send-email-challenge: modernize the code a bit

Change-Id: Ifb887eeef2ca8ccca2914486f2b9d002d3654534
diff --git a/ndncert-mail.conf.sample b/ndncert-mail.conf.sample
index a33e458..48e31b1 100644
--- a/ndncert-mail.conf.sample
+++ b/ndncert-mail.conf.sample
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 SMTP_SERVER = localhost or remote smtp server
 SMTP_PORT = port number, usually one from 25 465 587
 ENCRYPT_MODE = select one from ssl/tls/none
 SMTP_USER = leave it empty if you do not have one
 SMTP_PASSWORD = leave it empty if you do not have one
 MAIL_FROM = NDN Testbed Certificate Robot <>
 SUBJECT = Email Challenge Triggered by NDNCERT
-TEXT_TEMPLATE = Your PIN code: {0} from NDNCERT CA {1}. Certificate Name: {2}. Your email has been used to apply for a digital certificate from NDNCERT. Please keep it secret and type in to your application to finish the certificiate issuance process. If you do not know what is going on, please ignore the message.
-HTML_TEMPLATE = <html><head></head><body><p><b>Your PIN code: {0} from NDNCERT CA {1}. Certificate Name: {2}.</b></p><p>Your email has been used to apply for a digital certificate from NDNCERT. Please keep it secret and type in to your application to finish the certificiate issuance process. If you do not know what is going on, please ignore the message.</p><p>Sincerely,<br/>NDN Testbed NDNCERT robot</p>
\ No newline at end of file
+TEXT_TEMPLATE = Your PIN code: {0} from NDNCERT CA {1}. Certificate Name: {2}. Your email has been used to apply for a digital certificate from NDNCERT. Please keep it secret and type it in your application to complete the certificate issuance process. If you do not know what is going on, please ignore this message.
+HTML_TEMPLATE = <html><head></head><body><p><b>Your PIN code: {0} from NDNCERT CA {1}. Certificate Name: {2}.</b></p><p>Your email has been used to apply for a digital certificate from NDNCERT. Please keep it secret and type it in your application to complete the certificate issuance process. If you do not know what is going on, please ignore this message.</p><p>Sincerely,<br/>NDN Testbed NDNCERT robot</p>