| # -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*- |
| VERSION='0.1' |
| APPNAME='chronoshare' |
| |
| from waflib import Build, Logs, Utils, Task, TaskGen |
| |
| def options(opt): |
| opt.add_option('--debug',action='store_true',default=False,dest='debug',help='''debugging mode''') |
| opt.add_option('--test', action='store_true',default=False,dest='_test',help='''build unit tests''') |
| opt.add_option('--yes',action='store_true',default=False) # for autoconf/automake/make compatibility |
| opt.add_option('--log4cxx', action='store_true',default=False,dest='log4cxx',help='''Compile with log4cxx logging support''') |
| |
| if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin": |
| opt.add_option('--auto-update', action='store_true',default=False,dest='autoupdate',help='''(OSX) Download sparkle framework and enable autoupdate feature''') |
| |
| opt.load('compiler_c compiler_cxx boost ccnx protoc qt4') |
| |
| def configure(conf): |
| conf.load("compiler_c compiler_cxx") |
| |
| # I wish I could use it, but there is some weirdness with boost tests. Give up for now |
| # try: |
| # conf.check(features='cxx cxxprogram', cxxflags="-std=c++11") |
| # conf.env.append_value ('CXXFLAGS', ["-std=c++11"]) |
| # except: |
| # try: |
| # conf.check(features='cxx cxxprogram', cxxflags="-std=c++0x") |
| # conf.env.append_value ('CXXFLAGS', ["-std=c++0x"]) |
| # except: |
| # conf.fatal ("You compiler doesn't support C++11. You can try GCC >= 4.4 or recent version of Clang.") |
| |
| |
| conf.check_cfg(package='sqlite3', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='SQLITE3', mandatory=True) |
| conf.check_cfg(package='libevent', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='LIBEVENT', mandatory=True) |
| conf.check_cfg(package='libevent_pthreads', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='LIBEVENT_PTHREADS', mandatory=True) |
| |
| if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin": |
| conf.check_cxx(framework_name='Foundation', uselib_store='OSX_FOUNDATION', mandatory=False, compile_filename='test.mm') |
| conf.check_cxx(framework_name='CoreWLAN', uselib_store='OSX_COREWLAN', define_name='HAVE_COREWLAN', mandatory=False, compile_filename='test.mm') |
| |
| if conf.options.autoupdate: |
| def check_sparkle(**kwargs): |
| conf.check_cxx (framework_name='Sparkle', header_name="Foundation/Foundation.h", |
| uselib_store='OSX_SPARKLE', define_name='HAVE_SPARKLE', mandatory=True, |
| compile_filename='test.mm', |
| **kwargs |
| ) |
| try: |
| # Try standard paths first |
| check_sparkle() |
| except: |
| try: |
| # Try local path |
| Logs.info ("Check local version of Sparkle framework") |
| check_sparkle(cxxflags="-F%s/osx/Frameworks/" % conf.path.abspath(), |
| linkflags="-F%s/osx/Frameworks/" % conf.path.abspath()) |
| conf.env.HAVE_LOCAL_SPARKLE = 1 |
| except: |
| # Download to local path and retry |
| Logs.info ("Sparkle framework not found, trying to download it to 'build/'") |
| |
| import urllib, subprocess, os, shutil |
| urllib.urlretrieve ("http://sparkle.andymatuschak.org/files/Sparkle%201.5b6.zip", "build/Sparkle.zip") |
| if os.path.exists('build/Sparkle.zip'): |
| try: |
| subprocess.check_call (['unzip', '-qq', 'build/Sparkle.zip', '-d', 'build/Sparkle']) |
| os.remove ("build/Sparkle.zip") |
| if not os.path.exists("osx/Frameworks"): |
| os.mkdir ("osx/Frameworks") |
| os.rename ("build/Sparkle/Sparkle.framework", "osx/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework") |
| shutil.rmtree("build/Sparkle", ignore_errors=True) |
| |
| check_sparkle(cxxflags="-F%s/osx/Frameworks/" % conf.path.abspath(), |
| linkflags="-F%s/osx/Frameworks/" % conf.path.abspath()) |
| conf.env.HAVE_LOCAL_SPARKLE = 1 |
| except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: |
| conf.fatal("Cannot find Sparkle framework. Auto download failed: '%s' returned %s" % (' '.join(e.cmd), e.returncode)) |
| except: |
| conf.fatal("Unknown Error happened when auto downloading Sparkle framework") |
| |
| if conf.is_defined('HAVE_SPARKLE'): |
| conf.env.HAVE_SPARKLE = 1 # small cheat for wscript |
| |
| if not conf.check_cfg(package='openssl', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='SSL', mandatory=False): |
| libcrypto = conf.check_cc(lib='crypto', |
| header_name='openssl/crypto.h', |
| define_name='HAVE_SSL', |
| uselib_store='SSL') |
| else: |
| conf.define ("HAVE_SSL", 1) |
| if not conf.get_define ("HAVE_SSL"): |
| conf.fatal ("Cannot find SSL libraries") |
| |
| if conf.options.log4cxx: |
| conf.check_cfg(package='liblog4cxx', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='LOG4CXX', mandatory=True) |
| conf.define ("HAVE_LOG4CXX", 1) |
| |
| conf.load ('ccnx') |
| |
| conf.load('protoc') |
| |
| conf.load('qt4') |
| |
| conf.load('boost') |
| |
| conf.check_boost(lib='system test iostreams filesystem regex thread date_time') |
| |
| boost_version = conf.env.BOOST_VERSION.split('_') |
| if int(boost_version[0]) < 1 or int(boost_version[1]) < 46: |
| Logs.error ("Minumum required boost version is 1.46") |
| return |
| |
| conf.check_ccnx (path=conf.options.ccnx_dir) |
| conf.define ('CCNX_PATH', conf.env.CCNX_ROOT) |
| |
| if conf.options.debug: |
| conf.define ('_DEBUG', 1) |
| conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-O0', '-Wall', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-Wno-unused-private-field', '-g3']) |
| else: |
| conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-O3', '-g']) |
| |
| if conf.env["CXX"] == ["clang++"]: |
| conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-fcolor-diagnostics', '-Qunused-arguments']) |
| |
| if conf.options._test: |
| conf.define ('_TESTS', 1) |
| conf.env.TEST = 1 |
| |
| conf.write_config_header('src/config.h') |
| |
| def build (bld): |
| executor = bld.objects ( |
| target = "executor", |
| features = ["cxx"], |
| source = bld.path.ant_glob(['executor/**/*.cc']), |
| includes = "executor src", |
| ) |
| |
| scheduler = bld.objects ( |
| target = "scheduler", |
| features = ["cxx"], |
| source = bld.path.ant_glob(['scheduler/**/*.cc']), |
| includes = "scheduler executor src", |
| ) |
| |
| libccnx = bld ( |
| target="ccnx", |
| features=['cxx'], |
| source = bld.path.ant_glob(['ccnx/**/*.cc', 'ccnx/**/*.cpp']), |
| use = 'BOOST BOOST_THREAD SSL CCNX LOG4CXX scheduler executor', |
| includes = "ccnx src scheduler executor", |
| ) |
| |
| adhoc = bld ( |
| target = "adhoc", |
| features=['cxx'], |
| includes = "ccnx src", |
| ) |
| if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin": |
| adhoc.mac_app = True |
| adhoc.source = 'adhoc/adhoc-osx.mm' |
| |
| chornoshare = bld ( |
| target="chronoshare", |
| features=['cxx'], |
| source = bld.path.ant_glob(['src/**/*.cc', 'src/**/*.cpp', 'src/**/*.proto']), |
| includes = "ccnx scheduler src executor", |
| ) |
| |
| fs_watcher = bld ( |
| target = "fs_watcher", |
| features = "qt4 cxx", |
| defines = "WAF", |
| source = bld.path.ant_glob(['fs-watcher/*.cc']), |
| use = "SQLITE3 LOG4CXX scheduler executor QTCORE", |
| includes = "fs-watcher scheduler executor src", |
| ) |
| |
| # Unit tests |
| if bld.env['TEST']: |
| unittests = bld.program ( |
| target="unit-tests", |
| features = "qt4 cxx cxxprogram", |
| defines = "WAF", |
| source = bld.path.ant_glob(['test/*.cc']), |
| use = 'BOOST_TEST BOOST_FILESYSTEM BOOST_DATE_TIME LOG4CXX SQLITE3 QTCORE QTGUI ccnx database fs_watcher chronoshare', |
| includes = "ccnx scheduler src executor gui fs-watcher", |
| install_prefix = None, |
| ) |
| |
| http_server = bld ( |
| target = "http_server", |
| features = "qt4 cxx", |
| source = bld.path.ant_glob(['server/*.cpp']), |
| includes = "server src .", |
| use = "BOOST QTCORE" |
| ) |
| |
| qt = bld ( |
| target = "ChronoShare", |
| features = "qt4 cxx cxxprogram html_resources", |
| defines = "WAF", |
| source = bld.path.ant_glob(['gui/*.cpp', 'gui/*.cc', 'gui/images.qrc']), |
| includes = "ccnx scheduler executor fs-watcher gui src adhoc server . ", |
| use = "BOOST BOOST_FILESYSTEM BOOST_DATE_TIME SQLITE3 QTCORE QTGUI LOG4CXX fs_watcher ccnx database chronoshare http_server", |
| |
| html_resources = bld.path.find_dir ("gui/html").ant_glob([ |
| '**/*.js', '**/*.png', '**/*.css', |
| '**/*.html', '**/*.gif', '**/*.ico' |
| ]), |
| ) |
| |
| if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin": |
| app_plist = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd"> |
| <plist version="0.9"> |
| <dict> |
| <key>CFBundlePackageType</key> |
| <string>APPL</string> |
| <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key> |
| <string>Created by Waf</string> |
| <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> |
| <string>edu.ucla.cs.irl.Chronoshare</string> |
| <key>CFBundleSignature</key> |
| <string>????</string> |
| <key>NOTE</key> |
| <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> |
| <string>%s</string> |
| <key>LSUIElement</key> |
| <string>1</string> |
| <key>SUPublicDSAKeyFile</key> |
| <string>dsa_pub.pem</string> |
| </dict> |
| </plist>''' |
| qt.mac_app = "ChronoShare.app" |
| qt.mac_plist = app_plist % "ChronoShare" |
| qt.use += " OSX_FOUNDATION OSX_COREWLAN adhoc" |
| |
| if bld.env['HAVE_SPARKLE']: |
| qt.use += " OSX_SPARKLE" |
| qt.source += ["osx/auto-update/sparkle-auto-update.mm"] |
| qt.includes += " osx/auto-update" |
| if bld.env['HAVE_LOCAL_SPARKLE']: |
| qt.mac_frameworks = "osx/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework" |
| |
| cmdline = bld ( |
| target = "csd", |
| features = "qt4 cxx cxxprogram", |
| defines = "WAF", |
| source = "cmd/csd.cc", |
| includes = "ccnx scheduler executor gui fs-watcher src . ", |
| use = "BOOST BOOST_FILESYSTEM BOOST_DATE_TIME SQLITE3 QTCORE QTGUI LOG4CXX fs_watcher ccnx database chronoshare" |
| ) |
| |
| dump_db = bld ( |
| target = "dump-db", |
| features = "cxx cxxprogram", |
| source = "cmd/dump-db.cc", |
| includes = "ccnx scheduler executor gui fs-watcher src . ", |
| use = "BOOST BOOST_FILESYSTEM BOOST_DATE_TIME SQLITE3 QTCORE LOG4CXX fs_watcher ccnx database chronoshare" |
| ) |
| |
| from waflib import TaskGen |
| @TaskGen.extension('.mm') |
| def m_hook(self, node): |
| """Alias .mm files to be compiled the same as .cc files, gcc/clang will do the right thing.""" |
| return self.create_compiled_task('cxx', node) |
| |
| @TaskGen.extension('.js', '.png', '.css', '.html', '.gif', '.ico') |
| def sig_hook(self, node): |
| node.sig=Utils.h_file (node.abspath()) |
| |
| @TaskGen.feature('html_resources') |
| @TaskGen.before_method('process_source') |
| def create_qrc_task(self): |
| output = self.bld.path.find_or_declare ("gui/html.qrc") |
| tsk = self.create_task('html_resources', self.html_resources, output) |
| self.create_rcc_task (output) |
| |
| class html_resources(Task.Task): |
| color='PINK' |
| |
| def __str__ (self): |
| return "%s: Generating %s\n" % (self.__class__.__name__.replace('_task',''), self.outputs[0]) |
| |
| def run (self): |
| out = self.outputs[0] |
| out.write('<RCC>\n <qresource prefix="/">\n') |
| for f in self.inputs: |
| out.write (' <file>%s</file>\n' % f.abspath (), 'a') |
| out.write(' </qresource>\n</RCC>', 'a') |
| return 0 |