blob: fd1db18d74541c9c35960e0bdb250d4b4ef61703 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "ccnx-common.h"
namespace Ccnx {
// Currently, other classes use string when Interest is needed.
// The constructor from string ensures that if we change other classes' APIs to use Interest object
// instead of string, it is still backwards compatible
// Using a separate Interest class instead of simple string allows us to add control fields
// to the Interest, e.g. ChildSelector. Perhaps that's a separate Selectors class. Will do it after ChronoShare project finishes.
// Since the selector is only useful when sending Interest (in callbacks, usually we only need to know the name of the Interest),
// we currently only use Interest object in sendInterest of CcnxWrapper. In other places, Interest object is equivalent of
// its string name.
class Interest
Interest(const string &name) : m_name(name) {}
virtual ~Interest() {}
name() const { return m_name; }
string m_name;
} // Ccnx