tools/ndns-daemon: fix bug that validator cannot fetch certificate
refs #2206
Change-Id: I10c69d95e6a5fd020038211ce419763fd62afcb3
diff --git a/tools/ndns-daemon.cpp b/tools/ndns-daemon.cpp
index 463022a..5937562 100644
--- a/tools/ndns-daemon.cpp
+++ b/tools/ndns-daemon.cpp
@@ -36,18 +36,17 @@
class NdnsDaemon : noncopyable
DEFINE_ERROR(Error, std::runtime_error);
- NdnsDaemon(const std::string& configFile, Face& face)
- : m_configFile(configFile)
- , m_face(face)
- , m_validator(face)
+ NdnsDaemon(const std::string& configFile, Face& face, Face& validatorFace)
+ : m_face(face)
+ , m_validatorFace(validatorFace)
try {
ConfigFile config;
- NDNS_LOG_TRACE("configFile: " << configFile);
+ NDNS_LOG_INFO("NnsnDaemon ConfigFile = " << configFile);
bind(&NdnsDaemon::processZonesSection, this, _1, _3));
@@ -88,16 +87,21 @@
throw Error("zones section is empty");
+ std::string dbFile = DEFAULT_DATABASE_PATH "/" "ndns.db";
ConfigSection::const_assoc_iterator item = section.find("dbFile");
if (item != section.not_found()) {
- m_dbFile = item->second.get_value<std::string>();
+ dbFile = item->second.get_value<std::string>();
- else {
- m_dbFile = "/usr/local/var/ndns/ndns.db";
- }
- NDNS_LOG_TRACE("dbFile " << m_dbFile);
+ NDNS_LOG_INFO("DbFile = " << dbFile);
+ m_dbMgr = unique_ptr<DbMgr>(new DbMgr(dbFile));
- m_dbMgr = make_shared<DbMgr>(m_dbFile);
+ std::string validatorConfigFile = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH "/" "validator.conf";
+ item = section.find("validatorConfigFile");
+ if (item != section.not_found()) {
+ validatorConfigFile = item->second.get_value<std::string>();
+ }
+ NDNS_LOG_INFO("ValidatorConfigFile = " << validatorConfigFile);
+ m_validator = unique_ptr<Validator>(new Validator(m_validatorFace, validatorConfigFile));
for (const auto& option : section) {
Name name;
@@ -117,8 +121,21 @@
+ if (!m_keyChain.doesIdentityExist(name)) {
+ NDNS_LOG_FATAL("Identity: " << name << " does not exist in the KeyChain");
+ throw Error("Identity does not exist in the KeyChain");
+ }
if (cert.empty()) {
- cert = m_keyChain.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(name);
+ try {
+ cert = m_keyChain.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(name);
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e) {
+ NDNS_LOG_FATAL("Identity: " << name << " does not have default certificate. "
+ << e.what());
+ throw Error("identity does not have default certificate");
+ }
else {
if (!m_keyChain.doesCertificateExist(cert)) {
@@ -127,18 +144,17 @@
NDNS_LOG_TRACE("name = " << name << " cert = " << cert);
m_servers.push_back(make_shared<NameServer>(name, cert, m_face, *m_dbMgr,
- m_keyChain, m_validator));
+ m_keyChain, *m_validator));
} // for
- std::string m_configFile;
Face& m_face;
- Validator m_validator;
- std::string m_dbFile;
- shared_ptr<DbMgr> m_dbMgr;
- std::vector<shared_ptr<NameServer> > m_servers;
+ Face& m_validatorFace;
+ unique_ptr<Validator> m_validator;
+ unique_ptr<DbMgr> m_dbMgr;
+ std::vector<shared_ptr<NameServer>> m_servers;
KeyChain m_keyChain;
@@ -194,21 +210,24 @@
return 1;
+ boost::asio::io_service io;
+ ndn::Face face(io);
+ ndn::Face validatorFace(io);
try {
- ndn::Face face;
- NdnsDaemon nsd(configFile, face);
+ // NFD does not to forward Interests to the face it was received from.
+ // If the name server and its validator share same face,
+ // the validator cannot be forwarded to the name server itself
+ // refs:
+ // @TODO enhance validator to get the certificate from the local db if it has
- boost::asio::signal_set signalSet(face.getIoService(), SIGINT, SIGTERM);
- signalSet.async_wait([&face] (const boost::system::error_code&, const int) {
- face.getIoService().stop();
- });
+ NdnsDaemon daemon(configFile, face, validatorFace);
catch (std::exception& e) {
NDNS_LOG_FATAL("ERROR: " << e.what());
- return 2;
+ return 1;
return 0;