blob: 3ce6144c388415594d36b642e0d5a348bd7c9c08 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "ccnx-selectors.h"
#include "ccnx-common.h"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
using namespace std;
namespace Ccnx {
: m_maxSuffixComps(-1)
, m_minSuffixComps(-1)
, m_answerOriginKind(AOK_DEFAULT)
, m_interestLifetime(-1.0)
, m_scope(NO_SCOPE)
, m_childSelector(DEFAULT)
Selectors::Selectors(const Selectors &other)
m_maxSuffixComps = other.m_maxSuffixComps;
m_minSuffixComps = other.m_minSuffixComps;
m_answerOriginKind = other.m_answerOriginKind;
m_interestLifetime = other.m_interestLifetime;
m_scope = other.m_scope;
m_childSelector = other.m_childSelector;
m_publisherPublicKeyDigest = other.m_publisherPublicKeyDigest;
Selectors::Selectors(const ccn_parsed_interest *pi)
: m_maxSuffixComps(-1)
, m_minSuffixComps(-1)
, m_answerOriginKind(AOK_DEFAULT)
, m_interestLifetime(-1.0)
, m_scope(NO_SCOPE)
, m_childSelector(DEFAULT)
if (pi != NULL)
m_maxSuffixComps = pi->max_suffix_comps;
m_minSuffixComps = pi->min_suffix_comps;
case 0: m_childSelector = LEFT; break;
case 1: m_childSelector = RIGHT; break;
default: break;
case 0x1: m_answerOriginKind = AOK_CS; break;
case 0x2: m_answerOriginKind = AOK_NEW; break;
case 0x3: m_answerOriginKind = AOK_DEFAULT; break;
case 0x4: m_answerOriginKind = AOK_STALE; break;
case 0x10: m_answerOriginKind = AOK_EXPIRE; break;
default: break;
m_scope = static_cast<Scope> (pi->scope);
// scope and interest lifetime do not really matter to receiving application, it's only meaningful to routers
Selectors::operator == (const Selectors &other)
return m_maxSuffixComps == other.m_maxSuffixComps
&& m_minSuffixComps == other.m_minSuffixComps
&& m_answerOriginKind == other.m_answerOriginKind
&& (m_interestLifetime - other.m_interestLifetime) < 10e-4
&& m_scope == other.m_scope
&& m_childSelector == other.m_childSelector;
Selectors::isEmpty() const
return m_maxSuffixComps == -1
&& m_minSuffixComps == -1
&& m_answerOriginKind == AOK_DEFAULT
&& (m_interestLifetime - (-1.0)) < 10e-4
&& m_scope == NO_SCOPE
&& m_childSelector == DEFAULT;
Selectors::toCcnxCharbuf() const
if (isEmpty())
return CcnxCharbufPtr ();
CcnxCharbufPtr ptr(new CcnxCharbuf());
ccn_charbuf *cbuf = ptr->getBuf();
ccn_charbuf_append_tt(cbuf, CCN_DTAG_Interest, CCN_DTAG);
ccn_charbuf_append_tt(cbuf, CCN_DTAG_Name, CCN_DTAG);
ccn_charbuf_append_closer(cbuf); // </Name>
if (m_maxSuffixComps < m_minSuffixComps)
boost::throw_exception(InterestSelectorException() << error_info_str("MaxSuffixComps = " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_maxSuffixComps) + " is smaller than MinSuffixComps = " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_minSuffixComps)));
if (m_maxSuffixComps > 0)
ccnb_tagged_putf(cbuf, CCN_DTAG_MaxSuffixComponents, "%d", m_maxSuffixComps);
if (m_minSuffixComps > 0)
ccnb_tagged_putf(cbuf, CCN_DTAG_MinSuffixComponents, "%d", m_minSuffixComps);
if (m_answerOriginKind != AOK_DEFAULT)
// it was not using "ccnb_tagged_putf" in ccnx c code, no idea why
ccn_charbuf_append_tt(cbuf, CCN_DTAG_AnswerOriginKind, CCN_DTAG);
ccnb_append_number(cbuf, m_answerOriginKind);
ccn_charbuf_append_closer(cbuf); // <AnswerOriginKind>
if (m_scope != NO_SCOPE)
ccnb_tagged_putf(cbuf, CCN_DTAG_Scope, "%d", m_scope);
if (m_interestLifetime > 0.0)
// Ccnx timestamp unit is weird 1/4096 second
// this is from their code
unsigned lifetime = 4096 * (m_interestLifetime + 1.0/8192.0);
if (lifetime == 0 || lifetime > (30 << 12))
boost::throw_exception(InterestSelectorException() << error_info_str("Ccnx requires 0 < lifetime < 30.0. lifetime= " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_interestLifetime)));
unsigned char buf[3] = {0};
for (int i = sizeof(buf) - 1; i >= 0; i--, lifetime >>= 8)
buf[i] = lifetime & 0xff;
ccnb_append_tagged_blob(cbuf, CCN_DTAG_InterestLifetime, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (m_childSelector != DEFAULT)
ccnb_tagged_putf(cbuf, CCN_DTAG_ChildSelector, "%d", m_childSelector);
ccn_charbuf_append_closer(cbuf); // </Interest>
return ptr;
} // Ccnx