Merge "Add CertificateRequest"
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..199ab3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+NDN Certificate Management Protocol (NDNCERT)
+NDN certificate management protocol (NDNCERT) enables automatic certificate management in
+NDN. In Named Data Networking (NDN), every entity should have corresponding identity
+(namespace) and the corresponding certificate for this namespace. Moreover, entities need
+simple mechanisms to manage sub-identities and their certificates. NDNCERT provides flexible
+mechanisms to request certificate from a certificate authority(CA) and, as soon as certificate
+is obtained, mechanisms to issue and manage certificates in the designated namespace. Note that
+NDNCERT does not impose any specific trust model or trust anchors.  While the primary use case
+of the developed protocol is to manage NDN testbed certificates, it can be used with any other
+set of global and local trust anchors.
+This specification provides details and packet formats to request certificates, create
+certificates after one of the validation mechanism, and how the issued certificate is retrieved
+by the original requester.
+[See detail on our github wiki page.](