blob: d99eeb69a54533b5e9bd3f5f0d73f961acf0d234 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef OBJECT_DB_H
#define OBJECT_DB_H
#include <boost/exception/all.hpp>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct ObjectDBException : virtual boost::exception, virtual exception { };
typedef unsigned char Byte;
typedef vector<Byte> Bytes;
// OK. This name is a bit miss-leading, but this ObjectDB is really some storage
// that stores the Ccnx ContentObjects of a file. So unlike a normal database,
// this DB is per file.
// The assumption is, the ContentObjects will be write to ObjectDB sequentially
// This guarantees that when read, the Nth ContentObject read has the sequence number N as the last component of its name
class ObjectDB
virtual ~ObjectDB(){}
// assume sequential
virtual void
append(const Bytes &co) = 0;
// get next CO
virtual Bytes
next() = 0;
// get n COs; if the remaining number of COs < n, return all;
virtual void
read(const vector<Bytes> &vco, int n) = 0;
// size in terms of number of COs
virtual int
size() = 0 const;
// the current index of in terms of COs
virtual int
pos() = 0 const;
// set the pos to be desired pos in terms of COs
// return true if success
virtual bool
seek(int pos) = 0;
// reset pos to be zero
virtual void
rewind() = 0;