blob: 5ce47467933c743ddd5a0387482966110e4ae849 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ChronoShare, a decentralized file sharing application over NDN.
* ChronoShare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ChronoShare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
* ChronoShare, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
* See for complete list of ChronoShare authors and contributors.
#ifndef FETCHER_H
#define FETCHER_H
#include "ndnx-wrapper.h"
#include "ndnx-name.h"
#include "executor.h"
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <set>
class FetchManager;
class Fetcher
typedef boost::function<void(Ndnx::Name &deviceName, Ndnx::Name &baseName, uint64_t seq, Ndnx::PcoPtr pco)> SegmentCallback;
typedef boost::function<void(Ndnx::Name &deviceName, Ndnx::Name &baseName)> FinishCallback;
typedef boost::function<void (Fetcher &, const Ndnx::Name &deviceName, const Ndnx::Name &baseName)> OnFetchCompleteCallback;
typedef boost::function<void (Fetcher &)> OnFetchFailedCallback;
Fetcher (Ndnx::NdnxWrapperPtr ndnx,
ExecutorPtr executor,
const SegmentCallback &segmentCallback, // callback passed by caller of FetchManager
const FinishCallback &finishCallback, // callback passed by caller of FetchManager
OnFetchCompleteCallback onFetchComplete, OnFetchFailedCallback onFetchFailed, // callbacks provided by FetchManager
const Ndnx::Name &deviceName, const Ndnx::Name &name, int64_t minSeqNo, int64_t maxSeqNo,
boost::posix_time::time_duration timeout = boost::posix_time::seconds (30), // this time is not precise, but sets min bound
// actual time depends on how fast Interests timeout
const Ndnx::Name &forwardingHint = Ndnx::Name ());
virtual ~Fetcher ();
inline bool
IsActive () const;
inline bool
IsTimedWait() const { return m_timedwait; }
RestartPipeline ();
SetForwardingHint (const Ndnx::Name &forwardingHint);
const Ndnx::Name &
GetForwardingHint () const { return m_forwardingHint; }
const Ndnx::Name &
GetName () const { return m_name; }
const Ndnx::Name &
GetDeviceName () const { return m_deviceName; }
GetRetryPause () const { return m_retryPause; }
SetRetryPause (double pause) { m_retryPause = pause; }
GetNextScheduledRetry () const { return m_nextScheduledRetry; }
SetNextScheduledRetry (boost::posix_time::ptime nextScheduledRetry) { m_nextScheduledRetry = nextScheduledRetry; }
FillPipeline ();
OnData (uint64_t seqno, const Ndnx::Name &name, Ndnx::PcoPtr data);
OnData_Execute (uint64_t seqno, Ndnx::Name name, Ndnx::PcoPtr data);
OnTimeout (uint64_t seqno, const Ndnx::Name &name, const Ndnx::Closure &closure, Ndnx::Selectors selectors);
OnTimeout_Execute (uint64_t seqno, Ndnx::Name name, Ndnx::Closure closure, Ndnx::Selectors selectors);
boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<> m_managerListHook;
Ndnx::NdnxWrapperPtr m_ndnx;
SegmentCallback m_segmentCallback;
OnFetchCompleteCallback m_onFetchComplete;
OnFetchFailedCallback m_onFetchFailed;
FinishCallback m_finishCallback;
bool m_active;
bool m_timedwait;
Ndnx::Name m_name;
Ndnx::Name m_deviceName;
Ndnx::Name m_forwardingHint;
boost::posix_time::time_duration m_maximumNoActivityPeriod;
int64_t m_minSendSeqNo;
int64_t m_maxInOrderRecvSeqNo;
std::set<int64_t> m_outOfOrderRecvSeqNo;
std::set<int64_t> m_inActivePipeline;
int64_t m_minSeqNo;
int64_t m_maxSeqNo;
uint32_t m_pipeline;
uint32_t m_activePipeline;
double m_rto;
double m_maxRto;
bool m_slowStart;
uint32_t m_threshold;
uint32_t m_roundCount;
boost::posix_time::ptime m_lastPositiveActivity;
double m_retryPause; // pause to stop trying to fetch (for fetch-manager)
boost::posix_time::ptime m_nextScheduledRetry;
ExecutorPtr m_executor; // to serialize FillPipeline events
boost::mutex m_seqNoMutex;
boost::mutex m_rtoMutex;
boost::mutex m_pipelineMutex;
typedef boost::error_info<struct tag_errmsg, std::string> errmsg_info_str;
namespace Error {
struct Fetcher : virtual boost::exception, virtual std::exception { };
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Fetcher> FetcherPtr;
Fetcher::IsActive () const
return m_active;
#endif // FETCHER_H