffer& rhs)
+ base::swap(rhs);
+ std::swap(ptr_, rhs.ptr_);
+ std::swap(eptr_, rhs.eptr_);
+} } } // End namespaces detail, iostreams, boost.