Update the NDNCERT library to version NDNCERT v2
Change-Id: Ia480a8e70c4b38ca170dfe2fcf50d1265ab65f46
diff --git a/tools/ndncert-ca-server.cpp b/tools/ndncert-ca-server.cpp
index 4dd518d..7e40d78 100644
--- a/tools/ndncert-ca-server.cpp
+++ b/tools/ndncert-ca-server.cpp
@@ -81,27 +81,10 @@
security::v2::KeyChain keyChain;
CaModule ca(face, keyChain, configFilePath);
- ca.setRecommendCaHandler(Name("/ndn"),
- [] (const std::string& input, const std::list<Name>& list) -> std::tuple<Name, std::string> {
- Name recommendedCa;
- std::string identity;
- for (auto caName : list) {
- std::string univName = readString(caName.get(-1));
- if (input.find(univName) != std::string::npos) {
- recommendedCa = caName;
- identity = input.substr(0, input.find("@"));
- break;
- }
- }
- return std::make_tuple(recommendedCa, identity);
- });
if (wantRepoOut) {
- for (const auto& caItem : ca.getCaConf().m_caItems) {
- ca.setStatusUpdateCallback(caItem.m_caName,
- [&] (const CertificateRequest& request) {
- if (request.getStatus() == ChallengeModule::SUCCESS) {
- auto issuedCert = request.getCert();
+ ca.setStatusUpdateCallback([&] (const CertificateRequest& request) {
+ if (request.m_status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+ auto issuedCert = request.m_cert;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::iostream requestStream;
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 106700
@@ -118,7 +101,6 @@
- }
diff --git a/tools/ndncert-ca-status.cpp b/tools/ndncert-ca-status.cpp
index a55812e..d426535 100644
--- a/tools/ndncert-ca-status.cpp
+++ b/tools/ndncert-ca-status.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2017, Regents of the University of California.
+ * Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
#include "ca-module.hpp"
#include "ca-detail/ca-sqlite.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/parsers.hpp>
@@ -77,11 +75,12 @@
std::cerr << "The pending requests :" << std::endl;
for (const auto& entry : requestList) {
- std::cerr << "Request ID: " << entry.getRequestId() << "\t"
- << "Current Status: " << entry.getStatus() << std::endl
- << "Applying CA: " << entry.getCaName().toUri() << std::endl
- << "Applying for key: " << entry.getCert().getKeyName().toUri() << std::endl
- << "Challenge Secret: " << convertJson2String(entry.getChallengeSecrets()) << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Request ID: " << entry.m_requestId << "\t"
+ << "Current Status: " << entry.m_status << std::endl
+ << "Applying CA: " << entry.m_caName << std::endl
+ << "Applying for key: " << entry.m_cert.getName() << std::endl
+ << "Challenge remaining tries: " << entry.m_remainingTries << std::endl
+ << "Challenge Secret: " << convertJson2String(entry.m_challengeSecrets) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\n\n" << "The issued certs :" << std::endl;
diff --git a/tools/ndncert-client.cpp b/tools/ndncert-client.cpp
index 3ad53aa..ea38694 100644
--- a/tools/ndncert-client.cpp
+++ b/tools/ndncert-client.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
- * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Regents of the University of California.
+ * Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Regents of the University of California.
* This file is part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
@@ -20,10 +20,8 @@
#include "client-module.hpp"
#include "challenge-module.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options/parsers.hpp>
@@ -32,208 +30,252 @@
namespace ndn {
namespace ndncert {
+static void startApplication();
int nStep;
+Face face;
+security::v2::KeyChain keyChain;
+std::string challengeType;
+ClientModule client(keyChain);
-class ClientTool
+static std::list<std::string>
+captureParams(const JsonSection& requirement)
- ClientTool(ClientModule& clientModule)
- : client(clientModule)
- {
+ std::list<std::string> results;
+ for (auto& item : requirement) {
+ std::cerr << item.second.get<std::string>("") << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Please provide the argument: " << item.first << " : " << std::endl;
+ std::string tempParam;
+ getline(std::cin, tempParam);
+ results.push_back(tempParam);
- void
- errorCb(const std::string& errorInfo)
- {
- std::cerr << "Error: " << errorInfo << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Got it. This is what you've provided:" << std::endl;
+ auto it1 = results.begin();
+ auto it2 = requirement.begin();
+ for (; it1 != results.end() && it2 != requirement.end(); it1++, it2++) {
+ std::cerr << it2->first << " : " << *it1 << std::endl;
+ return results;
- void
- downloadCb(const shared_ptr<RequestState>& state)
- {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++
- << "DONE! Certificate has already been installed to local keychain\n";
+static void
+ std::cerr << "Got NACK\n";
+static void
+ std::cerr << "Interest sent time out\n";
+static void
+downloadCb(const Data& reply)
+ client.onDownloadResponse(reply);
+ std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++
+ << ": DONE! Certificate has already been installed to local keychain\n";
+ return;
+static void
+challengeCb(const Data& reply)
+ client.onChallengeResponse(reply);
+ if (client.getApplicationStatus() == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+ std::cerr << "DONE! Certificate has already been issued \n";
+ face.expressInterest(*client.generateDownloadInterest(), bind(&downloadCb, _2),
+ bind(&onNackCb), bind(&timeoutCb));
- void
- anchorCb(const Interest& request, const Data& reply,
- const ClientCaItem& anchorItem, const Name& assignedName)
- {
- auto contentJson = ClientModule::getJsonFromData(reply);
- auto caItem = ClientConfig::extractCaItem(contentJson);
- if (!security::verifySignature(caItem.m_anchor, anchorItem.m_anchor)) {
- std::cerr << "Fail to verify fetched anchor" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- client.getClientConf().m_caItems.push_back(caItem);
- if (assignedName.toUri() != "/") {
- client.sendNew(caItem, assignedName,
- bind(&ClientTool::newCb, this, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
- }
- else {
- if (caItem.m_probe != "") {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Probe Requirement-" << caItem.m_probe << std::endl;
- std::string probeInfo;
- getline(std::cin, probeInfo);
- client.sendProbe(caItem, probeInfo,
- bind(&ClientTool::newCb, this, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
- }
- else {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please type in the identity name\n";
- std::string nameComponent;
- getline(std::cin, nameComponent);
- Name identityName = caItem.m_caName.getPrefix(-1);
- identityName.append(nameComponent);
- client.sendNew(caItem, identityName,
- bind(&ClientTool::newCb, this, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
- }
- }
- }
- void
- listCb(const std::list<Name>& caList, const Name& assignedName, const Name& schema,
- const ClientCaItem& caItem)
- {
- if (assignedName.toUri() != "" && caList.size() == 1) {
- // with recommendation
- std::cerr << "Get recommended CA: " << caList.front()
- << "Get recommended Identity: " << assignedName << std::endl;
- client.requestCaTrustAnchor(caList.front(),
- bind(&ClientTool::anchorCb, this, _1, _2, caItem, assignedName),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
- }
- else {
- // without recommendation
- int count = 0;
- for (auto name : caList) {
- std::cerr << "***************************************\n"
- << "Index: " << count++ << "\n"
- << "CA prefix:" << name << "\n"
- << "***************************************\n";
- }
- std::cerr << "Select an index to apply for a certificate\n";
- std::string option;
- getline(std::cin, option);
- int caIndex = std::stoi(option);
- std::vector<Name> caVector{std::begin(caList), std::end(caList)};
- Name targetCaName = caVector[caIndex];
- client.requestCaTrustAnchor(targetCaName,
- bind(&ClientTool::anchorCb, this, _1, _2, caItem, Name("")),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
- }
- }
- void
- validateCb(const shared_ptr<RequestState>& state)
- {
- if (state->m_status == ChallengeModule::SUCCESS) {
- std::cerr << "DONE! Certificate has already been issued \n";
- client.requestDownload(state,
- bind(&ClientTool::downloadCb, this, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
- return;
- }
- auto challenge = ChallengeModule::createChallengeModule(state->m_challengeType);
- auto requirementList = challenge->getRequirementForValidate(state->m_status);
+ auto challenge = ChallengeModule::createChallengeModule(challengeType);
+ auto requirement = challenge->getRequirementForChallenge(client.getApplicationStatus(), client.getChallengeStatus());
+ if (requirement.size() > 0) {
std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please satisfy following instruction(s)\n";
- for (auto requirement : requirementList) {
- std::cerr << "\t" << requirement << std::endl;
+ std::string redo = "";
+ std::list<std::string> capturedParams;
+ do {
+ capturedParams = captureParams(requirement);
+ std::cerr << "If anything is wrong, please type in OK; otherwise, type in REDO" << std::endl;
+ getline(std::cin, redo);
+ } while (redo == "REDO");
+ auto it1 = capturedParams.begin();
+ auto it2 = requirement.begin();
+ for (; it1 != capturedParams.end() && it2 != requirement.end(); it1++, it2++) {
+ it2->second.put("", *it1);
- std::list<std::string> paraList;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < requirementList.size(); i++) {
- std::string tempParam;
- getline(std::cin, tempParam);
- paraList.push_back(tempParam);
- }
- auto paramJson = challenge->genValidateParamsJson(state->m_status, paraList);
- client.sendValidate(state, paramJson,
- bind(&ClientTool::validateCb, this, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
+ face.expressInterest(*client.generateChallengeInterest(
+ challenge->genChallengeRequestJson(
+ client.getApplicationStatus(),
+ client.getChallengeStatus(),
+ requirement)),
+ bind(&challengeCb, _2),
+ bind(&onNackCb),
+ bind(&timeoutCb));
- void
- selectCb(const shared_ptr<RequestState>& state)
- {
- auto challenge = ChallengeModule::createChallengeModule(state->m_challengeType);
- auto requirementList = challenge->getRequirementForValidate(state->m_status);
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please satisfy following instruction(s)" << std::endl;
- for (auto item : requirementList) {
- std::cerr << "\t" << item << std::endl;
- }
- std::list<std::string> paraList;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < requirementList.size(); i++) {
- std::string tempParam;
- getline(std::cin, tempParam);
- paraList.push_back(tempParam);
- }
- auto paramJson = challenge->genValidateParamsJson(state->m_status, paraList);
- client.sendValidate(state, paramJson,
- bind(&ClientTool::validateCb, this, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
+static void
+newCb(const Data& reply)
+ auto challengeList = client.onNewResponse(reply);
+ std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please type in the challenge ID from the following challenges\n";
+ for (auto item : challengeList) {
+ std::cerr << "\t" << item << std::endl;
+ std::string choice;
+ getline(std::cin, choice);
- void
- newCb(const shared_ptr<RequestState>& state)
- {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please select one challenge from following types\n";
- for (auto item : state->m_challengeList) {
- std::cerr << "\t" << item << std::endl;
- }
- std::string choice;
- getline(std::cin, choice);
- auto challenge = ChallengeModule::createChallengeModule(choice);
- auto requirementList = challenge->getRequirementForSelect();
- std::list<std::string> paraList;
- if (requirementList.size() != 0) {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please satisfy following instruction(s)\n";
- for (auto item : requirementList) {
- std::cerr << "\t" << item << std::endl;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < requirementList.size(); i++) {
- std::string tempParam;
- getline(std::cin, tempParam);
- paraList.push_back(tempParam);
- }
- }
- auto paramJson = challenge->genSelectParamsJson(state->m_status, paraList);
- client.sendSelect(state, choice, paramJson,
- bind(&ClientTool::selectCb, this, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, this, _1));
+ auto challenge = ChallengeModule::createChallengeModule(choice);
+ if (challenge != nullptr) {
+ challengeType = choice;
+ else {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot recognize the specified challenge. Exit";
+ return;
+ }
+ auto requirement = challenge->getRequirementForChallenge(client.getApplicationStatus(),
+ client.getChallengeStatus());
+ if (requirement.size() > 0) {
+ std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please satisfy following instruction(s)\n";
+ std::string redo = "";
+ std::list<std::string> capturedParams;
+ do {
+ capturedParams = captureParams(requirement);
+ std::cerr << "If anything is wrong, please type in OK; otherwise, type in REDO" << std::endl;
+ getline(std::cin, redo);
+ } while (redo == "REDO");
+ auto it1 = capturedParams.begin();
+ auto it2 = requirement.begin();
+ for (; it1 != capturedParams.end() && it2 != requirement.end(); it1++, it2++) {
+ it2->second.put("", *it1);
+ }
+ }
+ face.expressInterest(*client.generateChallengeInterest(
+ challenge->genChallengeRequestJson(
+ client.getApplicationStatus(),
+ client.getChallengeStatus(),
+ requirement)),
+ bind(&challengeCb, _2),
+ bind(&onNackCb),
+ bind(&timeoutCb));
- ClientModule& client;
+static void
+probeInfoCb(const Data& reply)
+ auto contentJson = ClientModule::getJsonFromData(reply);
+ auto caItem = ClientConfig::extractCaItem(contentJson);
+ std::cerr << "Will install new trust anchor, please double check the identity info: \n"
+ << "This trust anchor packet is signed by " << reply.getSignature().getKeyLocator() << std::endl
+ << "The signing certificate is " << caItem.m_anchor << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Do you trust the information? Type in YES or NO" << std::endl;
+ std::string answer;
+ getline(std::cin, answer);
+ if (answer == "YES") {
+ client.onProbeInfoResponse(reply);
+ std::cerr << "You answered YES: new CA installed" << std::endl;
+ startApplication();
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cerr << "New CA not installed" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+static void
+probeCb(const Data& reply)
+ std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++
+ << ": Please type in your expected validity period of your certificate."
+ << " Type in a number in unit of hour. The CA may change the validity"
+ << " period if your expected period is too long." << std::endl;
+ std::string periodStr;
+ getline(std::cin, periodStr);
+ int hours = std::stoi(periodStr);
+ face.expressInterest(*client.generateNewInterest(time::system_clock::now(),
+ time::system_clock::now() + time::hours(hours)),
+ bind(&newCb, _2),
+ bind(&onNackCb),
+ bind(&timeoutCb));
+static void
+ nStep = 0;
+ auto caList = client.getClientConf().m_caItems;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (auto item : caList) {
+ std::cerr << "***************************************\n"
+ << "Index: " << count++ << "\n"
+ << "CA prefix:" << item.m_caName << "\n"
+ << "Introduction: " << item.m_caInfo << "\n"
+ << "***************************************\n";
+ }
+ std::vector<ClientCaItem> caVector{std::begin(caList), std::end(caList)};
+ std::cerr << "Step "
+ << nStep++ << ": Please type in the CA INDEX that you want to apply"
+ << " or type in NONE if your expected CA is not in the list\n";
+ std::string caIndexS;
+ getline(std::cin, caIndexS);
+ if (caIndexS == "NONE") {
+ std::cerr << "Step " << nStep << ": Please type in the CA Name\n";
+ face.expressInterest(*client.generateProbeInfoInterest(Name(caIndexS)),
+ bind(&probeInfoCb, _2),
+ bind(&onNackCb),
+ bind(&timeoutCb));
+ }
+ else {
+ int caIndex = std::stoi(caIndexS);
+ BOOST_ASSERT(caIndex <= count);
+ auto targetCaItem = caVector[caIndex];
+ if (targetCaItem.m_probe != "") {
+ std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Probe Requirement-" << targetCaItem.m_probe << std::endl;
+ std::string probeInfo;
+ getline(std::cin, probeInfo);
+ face.expressInterest(*client.generateProbeInterest(targetCaItem, probeInfo),
+ bind(&probeCb, _2),
+ bind(&onNackCb),
+ bind(&timeoutCb));
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please type in the identity name you want to get (with CA prefix)\n";
+ std::string identityNameStr;
+ getline(std::cin, identityNameStr);
+ std::cerr << "Step "
+ << nStep++ << ": Please type in your expected validity period of your certificate."
+ << "Type in a number in unit of hour."
+ << " The CA may change the validity period if your expected period is too long.\n";
+ std::string periodStr;
+ getline(std::cin, periodStr);
+ int hours = std::stoi(periodStr);
+ face.expressInterest(*client.generateNewInterest(time::system_clock::now(),
+ time::system_clock::now() + time::hours(hours),
+ Name(identityNameStr)),
+ bind(&newCb, _2),
+ bind(&onNackCb),
+ bind(&timeoutCb));
+ }
+ }
main(int argc, char* argv[])
namespace po = boost::program_options;
std::string configFilePath = std::string(SYSCONFDIR) + "/ndncert/client.conf";
- bool isIntra = false;
- po::options_description description("General Usage\n ndncert-client [-h] [-i] [-f]\n");
+ po::options_description description("General Usage\n ndncert-client [-h] [-f]\n");
- ("help,h",
- "produce help message")
- ("intra-node,i",
- "optional, if specified, switch on the intra-node mode")
- ("config-file,f", po::value<std::string>(&configFilePath),
- "config file name");
+ ("help,h", "produce help message")
+ ("config-file,f", po::value<std::string>(&configFilePath), "config file name");
po::positional_options_description p;
po::variables_map vm;
@@ -249,131 +291,8 @@
std::cerr << description << std::endl;
return 0;
- if (vm.count("intra-node") != 0) {
- isIntra = true;
- }
- nStep = 0;
- Face face;
- security::v2::KeyChain keyChain;
- ClientModule client(face, keyChain);
- ClientTool tool(client);
- if (isIntra) {
- client.requestLocalhostList([&](const ClientConfig& config) {
- auto caList = config.m_caItems;
- int count = 0;
- for (auto item : caList) {
- std::cerr << "***************************************\n"
- << "Index: " << count++ << "\n"
- << "CA prefix:" << item.m_caName << "\n"
- << "Introduction: " << item.m_caInfo << "\n"
- << "***************************************\n";
- }
- std::vector<ClientCaItem> caVector{std::begin(caList), std::end(caList)};
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++
- << ": Please type in the CA namespace index that you want to apply\n";
- std::string caIndexS;
- getline(std::cin, caIndexS);
- int caIndex = std::stoi(caIndexS);
- BOOST_ASSERT(caIndex <= count);
- auto targetCaItem = caVector[caIndex];
- if (targetCaItem.m_probe != "") {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Probe Requirement-" << targetCaItem.m_probe << std::endl;
- std::string probeInfo;
- getline(std::cin, probeInfo);
- client.sendProbe(targetCaItem, probeInfo,
- bind(&ClientTool::newCb, &tool, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, &tool, _1));
- }
- else {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please type in the identity name\n";
- std::string nameComponent;
- getline(std::cin, nameComponent);
- Name identityName = targetCaItem.m_caName.getPrefix(-1);
- identityName.append(nameComponent);
- client.sendNew(targetCaItem, identityName,
- bind(&ClientTool::newCb, &tool, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, &tool, _1));
- }
- },
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, &tool, _1));
- }
- else {
- // Inter-node Application
- bool listFirst = false;
- auto caList = client.getClientConf().m_caItems;
- int count = 0;
- for (auto item : caList) {
- std::cerr << "***************************************\n"
- << "Index: " << count++ << "\n"
- << "CA prefix:" << item.m_caName << "\n"
- << "Introduction: " << item.m_caInfo << "\n"
- << "***************************************\n";
- }
- std::vector<ClientCaItem> caVector{std::begin(caList), std::end(caList)};
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please type in the CA namespace index that you want to apply\n";
- std::string caIndexS;
- getline(std::cin, caIndexS);
- int caIndex = std::stoi(caIndexS);
- BOOST_ASSERT(caIndex <= count);
- auto targetCaItem = caVector[caIndex];
- if (targetCaItem.m_isListEnabled) {
- std::cerr << "This CA provides several sub-namepace CAs \n"
- << "Do you want to (A) get a certificate from " << targetCaItem.m_caName << " directly? \n"
- << "Or (B) get a certificate from one of its sub-namespace CAs? \n"
- << "Please type in your choice (A or B) \n";
- std::string listOption;
- getline(std::cin, listOption);
- if (listOption == "A" || listOption == "a") {
- listFirst = false;
- }
- else if (listOption == "B" || listOption == "b") {
- listFirst = true;
- std::string additionalInfo = "";
- if (targetCaItem.m_targetedList != "") {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++
- << ": Enter nothing if you want to see all available sub-namespace CAs"
- << " or follow the instruction to get a recommended CA\n"
- << "\t" << targetCaItem.m_targetedList << std::endl;
- getline(std::cin, additionalInfo);
- }
- client.requestList(targetCaItem, additionalInfo,
- bind(&ClientTool::listCb, &tool, _1, _2, _3, targetCaItem),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, &tool, _1));
- }
- else {
- std::cerr << "Your input is not an option." << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (!listFirst) {
- if (targetCaItem.m_probe != "") {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Probe Requirement-" << targetCaItem.m_probe << std::endl;
- std::string probeInfo;
- getline(std::cin, probeInfo);
- client.sendProbe(targetCaItem, probeInfo,
- bind(&ClientTool::newCb, &tool, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, &tool, _1));
- }
- else {
- std::cerr << "Step " << nStep++ << ": Please type in the identity name\n";
- std::string nameComponent;
- getline(std::cin, nameComponent);
- Name identityName = targetCaItem.m_caName.getPrefix(-1);
- identityName.append(nameComponent);
- client.sendNew(targetCaItem, identityName,
- bind(&ClientTool::newCb, &tool, _1),
- bind(&ClientTool::errorCb, &tool, _1));
- }
- }
- }
+ startApplication();
return 0;