blob: c2e0029e8b74e4499f9976d95134bf2e967f63bf [file] [log] [blame]
KeyChain Class
Namespace: `ndn`
The Keychain class provides a set of interfaces to the security library such as identity management, policy configuration and packet signing and verification.
KeyChain.sign Method
Wire encode the Data object, sign it and set its signature. Note: the caller must make sure the timestamp is correct, if necessary calling ``data.getMetaInfo().setTimestampMilliseconds``.
.. code-block:: c++
void sign(
Data& data,
const Name& certificateName
[, WireFormat& wireFormat]
- `data`
The Data object to be signed. This updates its signature and key locator field and wireEncoding.
- `certificateName`
The certificate name of the key to use for signing.
- `wireFormat`
(optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the Data object. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat ().
KeyChain.signByIdentity Method
Wire encode the Data object, sign it and set its signature. Note: the caller must make sure the timestamp is correct, if necessary calling ``data.getMetaInfo().setTimestampMilliseconds``.
.. code-block:: c++
void signByIdentity(
Data& data
[, const Name& identityName]
[, WireFormat& wireFormat]
- `data`
The Data object to be signed. This updates its signature and key locator field and wireEncoding.
- `identityName`
(optional) The identity name for the key to use for signing. If omitted, infer the signing identity from the data packet name.
- `wireFormat`
(optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the Data object. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat ().
KeyChain.verifyData Method
Check the signature on the Data object and call either ``onVerify`` or ``onVerifyFailed``. We use callback functions because verify may fetch information to check the signature.
void verifyData(
const ptr_lib::shared_ptr<Data>& data,
const OnVerified& onVerified,
const OnVerifyFailed& onVerifyFailed
- `data`
The Data object with the signature to check. It is an error if data does not have a wireEncoding. To set the wireEncoding, you can call data.wireDecode.
- `onVerified`
If the signature is verified, this calls ``onVerified(data)`` where:
- `data` is the given Data object.
- `onVerifyFailed`
If the signature check fails, this calls ``onVerifyFailed(data)`` where:
- `data` is the given Data object.
KeyChain.setFace Method
Set the Face which will be used to fetch required certificates.
.. code-block:: c++
void setFace(
Face* face
- `face`
The Face object.