blob: 2d1d96a9b48199c39a801c3525fc78fbcfe1684a [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2013 University of California, Los Angeles
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation;
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Author: Alexander Afanasyev <>
* Zhenkai Zhu <>
#include "state-server.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include "task.h"
#include "periodic-task.h"
#include "simple-interval-generator.h"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
INIT_LOGGER ("StateServer");
using namespace Ccnx;
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
StateServer::StateServer(CcnxWrapperPtr ccnx, ActionLogPtr actionLog,
const boost::filesystem::path &rootDir,
const Ccnx::Name &userName, const std::string &sharedFolderName,
const std::string &appName,
ObjectManager &objectManager,
int freshness/* = -1*/)
: m_ccnx(ccnx)
, m_actionLog(actionLog)
, m_objectManager (objectManager)
, m_rootDir(rootDir)
, m_freshness(freshness)
, m_executor (1)
, m_userName (userName)
, m_sharedFolderName (sharedFolderName)
, m_appName (appName)
// may be later /localhost should be replaced with /%C1.M.S.localhost
// <PREFIX_INFO> = /localhost/<user's-device-name>/"chronoshare"/"info"
m_PREFIX_INFO = Name ("/localhost")(m_userName)("chronoshare")(m_sharedFolderName)("info");
// <PREFIX_CMD> = /localhost/<user's-device-name>/"chronoshare"/"cmd"
m_PREFIX_CMD = Name ("/localhost")(m_userName)("chronoshare")(m_sharedFolderName)("cmd");
m_executor.start ();
registerPrefixes ();
m_executor.shutdown ();
deregisterPrefixes ();
StateServer::registerPrefixes ()
// currently supporting limited number of command.
// will be extended to support all planned commands later
// <PREFIX_INFO>/"actions"/"all"/<segment> get list of all actions
m_ccnx->setInterestFilter (Name (m_PREFIX_INFO)("actions")("folder"), bind(&StateServer::info_actions_folder, this, _1));
m_ccnx->setInterestFilter (Name (m_PREFIX_INFO)("actions")("file"), bind(&StateServer::info_actions_file, this, _1));
// <PREFIX_INFO>/"filestate"/"all"/<segment>
m_ccnx->setInterestFilter (Name (m_PREFIX_INFO)("files")("folder"), bind(&StateServer::info_files_folder, this, _1));
// <PREFIX_CMD>/"restore"/"file"/<one-component-relative-file-name>/<version>/<file-hash>
m_ccnx->setInterestFilter (Name (m_PREFIX_CMD)("restore")("file"), bind(&StateServer::cmd_restore_file, this, _1));
StateServer::deregisterPrefixes ()
m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter (Name (m_PREFIX_INFO)("actions")("folder"));
m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter (Name (m_PREFIX_INFO)("actions")("file"));
m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter (Name (m_PREFIX_INFO)("files")("folder"));
m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter (Name (m_PREFIX_CMD) ("restore")("file"));
StateServer::formatActionJson (json_spirit::Array &actions,
const Ccnx::Name &name, sqlite3_int64 seq_no, const ActionItem &action)
* {
* "id": {
* "userName": "<NDN-NAME-OF-THE-USER>",
* "seqNo": "<SEQ_NO_OF_THE_ACTION>"
* },
* "timestamp": "<ACTION-TIMESTAMP>",
* "filename": "<FILENAME>",
* "action": "UPDATE | DELETE",
* // only if update
* "update": {
* "hash": "<FILE-HASH>",
* "timestamp": "<FILE-TIMESTAMP>",
* "chmod": "<FILE-MODE>",
* "segNum": "<NUMBER-OF-SEGMENTS (~file size)>"
* },
* // if parent_device_name is set
* "parentId": {
* "userName": "<NDN-NAME-OF-THE-USER>",
* "seqNo": "<SEQ_NO_OF_THE_ACTION>"
* }
* }
using namespace json_spirit;
using namespace boost::posix_time;
Object json;
Object id;
id.push_back (Pair ("userName", boost::lexical_cast<string> (name)));
id.push_back (Pair ("seqNo", static_cast<int64_t> (seq_no)));
json.push_back (Pair ("id", id));
json.push_back (Pair ("timestamp", to_iso_extended_string (from_time_t (action.timestamp ()))));
json.push_back (Pair ("filename", action.filename ()));
json.push_back (Pair ("version", action.version ()));
json.push_back (Pair ("action", (action.action () == 0) ? "UPDATE" : "DELETE"));
if (action.action () == 0)
Object update;
update.push_back (Pair ("hash", boost::lexical_cast<string> (Hash (action.file_hash ().c_str (), action.file_hash ().size ()))));
update.push_back (Pair ("timestamp", to_iso_extended_string (from_time_t (action.mtime ()))));
ostringstream chmod;
chmod << setbase (8) << setfill ('0') << setw (4) << action.mode ();
update.push_back (Pair ("chmod", chmod.str ()));
update.push_back (Pair ("segNum", action.seg_num ()));
json.push_back (Pair ("update", update));
if (action.has_parent_device_name ())
Object parentId;
Ccnx::Name parent_device_name (action.parent_device_name ().c_str (), action.parent_device_name ().size ());
id.push_back (Pair ("userName", boost::lexical_cast<string> (parent_device_name)));
id.push_back (Pair ("seqNo", action.parent_seq_no ()));
json.push_back (Pair ("parentId", parentId));
actions.push_back (json);
StateServer::info_actions_folder (const Name &interest)
if (interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size () != 3 &&
interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size () != 4)
_LOG_DEBUG ("Invalid interest: " << interest);
_LOG_DEBUG (">> info_actions_folder: " << interest);
m_executor.execute (bind (&StateServer::info_actions_fileOrFolder_Execute, this, interest, true));
StateServer::info_actions_file (const Name &interest)
if (interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size () != 3 &&
interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size () != 4)
_LOG_DEBUG ("Invalid interest: " << interest);
_LOG_DEBUG (">> info_actions_file: " << interest);
m_executor.execute (bind (&StateServer::info_actions_fileOrFolder_Execute, this, interest, false));
StateServer::info_actions_fileOrFolder_Execute (const Ccnx::Name &interest, bool isFolder/* = true*/)
// <PREFIX_INFO>/"actions"/"folder|file"/<folder|file>/<offset> get list of all actions
int offset = interest.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
/// @todo !!! add security checking
string fileOrFolderName;
if (interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size () == 4)
fileOrFolderName = interest.getCompFromBackAsString (1);
else // == 3
fileOrFolderName = "";
* {
* "actions": [
* ...
* ],
* // only if there are more actions available
* }
using namespace json_spirit;
Object json;
Array actions;
bool more;
if (isFolder)
more = m_actionLog->LookupActionsInFolderRecursively
(boost::bind (StateServer::formatActionJson, boost::ref(actions), _1, _2, _3),
fileOrFolderName, offset*10, 10);
more = m_actionLog->LookupActionsForFile
(boost::bind (StateServer::formatActionJson, boost::ref(actions), _1, _2, _3),
fileOrFolderName, offset*10, 10);
json.push_back (Pair ("actions", actions));
if (more)
json.push_back (Pair ("more", lexical_cast<string> (offset + 1)));
// Ccnx::Name more = Name (interest.getPartialName (0, interest.size () - 1))(offset + 1);
// json.push_back (Pair ("more", lexical_cast<string> (more)));
ostringstream os;
write_stream (Value (json), os, pretty_print | raw_utf8);
m_ccnx->publishData (interest, os.str (), 1);
catch (Ccnx::NameException &ne)
// ignore any unexpected interests and errors
_LOG_ERROR (*boost::get_error_info<Ccnx::error_info_str>(ne));
StateServer::formatFilestateJson (json_spirit::Array &files, const FileItem &file)
* {
* "filestate": [
* {
* "filename": "<FILENAME>",
* "owner": {
* "userName": "<NDN-NAME-OF-THE-USER>",
* "seqNo": "<SEQ_NO_OF_THE_ACTION>"
* },
* "hash": "<FILE-HASH>",
* "timestamp": "<FILE-TIMESTAMP>",
* "chmod": "<FILE-MODE>",
* "segNum": "<NUMBER-OF-SEGMENTS (~file size)>"
* }, ...,
* ]
* // only if there are more actions available
* }
using namespace json_spirit;
using namespace boost::posix_time;
Object json;
json.push_back (Pair ("filename", file.filename ()));
json.push_back (Pair ("version", file.version ()));
Object owner;
Ccnx::Name device_name (file.device_name ().c_str (), file.device_name ().size ());
owner.push_back (Pair ("userName", boost::lexical_cast<string> (device_name)));
owner.push_back (Pair ("seqNo", file.seq_no ()));
json.push_back (Pair ("owner", owner));
json.push_back (Pair ("hash", boost::lexical_cast<string> (Hash (file.file_hash ().c_str (), file.file_hash ().size ()))));
json.push_back (Pair ("timestamp", to_iso_extended_string (from_time_t (file.mtime ()))));
ostringstream chmod;
chmod << setbase (8) << setfill ('0') << setw (4) << file.mode ();
json.push_back (Pair ("chmod", chmod.str ()));
json.push_back (Pair ("segNum", file.seg_num ()));
files.push_back (json);
void debugFileState (const FileItem &file)
std::cout << file.filename () << std::endl;
StateServer::info_files_folder (const Ccnx::Name &interest)
if (interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size () != 3 &&
interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size () != 4)
_LOG_DEBUG ("Invalid interest: " << interest << ", " << interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size ());
_LOG_DEBUG (">> info_files_folder: " << interest);
m_executor.execute (bind (&StateServer::info_files_folder_Execute, this, interest));
StateServer::info_files_folder_Execute (const Ccnx::Name &interest)
// <PREFIX_INFO>/"filestate"/"folder"/<one-component-relative-folder-name>/<offset>
int offset = interest.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
// /// @todo !!! add security checking
string folder;
if (interest.size () - m_PREFIX_INFO.size () == 4)
folder = interest.getCompFromBackAsString (1);
else // == 3
folder = "";
* {
* "files": [
* ...
* ],
* // only if there are more actions available
* }
using namespace json_spirit;
Object json;
Array files;
bool more = m_actionLog
->GetFileState ()
(boost::bind (StateServer::formatFilestateJson, boost::ref (files), _1),
folder, offset*10, 10);
json.push_back (Pair ("files", files));
if (more)
json.push_back (Pair ("more", lexical_cast<string> (offset + 1)));
// Ccnx::Name more = Name (interest.getPartialName (0, interest.size () - 1))(offset + 1);
// json.push_back (Pair ("more", lexical_cast<string> (more)));
ostringstream os;
write_stream (Value (json), os, pretty_print | raw_utf8);
m_ccnx->publishData (interest, os.str (), 1);
catch (Ccnx::NameException &ne)
// ignore any unexpected interests and errors
_LOG_ERROR (*boost::get_error_info<Ccnx::error_info_str>(ne));
StateServer::cmd_restore_file (const Ccnx::Name &interest)
if (interest.size () - m_PREFIX_CMD.size () != 4 &&
interest.size () - m_PREFIX_CMD.size () != 5)
_LOG_DEBUG ("Invalid interest: " << interest);
_LOG_DEBUG (">> cmd_restore_file: " << interest);
m_executor.execute (bind (&StateServer::cmd_restore_file_Execute, this, interest));
StateServer::cmd_restore_file_Execute (const Ccnx::Name &interest)
// <PREFIX_CMD>/"restore"/"file"/<one-component-relative-file-name>/<version>/<file-hash>
/// @todo !!! add security checking
FileItemPtr file;
if (interest.size () - m_PREFIX_CMD.size () == 5)
Hash hash (head(interest.getCompFromBack (0)), interest.getCompFromBack (0).size());
int64_t version = interest.getCompFromBackAsInt (1);
string filename = interest.getCompFromBackAsString (2); // should be safe even with full relative path
file = m_actionLog->LookupAction (filename, version, hash);
if (!file)
_LOG_ERROR ("Requested file is not found: [" << filename << "] version [" << version << "] hash [" << hash.shortHash () << "]");
int64_t version = interest.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
string filename = interest.getCompFromBackAsString (1); // should be safe even with full relative path
file = m_actionLog->LookupAction (filename, version, Hash (0,0));
if (!file)
_LOG_ERROR ("Requested file is not found: [" << filename << "] version [" << version << "]");
if (!file)
m_ccnx->publishData (interest, "FAIL: Requested file is not found", 1);
Hash hash = Hash (file->file_hash ().c_str (), file->file_hash ().size ());
// now the magic //
boost::filesystem::path filePath = m_rootDir / file->filename ();
Name deviceName (file->device_name ().c_str (), file->device_name ().size ());
if (filesystem::exists (filePath) &&
filesystem::last_write_time (filePath) == file->mtime () &&
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 104900
filesystem::status (filePath).permissions () == static_cast<filesystem::perms> (file->mode ()) &&
*Hash::FromFileContent (filePath) == hash)
m_ccnx->publishData (interest, "OK: File already exists", 1);
_LOG_DEBUG ("Asking to assemble a file, but file already exists on a filesystem");
catch (filesystem::filesystem_error &error)
m_ccnx->publishData (interest, "FAIL: File operation failed", 1);
_LOG_ERROR ("File operations failed on [" << filePath << "] (ignoring)");
_LOG_TRACE ("Restoring file [" << filePath << "]");
if (m_objectManager.objectsToLocalFile (deviceName, hash, filePath))
last_write_time (filePath, file->mtime ());
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 104900
permissions (filePath, static_cast<filesystem::perms> (file->mode ()));
m_ccnx->publishData (interest, "OK", 1);
m_ccnx->publishData (interest, "FAIL: Unknown error while restoring file", 1);
catch (Ccnx::NameException &ne)
// ignore any unexpected interests and errors