build+ci: Add project skeleton
Change-Id: I0fc7c71b23a99899f70d683b45cc27967db15beb
diff --git a/.jenkins b/.jenkins
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..674d751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jenkins
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
+for file in "$DIR"/.jenkins.d/*; do
+ [[ -f $file && -x $file ]] || continue
+ echo "Run: $file"
+ "$file"
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41b93f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+JDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
+source "$JDIR"/
+set -x
+if has OSX $NODE_LABELS; then
+ brew update
+ brew upgrade
+ brew install boost pkg-config cryptopp openssl
+ brew cleanup
+if has Ubuntu $NODE_LABELS; then
+ sudo apt-get -qq update
+ sudo apt-get -qq install build-essential pkg-config libboost-all-dev \
+ libcrypto++-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..482c155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+JDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
+source "$JDIR"/
+set -x
+pushd "${CACHE_DIR:-/tmp}" >/dev/null
+INSTALLED_VERSION=$((cd ndn-cxx && git rev-parse HEAD) 2>/dev/null || echo NONE)
+sudo rm -Rf ndn-cxx-latest
+git clone --depth 1 git:// ndn-cxx-latest
+LATEST_VERSION=$((cd ndn-cxx-latest && git rev-parse HEAD) 2>/dev/null || echo UNKNOWN)
+ sudo rm -Rf ndn-cxx
+ mv ndn-cxx-latest ndn-cxx
+ sudo rm -Rf NFD NFD-latest
+ sudo rm -Rf ndn-cxx-latest
+sudo rm -Rf /usr/local/include/ndn-cxx
+sudo rm -f /usr/local/lib/libndn-cxx*
+sudo rm -f /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libndn-cxx*
+pushd ndn-cxx >/dev/null
+./waf -j1 --color=yes configure --enable-shared --disable-static --without-osx-keychain
+./waf -j1 --color=yes build
+sudo ./waf -j1 --color=yes install
+popd >/dev/null
+popd >/dev/null
+if has Linux $NODE_LABELS; then
+ sudo ldconfig
+elif has FreeBSD $NODE_LABELS; then
+ sudo ldconfig -a
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..db41533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+JDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
+source "$JDIR"/
+set -x
+git submodule init
+git submodule sync
+git submodule update
+# Cleanup
+sudo ./waf -j1 --color=yes distclean
+if [[ $JOB_NAME != *"code-coverage" && $JOB_NAME != *"limited-build" ]]; then
+ # Configure/build in optimized mode with tests
+ ./waf -j1 --color=yes configure --with-tests
+ ./waf -j1 --color=yes build
+ # Cleanup
+ sudo ./waf -j1 --color=yes distclean
+ # Configure/build in optimized mode without tests
+ ./waf -j1 --color=yes configure
+ ./waf -j1 --color=yes build
+ # Cleanup
+ sudo ./waf -j1 --color=yes distclean
+# Configure/build in debug mode with tests
+if [[ $JOB_NAME == *"code-coverage" ]]; then
+ COVERAGE="--with-coverage"
+elif ! has OSX-10.9 $NODE_LABELS && ! has OSX-10.11 $NODE_LABELS; then
+ ASAN="--with-sanitizer=address"
+./waf -j1 --color=yes configure --debug --with-tests $COVERAGE $ASAN
+./waf -j1 --color=yes build
+# (tests will be run against debug version)
+# Install
+sudo ./waf -j1 --color=yes install
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..18d1c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+JDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
+source "$JDIR"/
+set -x
+BOOST_VERSION=$(python -c "import sys; sys.path.append('build/c4che'); import _cache; print(_cache.BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER);")
+ut_log_args() {
+ if (( BOOST_VERSION >= 106200 )); then
+ echo --logger=HRF,test_suite,stdout:XML,all,build/xunit-${1:-report}.xml
+ else
+ if [[ -n $XUNIT ]]; then
+ echo --log_level=all $( (( BOOST_VERSION >= 106000 )) && echo -- ) \
+ --log_format2=XML --log_sink2=build/xunit-${1:-report}.xml
+ else
+ echo --log_level=test_suite
+ fi
+ fi
+# First run all tests as unprivileged user
+./build/unit-tests $(ut_log_args)
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e629e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+JDIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
+source "$JDIR"/
+set -x
+if [[ $JOB_NAME == *"code-coverage" ]]; then
+ gcovr --object-directory=build \
+ --output=build/coverage.xml \
+ --exclude="$PWD/(tests)" \
+ --root=. \
+ --xml
+ # # Generate also a detailed HTML output, but using lcov (slower, but better results)
+ lcov -q -c -d . --no-external -o build/ --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1
+ lcov -q -r build/ "$PWD/tests/*" -o build/ --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1
+ genhtml build/ --output-directory build/coverage --legend --rc genhtml_branch_coverage=1
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..085e383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Environment Variables Used in Build Scripts
+- `NODE_LABELS`: the variable defines a list of OS properties. The set values are used by the
+ build scripts to select proper behavior for different OS.
+ The list should include at least `[OS_TYPE]`, `[DISTRO_TYPE]`, and `[DISTRO_VERSION]`.
+ Possible values for Linux:
+ * `[OS_TYPE]`: `Linux`
+ * `[DISTRO_TYPE]`: `Ubuntu`
+ * `[DISTRO_VERSION]`: `Ubuntu-14.04`, `Ubuntu-16.04`
+ Possible values for OS X / macOS:
+ * `[OS_TYPE]`: `OSX`
+ * `[DISTRO_TYPE]`: `OSX` (can be absent)
+ * `[DISTRO_VERSION]`: `OSX-10.10`, `OSX-10.11`, `OSX-10.12`
+- `JOB_NAME`: optional variable to define type of the job. Depending on the defined job type,
+ the build scripts can perform different tasks.
+ Possible values:
+ * empty: default build process
+ * `code-coverage` (Linux OS is assumed): debug build with tests and code coverage analysis
+ * `limited-build`: only a single debug build with tests
+- `CACHE_DIR`: the variable defines a path to folder containing cached files from previous builds,
+ e.g., a compiled version of ndn-cxx library. If not set, `/tmp` is used.
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a89bc27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+has() {
+ local saved_xtrace
+ [[ $- == *x* ]] && saved_xtrace=-x || saved_xtrace=+x
+ set +x
+ local p=$1
+ shift
+ local i ret=1
+ for i in "$@"; do
+ if [[ "${i}" == "${p}" ]]; then
+ ret=0
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ set ${saved_xtrace}
+ return ${ret}
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76e3ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+sudo: required
+language: generic
+ global:
+ - JOB_NAME=limited-build
+ include:
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ env:
+ - CXX=g++
+ - NODE_LABELS="Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu-14.04"
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ env:
+ - CXX=clang++
+ - NODE_LABELS="Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu-14.04"
+ - os: osx
+ osx_image: xcode8.2
+ env:
+ - CXX=clang++
+ email:
+ on_success: always
+ on_failure: always
+ - ./.jenkins
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b9395e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# partially based on written by Gernot Vormayr
+# written by Ruediger Sonderfeld <>, 2008
+# modified by Bjoern Michaelsen, 2008
+# modified by Luca Fossati, 2008
+# rewritten for waf 1.5.1, Thomas Nagy, 2008
+# rewritten for waf 1.6.2, Sylvain Rouquette, 2011
+This is an extra tool, not bundled with the default waf binary.
+To add the boost tool to the waf file:
+$ ./waf-light --tools=compat15,boost
+ or, if you have waf >= 1.6.2
+$ ./waf update --files=boost
+When using this tool, the wscript will look like:
+ def options(opt):
+ opt.load('compiler_cxx boost')
+ def configure(conf):
+ conf.load('compiler_cxx boost')
+ conf.check_boost(lib='system filesystem')
+ def build(bld):
+ bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='BOOST')
+Options are generated, in order to specify the location of boost includes/libraries.
+The `check_boost` configuration function allows to specify the used boost libraries.
+It can also provide default arguments to the --boost-mt command-line arguments.
+Everything will be packaged together in a BOOST component that you can use.
+When using MSVC, a lot of compilation flags need to match your BOOST build configuration:
+ - you may have to add /EHsc to your CXXFLAGS or define boost::throw_exception if BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined.
+ Errors: C4530
+ - boost libraries will try to be smart and use the (pretty but often not useful) auto-linking feature of MSVC
+ So before calling `conf.check_boost` you might want to disabling by adding
+ Errors:
+ - boost might also be compiled with /MT, which links the runtime statically.
+ If you have problems with redefined symbols,
+ self.env['DEFINES_%s' % var] += ['BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB']
+ self.env['CXXFLAGS_%s' % var] += ['/MD', '/EHsc']
+Passing `--boost-linkage_autodetect` might help ensuring having a correct linkage in some basic cases.
+import sys
+import re
+from waflib import Utils, Logs, Errors
+from waflib.Configure import conf
+from waflib.TaskGen import feature, after_method
+BOOST_LIBS = ['/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu',
+ '/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib', '/opt/local/lib', '/sw/lib', '/lib']
+BOOST_INCLUDES = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include', '/opt/local/include', '/sw/include']
+BOOST_VERSION_FILE = 'boost/version.hpp'
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+int main() { std::cout << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << ":" << BOOST_VERSION << std::endl; }
+#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
+int main() { boost::system::error_code c; }
+#include <pthread.h>
+static void* f(void*) { return 0; }
+int main() {
+ pthread_t th;
+ pthread_attr_t attr;
+ pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+ pthread_create(&th, &attr, &f, 0);
+ pthread_join(th, 0);
+ pthread_cleanup_push(0, 0);
+ pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
+ pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
+#include <boost/thread.hpp>
+int main() { boost::thread t; }
+#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/utility/setup/console.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/utility/setup/common_attributes.hpp>
+int main() {
+ using namespace boost::log;
+ add_common_attributes();
+ add_console_log(std::clog, keywords::format = "%Message%");
+ BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "log is working" << std::endl;
+# toolsets from {boost_dir}/tools/build/v2/tools/common.jam
+PLATFORM = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
+detect_intel = lambda env: (PLATFORM == 'win32') and 'iw' or 'il'
+detect_clang = lambda env: (PLATFORM == 'darwin') and 'clang-darwin' or 'clang'
+detect_mingw = lambda env: ('MinGW', env.CXX[0])) and 'mgw' or 'gcc'
+ 'borland': 'bcb',
+ 'clang': detect_clang,
+ 'como': 'como',
+ 'cw': 'cw',
+ 'darwin': 'xgcc',
+ 'edg': 'edg',
+ 'g++': detect_mingw,
+ 'gcc': detect_mingw,
+ 'icpc': detect_intel,
+ 'intel': detect_intel,
+ 'kcc': 'kcc',
+ 'kylix': 'bck',
+ 'mipspro': 'mp',
+ 'mingw': 'mgw',
+ 'msvc': 'vc',
+ 'qcc': 'qcc',
+ 'sun': 'sw',
+ 'sunc++': 'sw',
+ 'tru64cxx': 'tru',
+ 'vacpp': 'xlc'
+def options(opt):
+ opt = opt.add_option_group('Boost Options')
+ opt.add_option('--boost-includes', type='string',
+ default='', dest='boost_includes',
+ help='''path to the directory where the boost includes are,
+ e.g., /path/to/boost_1_55_0/stage/include''')
+ opt.add_option('--boost-libs', type='string',
+ default='', dest='boost_libs',
+ help='''path to the directory where the boost libs are,
+ e.g., path/to/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib''')
+ opt.add_option('--boost-mt', action='store_true',
+ default=False, dest='boost_mt',
+ help='select multi-threaded libraries')
+ opt.add_option('--boost-abi', type='string', default='', dest='boost_abi',
+ help='''select libraries with tags (gd for debug, static is automatically added),
+ see doc Boost, Getting Started, chapter 6.1''')
+ opt.add_option('--boost-linkage_autodetect', action="store_true", dest='boost_linkage_autodetect',
+ help="auto-detect boost linkage options (don't get used to it / might break other stuff)")
+ opt.add_option('--boost-toolset', type='string',
+ default='', dest='boost_toolset',
+ help='force a toolset e.g. msvc, vc90, \
+ gcc, mingw, mgw45 (default: auto)')
+ py_version = '%d%d' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
+ opt.add_option('--boost-python', type='string',
+ default=py_version, dest='boost_python',
+ help='select the lib python with this version \
+ (default: %s)' % py_version)
+def __boost_get_version_file(self, d):
+ if not d:
+ return None
+ dnode = self.root.find_dir(d)
+ if dnode:
+ return dnode.find_node(BOOST_VERSION_FILE)
+ return None
+def boost_get_version(self, d):
+ """silently retrieve the boost version number"""
+ node = self.__boost_get_version_file(d)
+ if node:
+ try:
+ txt =
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ Logs.error("Could not read the file %r" % node.abspath())
+ else:
+ re_but1 = re.compile('^#define\\s+BOOST_LIB_VERSION\\s+"(.+)"', re.M)
+ m1 =
+ re_but2 = re.compile('^#define\\s+BOOST_VERSION\\s+(\\d+)', re.M)
+ m2 =
+ if m1 and m2:
+ return (,
+ return self.check_cxx(fragment=BOOST_VERSION_CODE, includes=[d], execute=True, define_ret=True).split(":")
+def boost_get_includes(self, *k, **kw):
+ includes = k and k[0] or kw.get('includes', None)
+ if includes and self.__boost_get_version_file(includes):
+ return includes
+ for d in self.environ.get('INCLUDE', '').split(';') + BOOST_INCLUDES:
+ if self.__boost_get_version_file(d):
+ return d
+ if includes:
+ self.end_msg('headers not found in %s' % includes)
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+ else:
+ self.end_msg('headers not found, please provide a --boost-includes argument (see help)')
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+def boost_get_toolset(self, cc):
+ toolset = cc
+ if not cc:
+ build_platform = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
+ if build_platform in BOOST_TOOLSETS:
+ cc = build_platform
+ else:
+ cc = self.env.CXX_NAME
+ if cc in BOOST_TOOLSETS:
+ toolset = BOOST_TOOLSETS[cc]
+ return isinstance(toolset, str) and toolset or toolset(self.env)
+def __boost_get_libs_path(self, *k, **kw):
+ ''' return the lib path and all the files in it '''
+ if 'files' in kw:
+ return self.root.find_dir('.'), Utils.to_list(kw['files'])
+ libs = k and k[0] or kw.get('libs', None)
+ if libs:
+ path = self.root.find_dir(libs)
+ files = path.ant_glob('*boost_*')
+ if not libs or not files:
+ for d in self.environ.get('LIB', '').split(';') + BOOST_LIBS:
+ if not d:
+ continue
+ path = self.root.find_dir(d)
+ if path:
+ files = path.ant_glob('*boost_*')
+ if files:
+ break
+ path = self.root.find_dir(d + '64')
+ if path:
+ files = path.ant_glob('*boost_*')
+ if files:
+ break
+ if not path:
+ if libs:
+ self.end_msg('libs not found in %s' % libs)
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+ else:
+ self.end_msg('libs not found, please provide a --boost-libs argument (see help)')
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+ self.to_log('Found the boost path in %r with the libraries:' % path)
+ for x in files:
+ self.to_log(' %r' % x)
+ return path, files
+def boost_get_libs(self, *k, **kw):
+ '''
+ return the lib path and the required libs
+ according to the parameters
+ '''
+ path, files = self.__boost_get_libs_path(**kw)
+ files = sorted(files, key=lambda f: (len(,, reverse=True)
+ toolset = self.boost_get_toolset(kw.get('toolset', ''))
+ toolset_pat = '(-%s[0-9]{0,3})' % toolset
+ version = '-%s' % self.env.BOOST_VERSION
+ def find_lib(re_lib, files):
+ for file in files:
+ if
+ self.to_log('Found boost lib %s' % file)
+ return file
+ return None
+ def format_lib_name(name):
+ if name.startswith('lib') and self.env.CC_NAME != 'msvc':
+ name = name[3:]
+ return name[:name.rfind('.')]
+ def match_libs(lib_names, is_static):
+ libs = []
+ lib_names = Utils.to_list(lib_names)
+ if not lib_names:
+ return libs
+ t = []
+ if kw.get('mt', False):
+ t.append('-mt')
+ if kw.get('abi', None):
+ t.append('%s%s' % (is_static and '-s' or '-', kw['abi']))
+ elif is_static:
+ t.append('-s')
+ tags_pat = t and ''.join(t) or ''
+ ext = is_static and self.env.cxxstlib_PATTERN or self.env.cxxshlib_PATTERN
+ ext = ext.partition('%s')[2] # remove '%s' or 'lib%s' from PATTERN
+ for lib in lib_names:
+ if lib == 'python':
+ # for instance, with python='27',
+ # accepts '-py27', '-py2', '27' and '2'
+ # but will reject '-py3', '-py26', '26' and '3'
+ tags = '({0})?((-py{2})|(-py{1}(?=[^0-9]))|({2})|({1}(?=[^0-9]))|(?=[^0-9])(?!-py))'.format(tags_pat, kw['python'][0], kw['python'])
+ else:
+ tags = tags_pat
+ # Trying libraries, from most strict match to least one
+ for pattern in ['boost_%s%s%s%s%s$' % (lib, toolset_pat, tags, version, ext),
+ 'boost_%s%s%s%s$' % (lib, tags, version, ext),
+ # Give up trying to find the right version
+ 'boost_%s%s%s%s$' % (lib, toolset_pat, tags, ext),
+ 'boost_%s%s%s$' % (lib, tags, ext),
+ 'boost_%s%s$' % (lib, ext),
+ 'boost_%s' % lib]:
+ self.to_log('Trying pattern %s' % pattern)
+ file = find_lib(re.compile(pattern), files)
+ if file:
+ libs.append(format_lib_name(
+ break
+ else:
+ self.end_msg('lib %s not found in %s' % (lib, path.abspath()))
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+ return libs
+ return path.abspath(), match_libs(kw.get('lib', None), False), match_libs(kw.get('stlib', None), True)
+def _check_pthread_flag(self, *k, **kw):
+ '''
+ Computes which flags should be added to CXXFLAGS and LINKFLAGS to compile in multi-threading mode
+ Yes, we *need* to put the -pthread thing in CPPFLAGS because with GCC3,
+ boost/thread.hpp will trigger a #error if -pthread isn't used:
+ boost/config/requires_threads.hpp:47:5: #error "Compiler threading support
+ is not turned on. Please set the correct command line options for
+ threading: -pthread (Linux), -pthreads (Solaris) or -mthreads (Mingw32)"
+ '''
+ var = kw.get('uselib_store', 'BOOST')
+ self.start_msg('Checking the flags needed to use pthreads')
+ # The ordering *is* (sometimes) important. Some notes on the
+ # individual items follow:
+ # (none): in case threads are in libc; should be tried before -Kthread and
+ # other compiler flags to prevent continual compiler warnings
+ # -lpthreads: AIX (must check this before -lpthread)
+ # -Kthread: Sequent (threads in libc, but -Kthread needed for pthread.h)
+ # -kthread: FreeBSD kernel threads (preferred to -pthread since SMP-able)
+ # -llthread: LinuxThreads port on FreeBSD (also preferred to -pthread)
+ # -pthread: GNU Linux/GCC (kernel threads), BSD/GCC (userland threads)
+ # -pthreads: Solaris/GCC
+ # -mthreads: MinGW32/GCC, Lynx/GCC
+ # -mt: Sun Workshop C (may only link SunOS threads [-lthread], but it
+ # doesn't hurt to check since this sometimes defines pthreads too;
+ # also defines -D_REENTRANT)
+ # ... -mt is also the pthreads flag for HP/aCC
+ # -lpthread: GNU Linux, etc.
+ # --thread-safe: KAI C++
+ if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == "sunos":
+ # On Solaris (at least, for some versions), libc contains stubbed
+ # (non-functional) versions of the pthreads routines, so link-based
+ # tests will erroneously succeed. (We need to link with -pthreads/-mt/
+ # -lpthread.) (The stubs are missing pthread_cleanup_push, or rather
+ # a function called by this macro, so we could check for that, but
+ # who knows whether they'll stub that too in a future libc.) So,
+ # we'll just look for -pthreads and -lpthread first:
+ boost_pthread_flags = ["-pthreads", "-lpthread", "-mt", "-pthread"]
+ else:
+ boost_pthread_flags = ["", "-lpthreads", "-Kthread", "-kthread", "-llthread", "-pthread",
+ "-pthreads", "-mthreads", "-lpthread", "--thread-safe", "-mt"]
+ for boost_pthread_flag in boost_pthread_flags:
+ try:
+ self.env.stash()
+ self.env['CXXFLAGS_%s' % var] += [boost_pthread_flag]
+ self.env['LINKFLAGS_%s' % var] += [boost_pthread_flag]
+ self.check_cxx(code=PTHREAD_CODE, msg=None, use=var, execute=False)
+ self.end_msg(boost_pthread_flag)
+ return
+ except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
+ self.env.revert()
+ self.end_msg('None')
+def check_boost(self, *k, **kw):
+ """
+ Initialize boost libraries to be used.
+ Keywords: you can pass the same parameters as with the command line (without "--boost-").
+ Note that the command line has the priority, and should preferably be used.
+ """
+ if not self.env['CXX']:
+ self.fatal('load a c++ compiler first, conf.load("compiler_cxx")')
+ params = {
+ 'lib': k and k[0] or kw.get('lib', None),
+ 'stlib': kw.get('stlib', None)
+ }
+ for key, value in self.options.__dict__.items():
+ if not key.startswith('boost_'):
+ continue
+ key = key[len('boost_'):]
+ params[key] = value and value or kw.get(key, '')
+ var = kw.get('uselib_store', 'BOOST')
+ self.start_msg('Checking boost includes')
+ self.env['INCLUDES_%s' % var] = inc = self.boost_get_includes(**params)
+ versions = self.boost_get_version(inc)
+ self.env.BOOST_VERSION = versions[0]
+ self.env.BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER = int(versions[1])
+ self.end_msg("%d.%d.%d" % (int(versions[1]) / 100000,
+ int(versions[1]) / 100 % 1000,
+ int(versions[1]) % 100))
+ if Logs.verbose:
+ Logs.pprint('CYAN', ' path : %s' % self.env['INCLUDES_%s' % var])
+ if not params['lib'] and not params['stlib']:
+ return
+ if 'static' in kw or 'static' in params:
+ Logs.warn('boost: static parameter is deprecated, use stlib instead.')
+ self.start_msg('Checking boost libs')
+ path, libs, stlibs = self.boost_get_libs(**params)
+ self.env['LIBPATH_%s' % var] = [path]
+ self.env['STLIBPATH_%s' % var] = [path]
+ self.env['LIB_%s' % var] = libs
+ self.env['STLIB_%s' % var] = stlibs
+ self.end_msg('ok')
+ if Logs.verbose:
+ Logs.pprint('CYAN', ' path : %s' % path)
+ Logs.pprint('CYAN', ' shared libs : %s' % libs)
+ Logs.pprint('CYAN', ' static libs : %s' % stlibs)
+ def has_shlib(lib):
+ return params['lib'] and lib in params['lib']
+ def has_stlib(lib):
+ return params['stlib'] and lib in params['stlib']
+ def has_lib(lib):
+ return has_shlib(lib) or has_stlib(lib)
+ if has_lib('thread'):
+ # not inside try_link to make check visible in the output
+ self._check_pthread_flag(k, kw)
+ def try_link():
+ if has_lib('system'):
+ self.check_cxx(fragment=BOOST_ERROR_CODE, use=var, execute=False)
+ if has_lib('thread'):
+ self.check_cxx(fragment=BOOST_THREAD_CODE, use=var, execute=False)
+ if has_lib('log'):
+ if not has_lib('thread'):
+ self.env['DEFINES_%s' % var] += ['BOOST_LOG_NO_THREADS']
+ if has_shlib('log'):
+ self.env['DEFINES_%s' % var] += ['BOOST_LOG_DYN_LINK']
+ self.check_cxx(fragment=BOOST_LOG_CODE, use=var, execute=False)
+ if params.get('linkage_autodetect', False):
+ self.start_msg("Attempting to detect boost linkage flags")
+ toolset = self.boost_get_toolset(kw.get('toolset', ''))
+ if toolset in ('vc',):
+ # disable auto-linking feature, causing error LNK1181
+ # because the code wants to be linked against
+ self.env['DEFINES_%s' % var] += ['BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB']
+ # if no dlls are present, we guess the .lib files are not stubs
+ has_dlls = False
+ for x in Utils.listdir(path):
+ if x.endswith(self.env.cxxshlib_PATTERN % ''):
+ has_dlls = True
+ break
+ if not has_dlls:
+ self.env['STLIBPATH_%s' % var] = [path]
+ self.env['STLIB_%s' % var] = libs
+ del self.env['LIB_%s' % var]
+ del self.env['LIBPATH_%s' % var]
+ # we attempt to play with some known-to-work CXXFLAGS combinations
+ for cxxflags in (['/MD', '/EHsc'], []):
+ self.env.stash()
+ self.env["CXXFLAGS_%s" % var] += cxxflags
+ try:
+ try_link()
+ self.end_msg("ok: winning cxxflags combination: %s" % (self.env["CXXFLAGS_%s" % var]))
+ exc = None
+ break
+ except Errors.ConfigurationError as e:
+ self.env.revert()
+ exc = e
+ if exc is not None:
+ self.end_msg("Could not auto-detect boost linking flags combination, you may report it to author", ex=exc)
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+ else:
+ self.end_msg("Boost linkage flags auto-detection not implemented (needed ?) for this toolchain")
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+ else:
+ self.start_msg('Checking for boost linkage')
+ try:
+ try_link()
+ except Errors.ConfigurationError as e:
+ self.end_msg("Could not link against boost libraries using supplied options")
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+ self.end_msg('ok')
+def install_boost(self):
+ if install_boost.done or not Utils.is_win32 or not self.bld.cmd.startswith('install'):
+ return
+ install_boost.done = True
+ inst_to = getattr(self, 'install_path', '${BINDIR}')
+ for lib in self.env.LIB_BOOST:
+ try:
+ file = self.bld.find_file(self.env.cxxshlib_PATTERN % lib, self.env.LIBPATH_BOOST)
+ self.bld.install_files(inst_to, self.bld.root.find_node(file))
+ except:
+ continue
+install_boost.done = False
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce92883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
+from waflib import TaskGen, Logs
+def options(opt):
+ opt.add_option('--with-coverage', action='store_true', default=False, dest='with_coverage',
+ help='''Set compiler flags for gcc to enable code coverage information''')
+def configure(conf):
+ if conf.options.with_coverage:
+ if not conf.options.debug:
+ conf.fatal("Code coverage flags require debug mode compilation (add --debug)")
+ conf.check_cxx(cxxflags=['-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage', '-fPIC'],
+ linkflags=['-fprofile-arcs'], uselib_store='GCOV', mandatory=True)
+def add_coverage(self):
+ if getattr(self, 'use', ''):
+ self.use += ' GCOV'
+ else:
+ self.use = 'GCOV'
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..629b8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
+from waflib import Logs, Configure, Utils
+def options(opt):
+ opt.add_option('--debug', '--with-debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug',
+ help='''Compile in debugging mode without optimizations (-O0 or -Og)''')
+def configure(conf):
+ cxx = conf.env['CXX_NAME'] # CXX_NAME represents generic name of the compiler
+ if cxx == 'gcc':
+ flags = GccFlags()
+ elif cxx == 'clang':
+ flags = ClangFlags()
+ else:
+ flags = CompilerFlags()
+ Logs.warn('The code has not yet been tested with %s compiler' % cxx)
+ areCustomCxxflagsPresent = (len(conf.env.CXXFLAGS) > 0)
+ # General flags are always applied (e.g., selecting C++11 mode)
+ generalFlags = flags.getGeneralFlags(conf)
+ conf.add_supported_cxxflags(generalFlags['CXXFLAGS'])
+ conf.add_supported_linkflags(generalFlags['LINKFLAGS'])
+ conf.env.DEFINES += generalFlags['DEFINES']
+ # Debug or optimized CXXFLAGS and LINKFLAGS are applied only if the
+ # corresponding environment variables are not set.
+ # DEFINES are always applied.
+ if conf.options.debug:
+ extraFlags = flags.getDebugFlags(conf)
+ if areCustomCxxflagsPresent:
+ missingFlags = [x for x in extraFlags['CXXFLAGS'] if x not in conf.env.CXXFLAGS]
+ if len(missingFlags) > 0:
+ Logs.warn("Selected debug mode, but CXXFLAGS is set to a custom value '%s'"
+ % " ".join(conf.env.CXXFLAGS))
+ Logs.warn("Default flags '%s' are not activated" % " ".join(missingFlags))
+ else:
+ extraFlags = flags.getOptimizedFlags(conf)
+ if not areCustomCxxflagsPresent:
+ conf.add_supported_cxxflags(extraFlags['CXXFLAGS'])
+ conf.add_supported_linkflags(extraFlags['LINKFLAGS'])
+ conf.env.DEFINES += extraFlags['DEFINES']
+def add_supported_cxxflags(self, cxxflags):
+ """
+ Check which cxxflags are supported by compiler and add them to env.CXXFLAGS variable
+ """
+ if len(cxxflags) == 0:
+ return
+ self.start_msg('Checking supported CXXFLAGS')
+ supportedFlags = []
+ for flag in cxxflags:
+ if self.check_cxx(cxxflags=['-Werror', flag], mandatory=False):
+ supportedFlags += [flag]
+ self.end_msg(' '.join(supportedFlags))
+ self.env.prepend_value('CXXFLAGS', supportedFlags)
+def add_supported_linkflags(self, linkflags):
+ """
+ Check which linkflags are supported by compiler and add them to env.LINKFLAGS variable
+ """
+ if len(linkflags) == 0:
+ return
+ self.start_msg('Checking supported LINKFLAGS')
+ supportedFlags = []
+ for flag in linkflags:
+ if self.check_cxx(linkflags=['-Werror', flag], mandatory=False):
+ supportedFlags += [flag]
+ self.end_msg(' '.join(supportedFlags))
+ self.env.prepend_value('LINKFLAGS', supportedFlags)
+class CompilerFlags(object):
+ def getGeneralFlags(self, conf):
+ """Get dict of CXXFLAGS, LINKFLAGS, and DEFINES that are always needed"""
+ return {'CXXFLAGS': [], 'LINKFLAGS': [], 'DEFINES': []}
+ def getDebugFlags(self, conf):
+ """Get dict of CXXFLAGS, LINKFLAGS, and DEFINES that are needed only in debug mode"""
+ return {'CXXFLAGS': [], 'LINKFLAGS': [], 'DEFINES': ['_DEBUG']}
+ def getOptimizedFlags(self, conf):
+ """Get dict of CXXFLAGS, LINKFLAGS, and DEFINES that are needed only in optimized mode"""
+ return {'CXXFLAGS': [], 'LINKFLAGS': [], 'DEFINES': ['NDEBUG']}
+class GccBasicFlags(CompilerFlags):
+ """
+ This class defines basic flags that work for both gcc and clang compilers
+ """
+ def getDebugFlags(self, conf):
+ flags = super(GccBasicFlags, self).getDebugFlags(conf)
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-O0',
+ '-g3',
+ '-pedantic',
+ '-Wall',
+ '-Wextra',
+ '-Werror',
+ '-Wno-unused-parameter',
+ '-Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized', # Bug #1615
+ '-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations', # Bug #3795
+ '-Wno-error=unused-local-typedefs',
+ ]
+ return flags
+ def getOptimizedFlags(self, conf):
+ flags = super(GccBasicFlags, self).getOptimizedFlags(conf)
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-O2',
+ '-g',
+ '-pedantic',
+ '-Wall',
+ '-Wextra',
+ '-Wno-unused-parameter',
+ ]
+ return flags
+class GccFlags(GccBasicFlags):
+ def getGeneralFlags(self, conf):
+ flags = super(GccFlags, self).getGeneralFlags(conf)
+ version = tuple(int(i) for i in conf.env['CC_VERSION'])
+ if version < (4, 8, 2):
+ conf.fatal('The version of gcc you are using (%s) is too old.\n' %
+ '.'.join(conf.env['CC_VERSION']) +
+ 'The minimum supported gcc version is 4.8.2.')
+ else:
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-std=c++11']
+ return flags
+ def getDebugFlags(self, conf):
+ flags = super(GccFlags, self).getDebugFlags(conf)
+ version = tuple(int(i) for i in conf.env['CC_VERSION'])
+ if version < (5, 1, 0):
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-Wno-missing-field-initializers']
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-Og', # gcc >= 4.8
+ '-fdiagnostics-color', # gcc >= 4.9
+ ]
+ return flags
+ def getOptimizedFlags(self, conf):
+ flags = super(GccFlags, self).getOptimizedFlags(conf)
+ version = tuple(int(i) for i in conf.env['CC_VERSION'])
+ if version < (5, 1, 0):
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-Wno-missing-field-initializers']
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-fdiagnostics-color'] # gcc >= 4.9
+ return flags
+class ClangFlags(GccBasicFlags):
+ def getGeneralFlags(self, conf):
+ flags = super(ClangFlags, self).getGeneralFlags(conf)
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-std=c++11']
+ if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() == 'darwin':
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-stdlib=libc++']
+ flags['LINKFLAGS'] += ['-stdlib=libc++']
+ return flags
+ def getDebugFlags(self, conf):
+ flags = super(ClangFlags, self).getDebugFlags(conf)
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-fcolor-diagnostics',
+ '-Wno-unused-local-typedef', # Bugs #2657 and #3209
+ '-Wno-error=unneeded-internal-declaration', # Bug #1588
+ '-Wno-error=deprecated-register',
+ '-Wno-error=keyword-macro', # Bug #3235
+ '-Wno-error=infinite-recursion', # Bug #3358
+ ]
+ return flags
+ def getOptimizedFlags(self, conf):
+ flags = super(ClangFlags, self).getOptimizedFlags(conf)
+ flags['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-fcolor-diagnostics',
+ '-Wno-unused-local-typedef', # Bugs #2657 and #3209
+ ]
+ return flags
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d8066b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: UTF-8
+# Thomas Nagy 2008-2010 (ita)
+Doxygen support
+Variables passed to bld():
+* doxyfile -- the Doxyfile to use
+When using this tool, the wscript will look like:
+ def options(opt):
+ opt.load('doxygen')
+ def configure(conf):
+ conf.load('doxygen')
+ # check conf.env.DOXYGEN, if it is mandatory
+ def build(bld):
+ if bld.env.DOXYGEN:
+ bld(features="doxygen", doxyfile='Doxyfile', ...)
+ def doxygen(bld):
+ if bld.env.DOXYGEN:
+ bld(features="doxygen", doxyfile='Doxyfile', ...)
+from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
+import os, os.path, re, stat
+from waflib import Task, Utils, Node, Logs, Errors, Build
+from waflib.TaskGen import feature
+DOXY_STR = '"${DOXYGEN}" - '
+DOXY_FMTS = 'html latex man rft xml'.split()
+DOXY_FILE_PATTERNS = '*.' + ' *.'.join('''
+c cc cxx cpp c++ java ii ixx ipp i++ inl h hh hxx hpp h++ idl odl cs php php3
+inc m mm py f90c cc cxx cpp c++ java ii ixx ipp i++ inl h hh hxx
+re_rl = re.compile('\\\\\r*\n', re.MULTILINE)
+re_nl = re.compile('\r*\n', re.M)
+def parse_doxy(txt):
+ tbl = {}
+ txt = re_rl.sub('', txt)
+ lines = re_nl.split(txt)
+ for x in lines:
+ x = x.strip()
+ if not x or x.startswith('#') or x.find('=') < 0:
+ continue
+ if x.find('+=') >= 0:
+ tmp = x.split('+=')
+ key = tmp[0].strip()
+ if key in tbl:
+ tbl[key] += ' ' + '+='.join(tmp[1:]).strip()
+ else:
+ tbl[key] = '+='.join(tmp[1:]).strip()
+ else:
+ tmp = x.split('=')
+ tbl[tmp[0].strip()] = '='.join(tmp[1:]).strip()
+ return tbl
+class doxygen(Task.Task):
+ vars = ['DOXYGEN', 'DOXYFLAGS']
+ color = 'BLUE'
+ def runnable_status(self):
+ '''
+ are populated in runnable_status - because this function is being
+ run *before* both "consumers" - scan() and run()
+ set output_dir (node) for the output
+ '''
+ for x in self.run_after:
+ if not x.hasrun:
+ return Task.ASK_LATER
+ if not getattr(self, 'pars', None):
+ txt = self.inputs[0].read()
+ = parse_doxy(txt)
+['OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'] = self.inputs[0].parent.get_bld().abspath()
+ # Override with any parameters passed to the task generator
+ if getattr(self.generator, 'pars', None):
+ for k, v in
+[k] = v
+ self.doxy_inputs = getattr(self, 'doxy_inputs', [])
+ if not'INPUT'):
+ self.doxy_inputs.append(self.inputs[0].parent)
+ else:
+ for i in'INPUT').split():
+ if os.path.isabs(i):
+ node = self.generator.bld.root.find_node(i)
+ else:
+ node = self.generator.path.find_node(i)
+ if not node:
+ self.generator.bld.fatal('Could not find the doxygen input %r' % i)
+ self.doxy_inputs.append(node)
+ if not getattr(self, 'output_dir', None):
+ bld = self.generator.bld
+ # First try to find an absolute path, then find or declare a relative path
+ self.output_dir = bld.root.find_dir(['OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'])
+ if not self.output_dir:
+ self.output_dir = bld.path.find_or_declare(['OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'])
+ self.signature()
+ return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
+ def scan(self):
+ exclude_patterns ='EXCLUDE_PATTERNS','').split()
+ file_patterns ='FILE_PATTERNS','').split()
+ if not file_patterns:
+ file_patterns = DOXY_FILE_PATTERNS
+ if'RECURSIVE') == 'YES':
+ file_patterns = ["**/%s" % pattern for pattern in file_patterns]
+ nodes = []
+ names = []
+ for node in self.doxy_inputs:
+ if os.path.isdir(node.abspath()):
+ for m in node.ant_glob(incl=file_patterns, excl=exclude_patterns):
+ nodes.append(m)
+ else:
+ nodes.append(node)
+ return (nodes, names)
+ def run(self):
+ dct =
+ dct['INPUT'] = ' '.join(['"%s"' % x.abspath() for x in self.doxy_inputs])
+ code = '\n'.join(['%s = %s' % (x, dct[x]) for x in])
+ code = code.encode() # for python 3
+ #fmt = DOXY_STR % (self.inputs[0].parent.abspath())
+ cmd = Utils.subst_vars(DOXY_STR, self.env)
+ env = self.env.env or None
+ proc = Utils.subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=Utils.subprocess.PIPE, env=env, cwd=self.generator.bld.path.get_bld().abspath())
+ proc.communicate(code)
+ return proc.returncode
+ def post_run(self):
+ nodes = self.output_dir.ant_glob('**/*', quiet=True)
+ for x in nodes:
+ x.sig = Utils.h_file(x.abspath())
+ self.outputs += nodes
+ return Task.Task.post_run(self)
+class tar(Task.Task):
+ "quick tar creation"
+ run_str = '${TAR} ${TAROPTS} ${TGT} ${SRC}'
+ color = 'RED'
+ after = ['doxygen']
+ def runnable_status(self):
+ for x in getattr(self, 'input_tasks', []):
+ if not x.hasrun:
+ return Task.ASK_LATER
+ if not getattr(self, 'tar_done_adding', None):
+ # execute this only once
+ self.tar_done_adding = True
+ for x in getattr(self, 'input_tasks', []):
+ self.set_inputs(x.outputs)
+ if not self.inputs:
+ return Task.SKIP_ME
+ return Task.Task.runnable_status(self)
+ def __str__(self):
+ tgt_str = ' '.join([a.nice_path(self.env) for a in self.outputs])
+ return '%s: %s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, tgt_str)
+def process_doxy(self):
+ if not getattr(self, 'doxyfile', None):
+ self.generator.bld.fatal('no doxyfile??')
+ node = self.doxyfile
+ if not isinstance(node, Node.Node):
+ node = self.path.find_resource(node)
+ if not node:
+ raise ValueError('doxygen file not found')
+ # the task instance
+ dsk = self.create_task('doxygen', node)
+ if getattr(self, 'doxy_tar', None):
+ tsk = self.create_task('tar')
+ tsk.input_tasks = [dsk]
+ tsk.set_outputs(self.path.find_or_declare(self.doxy_tar))
+ if self.doxy_tar.endswith('bz2'):
+ tsk.env['TAROPTS'] = ['cjf']
+ elif self.doxy_tar.endswith('gz'):
+ tsk.env['TAROPTS'] = ['czf']
+ else:
+ tsk.env['TAROPTS'] = ['cf']
+def configure(conf):
+ '''
+ Check if doxygen and tar commands are present in the system
+ If the commands are present, then conf.env.DOXYGEN and conf.env.TAR
+ variables will be set. Detection can be controlled by setting DOXYGEN and
+ TAR environmental variables.
+ '''
+ conf.find_program('doxygen', var='DOXYGEN', mandatory=False)
+ conf.find_program('tar', var='TAR', mandatory=False)
+# doxygen docs
+from waflib.Build import BuildContext
+class doxy(BuildContext):
+ cmd = "doxygen"
+ fun = "doxygen"
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8fe55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
+def options(opt):
+ opt.add_option('--with-sanitizer', action='store', default='', dest='sanitizers',
+ help='Comma-separated list of compiler sanitizers to enable [default=none]')
+def configure(conf):
+ for san in conf.options.sanitizers.split(','):
+ if not san:
+ continue
+ sanflag = '-fsanitize=%s' % san
+ conf.start_msg('Checking if compiler supports %s' % sanflag)
+ if conf.check_cxx(cxxflags=['-Werror', sanflag, '-fno-omit-frame-pointer'],
+ linkflags=[sanflag], mandatory=False):
+ conf.end_msg('yes')
+ conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', [sanflag, '-fno-omit-frame-pointer'])
+ conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', [sanflag])
+ else:
+ conf.end_msg('no', color='RED')
+ conf.fatal('%s sanitizer is not supported by the current compiler' % san)
diff --git a/.waf-tools/ b/.waf-tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e61da6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# inspired by code by Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, 2012
+import os
+from waflib import Node, Task, TaskGen, Errors, Logs, Build, Utils
+class sphinx_build(Task.Task):
+ color = 'BLUE'
+ def __str__(self):
+ env = self.env
+ src_str = ' '.join([a.path_from(a.ctx.launch_node()) for a in self.inputs])
+ tgt_str = ' '.join([a.path_from(a.ctx.launch_node()) for a in self.outputs])
+ if self.outputs: sep = ' -> '
+ else: sep = ''
+ return'%s [%s]: %s%s%s\n'%(self.__class__.__name__.replace('_task',''),
+ self.env['BUILDERNAME'], src_str, sep, tgt_str)
+@TaskGen.extension('.py', '.rst')
+def sig_hook(self, node):
+ node.sig=Utils.h_file(node.abspath())
+def apply_sphinx(self):
+ """Set up the task generator with a Sphinx instance and create a task."""
+ inputs = []
+ for i in Utils.to_list(self.source):
+ if not isinstance(i, Node.Node):
+ node = self.path.find_node(node)
+ else:
+ node = i
+ if not node:
+ raise ValueError('[%s] file not found' % i)
+ inputs.append(node)
+ task = self.create_task('sphinx_build', inputs)
+ conf = self.path.find_node(self.config)
+ task.inputs.append(conf)
+ confdir = conf.parent.abspath()
+ buildername = getattr(self, "builder", "html")
+ srcdir = getattr(self, "srcdir", confdir)
+ outdir = self.path.find_or_declare(getattr(self, "outdir", buildername)).get_bld()
+ doctreedir = getattr(self, "doctreedir", os.path.join(outdir.abspath(), ".doctrees"))
+ task.env['BUILDERNAME'] = buildername
+ task.env['SRCDIR'] = srcdir
+ task.env['DOCTREEDIR'] = doctreedir
+ task.env['OUTDIR'] = outdir.abspath()
+ task.env['VERSION'] = "version=%s" % self.VERSION
+ task.env['RELEASE'] = "release=%s" % self.VERSION
+ import imp
+ confData = imp.load_source('sphinx_conf', conf.abspath())
+ if buildername == "man":
+ for i in confData.man_pages:
+ target = outdir.find_or_declare('%s.%d' % (i[1], i[4]))
+ task.outputs.append(target)
+ if self.install_path:
+ self.bld.install_files("%s/man%d/" % (self.install_path, i[4]), target)
+ else:
+ task.outputs.append(outdir)
+def configure(conf):
+ conf.find_program('sphinx-build', var='SPHINX_BUILD', mandatory=False)
+# sphinx docs
+from waflib.Build import BuildContext
+class sphinx(BuildContext):
+ cmd = "sphinx"
+ fun = "sphinx"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d4e46e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.waf-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+from waflib import Options, Logs
+from waflib.Configure import conf
+def options(opt):
+ opt.add_option('--with-sqlite3', type='string', default=None,
+ dest='with_sqlite3', help='''Path to SQLite3, e.g., /usr/local''')
+def check_sqlite3(self, *k, **kw):
+ root = k and k[0] or kw.get('path', None) or Options.options.with_sqlite3
+ mandatory = kw.get('mandatory', True)
+ var = kw.get('uselib_store', 'SQLITE3')
+ if root:
+ self.check_cxx(lib='sqlite3',
+ msg='Checking for SQLite3 library',
+ define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
+ uselib_store=var,
+ mandatory=mandatory,
+ includes="%s/include" % root,
+ libpath="%s/lib" % root)
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.check_cfg(package='sqlite3',
+ args=['--cflags', '--libs'],
+ global_define=True,
+ define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
+ uselib_store='SQLITE3',
+ mandatory=True)
+ except:
+ self.check_cxx(lib='sqlite3',
+ msg='Checking for SQLite3 library',
+ define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
+ uselib_store=var,
+ mandatory=mandatory)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42052b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ndncert authors
+## The primary authors are (and/or have been):
+* Zhiyi Zhang <>
+* Alexander Afanasyev <>
+* Lixia Zhang <>
+## All project authors and contributors
+The following is an inevitably incomplete list of MUCH-APPRECIATED CONTRIBUTORS,
+people who have reported bugs, submitted patches, and implemented new features
+in the library:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff81c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+ndncert is licensed under conditions of GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
+ndncert relies on third-party software and libraries, licensed under the following licenses:
+- ndn-cxx library is licensed under conditions of
+ [GNU Lesser General Public License version 3](
+- Boost libraries licensed under conditions of
+ [Boost Software License 1.0](
+- CryptoPP library is licensed under conditions of
+ [Boost Software License 1.0](
+- SQLite is in [public domain](
+- waf build system is licensed under conditions of
+ [BSD license](
+The GPL license is provided below in this file. For more information about these licenses, see
+Version 3, 29 June 2007
+> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+# Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+## 0. Definitions.
+ _"This License"_ refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ _"Copyright"_ also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ _"The Program"_ refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as _"you"_. _"Licensees"_ and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To _"modify"_ a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a _"modified version"_ of the
+earlier work or a work _"based on"_ the earlier work.
+ A _"covered work"_ means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To _"propagate"_ a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To _"convey"_ a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+## 1. Source Code.
+ The _"source code"_ for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. _"Object code"_ means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A _"Standard Interface"_ means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The _"System Libraries"_ of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The _"Corresponding Source"_ for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+## 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+## 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+## 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+## 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+## 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A _"User Product"_ is either (1) a _"consumer product"_, which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ _"Installation Information"_ for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+## 7. Additional Terms.
+ _"Additional permissions"_ are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+## 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+## 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+## 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An _"entity transaction"_ is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+## 11. Patents.
+ A _"contributor"_ is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's _"essential patent claims"_ are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+## 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+## 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+## 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+## 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+## 16. Limitation of Liability.
+## 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+# How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type 'show c' for details.
+ The hypothetical commands _'show w'_ and _'show c'_ should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/src/logging.hpp b/src/logging.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24b8c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/logging.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/logger.hpp>
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ndncert {
+#define _LOG_INIT(name) NDN_LOG_INIT(
+#define _LOG_DEBUG(x) NDN_LOG_DEBUG(__FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << " " << x)
+#define _LOG_TRACE(x) NDN_LOG_TRACE(__FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << " " << x)
+#define _LOG_ERROR(x) NDN_LOG_ERROR(x)
+} // ndncert
+} // ndn
diff --git a/src/ndncert-common.hpp b/src/ndncert-common.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e93164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ndncert-common.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "ndncert-config.hpp"
+#ifdef WITH_TESTS
+#define VIRTUAL_WITH_TESTS virtual
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <functional>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <ndn-cxx/interest.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/data.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/name.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/encoding/block.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/lp/nack.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/backports.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/face-uri.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/signal.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/v2/key-chain.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/validator.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/v2/certificate.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
+#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
+#include <boost/property_tree/info_parser.hpp>
+#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ndncert {
+using std::size_t;
+using boost::noncopyable;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::weak_ptr;
+using std::make_shared;
+using ndn::make_unique;
+using std::enable_shared_from_this;
+using std::function;
+using std::bind;
+using ndn::Interest;
+using ndn::Data;
+using ndn::Name;
+using ndn::PartialName;
+using ndn::Block;
+using ndn::time::system_clock;
+using ndn::time::toUnixTimestamp;
+} // namespace ndncert
+} // namespace ndn
diff --git a/tests/boost-multi-log-formatter.hpp b/tests/boost-multi-log-formatter.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae37416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/boost-multi-log-formatter.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * Based on work by Martin Ba (
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ * (See
+ */
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+#if BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+#include <boost/test/unit_test_parameters.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/detail/unit_test_parameters.hpp>
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+#include <boost/test/unit_test_log_formatter.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/output/compiler_log_formatter.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/output/xml_log_formatter.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace unit_test {
+namespace output {
+ * @brief Log formatter for Boost.Test that outputs the logging to multiple formatters
+ *
+ * The log formatter is designed to output to one or multiple formatters at the same time. For
+ * example, one HRF formatter can output to the standard output, while XML formatter output to
+ * the file.
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *
+ * // Call in init_unit_test_suite: (this will override the --log_format parameter)
+ * auto formatter = new boost::unit_test::output::multi_log_formatter; // same as already configured logger
+ *
+ * // Prepare and add additional logger(s)
+ * formatter.add(std::make_shared<boost::unit_test::output::xml_log_formatter>(),
+ * std::make_shared<std::ofstream>("out.xml"));
+ *
+ * boost::unit_test::unit_test_log.set_formatter(formatter);
+ *
+ * @note Calling `boost::unit_test::unit_test_log.set_stream(...)` will change the stream for
+ * the original logger.
+ */
+class multi_log_formatter : public unit_test_log_formatter
+ /**
+ * @brief Create instance of the logger, based on the configured logger instance
+ */
+ multi_log_formatter()
+ {
+ auto format =
+#if BOOST_VERSION > 105900
+ runtime_config::get<output_format>(runtime_config::LOG_FORMAT);
+ runtime_config::log_format();
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION > 105900
+ switch (format) {
+ default:
+#if BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+ case OF_CLF:
+ case CLF:
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+ m_loggers.push_back({std::make_shared<compiler_log_formatter>(), nullptr});
+ break;
+#if BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+ case OF_XML:
+ case XML:
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+ m_loggers.push_back({std::make_shared<xml_log_formatter>(), nullptr});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ add(std::shared_ptr<unit_test_log_formatter> formatter, std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os)
+ {
+ m_loggers.push_back({formatter, os});
+ }
+ // Formatter interface
+ void
+ log_start(std::ostream& os, counter_t test_cases_amount)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_start(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, test_cases_amount);
+ }
+ void
+ log_finish(std::ostream& os)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_finish(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os);
+ }
+ void
+ log_build_info(std::ostream& os)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_build_info(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os);
+ }
+ void
+ test_unit_start(std::ostream& os, const test_unit& tu)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->test_unit_start(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, tu);
+ }
+ void
+ test_unit_finish(std::ostream& os, const test_unit& tu, unsigned long elapsed)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->test_unit_finish(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, tu, elapsed);
+ }
+ void
+ test_unit_skipped(std::ostream& os, const test_unit& tu)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->test_unit_skipped(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, tu);
+ }
+#if BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+ void
+ log_exception_start(std::ostream& os, const log_checkpoint_data& lcd, const execution_exception& ex)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_exception_start(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, lcd, ex);
+ }
+ void
+ log_exception_finish(std::ostream& os)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_exception_finish(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os);
+ }
+ void
+ log_exception(std::ostream& os, const log_checkpoint_data& lcd, const execution_exception& ex)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_exception(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, lcd, ex);
+ }
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+ void
+ log_entry_start(std::ostream& os, const log_entry_data& entry_data, log_entry_types let)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_entry_start(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, entry_data, let);
+ }
+ void
+ log_entry_value(std::ostream& os, const_string value)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_entry_value(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, value);
+ }
+ void
+ log_entry_finish(std::ostream& os)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_entry_finish(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os);
+ }
+#if BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+ void
+ entry_context_start(std::ostream& os, log_level level)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->entry_context_start(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, level);
+ }
+ void
+ log_entry_context(std::ostream& os, const_string value)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->log_entry_context(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os, value);
+ }
+ void
+ entry_context_finish(std::ostream& os)
+ {
+ for (auto& l : m_loggers)
+ l.logger->entry_context_finish(l.os == nullptr ? os : *l.os);
+ }
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+ struct LoggerInfo
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<unit_test_log_formatter> logger;
+ std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> os;
+ };
+ std::vector<LoggerInfo> m_loggers;
+} // namespace output
+} // namespace unit_test
+} // namespace boost
diff --git a/tests/boost-test.hpp b/tests/boost-test.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..220a481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/boost-test.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Regents of the University of California,
+ * Arizona Board of Regents,
+ * Colorado State University,
+ * University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
+ * Washington University in St. Louis,
+ * Beijing Institute of Technology,
+ * The University of Memphis.
+ *
+ * This file, originally written as part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon),
+ * is a part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+// suppress warnings from Boost.Test
+#pragma GCC system_header
+#pragma clang system_header
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
diff --git a/tests/global-configuration-fixture.cpp b/tests/global-configuration-fixture.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf4d864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/global-configuration-fixture.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "ndncert-config.hpp"
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include "test-common.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+namespace chronoshare {
+namespace tests {
+class GlobalConfigurationFixture : boost::noncopyable
+ GlobalConfigurationFixture()
+ {
+ if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr) {
+ m_home = getenv("HOME");
+ }
+ if (getenv("NDN_CLIENT_PIB") != nullptr) {
+ m_pib = getenv("NDN_CLIENT_PIB");
+ }
+ if (getenv("NDN_CLIENT_TPM") != nullptr) {
+ m_tpm = getenv("NDN_CLIENT_TPM");
+ }
+ boost::filesystem::path dir(TMP_TESTS_PATH);
+ dir /= "test-home";
+ setenv("HOME", dir.generic_string().c_str(), 1);
+ if (exists(dir)) {
+ remove_all(dir);
+ }
+ setenv("NDN_CLIENT_PIB", ("pib-sqlite3:" + dir.string()).c_str(), 1);
+ setenv("NDN_CLIENT_TPM", ("tpm-file:" + dir.string()).c_str(), 1);
+ create_directories(dir);
+ }
+ ~GlobalConfigurationFixture()
+ {
+ if (!m_home.empty()) {
+ setenv("HOME", m_home.c_str(), 1);
+ }
+ if (!m_pib.empty()) {
+ setenv("NDN_CLIENT_PIB", m_pib.c_str(), 1);
+ }
+ if (!m_tpm.empty()) {
+ setenv("NDN_CLIENT_TPM", m_tpm.c_str(), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ std::string m_home;
+ std::string m_pib;
+ std::string m_tpm;
+#if (BOOST_VERSION >= 105900)
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 105900
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace chronoshare
+} // namespace ndn
diff --git a/tests/identity-management-fixture.cpp b/tests/identity-management-fixture.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9d6d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/identity-management-fixture.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Regents of the University of California,
+ * Arizona Board of Regents,
+ * Colorado State University,
+ * University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
+ * Washington University in St. Louis,
+ * Beijing Institute of Technology,
+ * The University of Memphis.
+ *
+ * This file, originally written as part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon),
+ * is a part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "identity-management-fixture.hpp"
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/io.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ndncert {
+namespace tests {
+ : m_keyChain("sqlite3", "file")
+ m_keyChain.getDefaultCertificate(); // side effect: create a default cert if it doesn't exist
+ for (const auto& id : m_identities) {
+ m_keyChain.deleteIdentity(id);
+ }
+ boost::system::error_code ec;
+ for (const auto& certFile : m_certFiles) {
+ boost::filesystem::remove(certFile, ec); // ignore error
+ }
+IdentityManagementFixture::addIdentity(const Name& identity, const ndn::KeyParams& params)
+ try {
+ m_keyChain.createIdentity(identity, params);
+ m_identities.push_back(identity);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (std::runtime_error&) {
+ return false;
+ }
+IdentityManagementFixture::saveIdentityCertificate(const Name& identity,
+ const std::string& filename, bool wantAdd)
+ shared_ptr<ndn::IdentityCertificate> cert;
+ try {
+ cert = m_keyChain.getCertificate(m_keyChain.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(identity));
+ }
+ catch (const ndn::SecPublicInfo::Error&) {
+ if (wantAdd && this->addIdentity(identity)) {
+ return this->saveIdentityCertificate(identity, filename, false);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_certFiles.push_back(filename);
+ try {
+ ndn::io::save(*cert, filename);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (const ndn::io::Error&) {
+ return false;
+ }
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace ndncert
+} // namespace ndn
diff --git a/tests/identity-management-fixture.hpp b/tests/identity-management-fixture.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29eeede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/identity-management-fixture.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Regents of the University of California,
+ * Arizona Board of Regents,
+ * Colorado State University,
+ * University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
+ * Washington University in St. Louis,
+ * Beijing Institute of Technology,
+ * The University of Memphis.
+ *
+ * This file, originally written as part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon),
+ * is a part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "test-common.hpp"
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/key-chain.hpp>
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ndncert {
+namespace tests {
+/** \brief a fixture that cleans up KeyChain identities and certificate files upon destruction
+ */
+class IdentityManagementFixture : public virtual BaseFixture
+ IdentityManagementFixture();
+ /** \brief deletes created identities and saved certificate files
+ */
+ ~IdentityManagementFixture();
+ /** \brief add identity
+ * \return whether successful
+ */
+ bool
+ addIdentity(const Name& identity,
+ const ndn::KeyParams& params = ndn::KeyChain::DEFAULT_KEY_PARAMS);
+ /** \brief save identity certificate to a file
+ * \param identity identity name
+ * \param filename file name, should be writable
+ * \param wantAdd if true, add new identity when necessary
+ * \return whether successful
+ */
+ bool
+ saveIdentityCertificate(const Name& identity, const std::string& filename, bool wantAdd = false);
+ ndn::KeyChain m_keyChain;
+ std::vector<ndn::Name> m_identities;
+ std::vector<std::string> m_certFiles;
+/** \brief convenience base class for inheriting from both UnitTestTimeFixture
+ * and IdentityManagementFixture
+ */
+class IdentityManagementTimeFixture : public UnitTestTimeFixture
+ , public IdentityManagementFixture
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace ndncert
+} // namespace ndn
diff --git a/tests/main.cpp b/tests/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6380c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Regents of the University of California,
+ * Arizona Board of Regents,
+ * Colorado State University,
+ * University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
+ * Washington University in St. Louis,
+ * Beijing Institute of Technology,
+ * The University of Memphis.
+ *
+ * This file, originally written as part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon),
+ * is a part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+#if BOOST_VERSION >= 106200
+// Boost.Test v3.3 (Boost 1.62) natively supports multi-logger output
+#include "boost-test.hpp"
+#include "boost-test.hpp"
+#include "boost-multi-log-formatter.hpp"
+#include <boost/program_options/options_description.hpp>
+#include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
+#include <boost/program_options/parsers.hpp>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+static bool
+ init_unit_test();
+ namespace po = boost::program_options;
+ namespace ut = boost::unit_test;
+ po::options_description extraOptions;
+ std::string logger;
+ std::string outputFile = "-";
+ extraOptions.add_options()
+ ("log_format2", po::value<std::string>(&logger), "Type of second log formatter: HRF or XML")
+ ("log_sink2", po::value<std::string>(&outputFile)->default_value(outputFile), "Second log sink, - for stdout")
+ ;
+ po::variables_map vm;
+ try {
+ po::store(po::command_line_parser(ut::framework::master_test_suite().argc,
+ ut::framework::master_test_suite().argv)
+ .options(extraOptions)
+ .run(),
+ vm);
+ po::notify(vm);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << "\n"
+ << extraOptions << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (vm.count("log_format2") == 0) {
+ // second logger is not configured
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<ut::unit_test_log_formatter> formatter;
+ if (logger == "XML") {
+ formatter = std::make_shared<ut::output::xml_log_formatter>();
+ }
+ else if (logger == "HRF") {
+ formatter = std::make_shared<ut::output::compiler_log_formatter>();
+ }
+ else {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR: only HRF or XML log formatter can be specified" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> output;
+ if (outputFile == "-") {
+ output = std::shared_ptr<std::ostream>(&std::cout, std::bind([]{}));
+ }
+ else {
+ output = std::make_shared<std::ofstream>(outputFile.c_str());
+ }
+ auto multiFormatter = new ut::output::multi_log_formatter;
+ multiFormatter->add(formatter, output);
+ ut::unit_test_log.set_formatter(multiFormatter);
+ return true;
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ return ::boost::unit_test::unit_test_main(&init_tests, argc, argv);
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION >= 106200
diff --git a/tests/test-common.cpp b/tests/test-common.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8214cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-common.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Regents of the University of California,
+ * Arizona Board of Regents,
+ * Colorado State University,
+ * University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
+ * Washington University in St. Louis,
+ * Beijing Institute of Technology,
+ * The University of Memphis.
+ *
+ * This file, originally written as part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon),
+ * is a part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "test-common.hpp"
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/digest.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/security/signature-sha256-with-rsa.hpp>
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ndncert {
+namespace tests {
+ : steadyClock(make_shared<time::UnitTestSteadyClock>())
+ , systemClock(make_shared<time::UnitTestSystemClock>())
+ time::setCustomClocks(steadyClock, systemClock);
+ time::setCustomClocks(nullptr, nullptr);
+UnitTestTimeFixture::advanceClocks(const time::nanoseconds& tick, size_t nTicks)
+ this->advanceClocks(tick, tick * nTicks);
+UnitTestTimeFixture::advanceClocks(const time::nanoseconds& tick, const time::nanoseconds& total)
+ BOOST_ASSERT(tick > time::nanoseconds::zero());
+ BOOST_ASSERT(total >= time::nanoseconds::zero());
+ time::nanoseconds remaining = total;
+ while (remaining > time::nanoseconds::zero()) {
+ if (remaining >= tick) {
+ steadyClock->advance(tick);
+ systemClock->advance(tick);
+ remaining -= tick;
+ }
+ else {
+ steadyClock->advance(remaining);
+ systemClock->advance(remaining);
+ remaining = time::nanoseconds::zero();
+ }
+ if (m_io.stopped())
+ m_io.reset();
+ m_io.poll();
+ }
+makeInterest(const Name& name, uint32_t nonce)
+ auto interest = make_shared<Interest>(name);
+ if (nonce != 0) {
+ interest->setNonce(nonce);
+ }
+ return interest;
+makeData(const Name& name)
+ auto data = make_shared<Data>(name);
+ return signData(data);
+signData(Data& data)
+ ndn::SignatureSha256WithRsa fakeSignature;
+ fakeSignature.setValue(ndn::encoding::makeEmptyBlock(tlv::SignatureValue));
+ data.setSignature(fakeSignature);
+ data.wireEncode();
+ return data;
+makeLink(const Name& name, std::initializer_list<std::pair<uint32_t, Name>> delegations)
+ auto link = make_shared<Link>(name, delegations);
+ signData(link);
+ return link;
+makeNack(const Name& name, uint32_t nonce, lp::NackReason reason)
+ Interest interest(name);
+ interest.setNonce(nonce);
+ lp::Nack nack(std::move(interest));
+ nack.setReason(reason);
+ return nack;
+digestFromFile(const boost::filesystem::path& filename)
+ boost::filesystem::ifstream iff(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+ util::Sha256 digest(iff);
+ return digest.computeDigest();
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace ndncert
+} // namespace ndn
diff --git a/tests/test-common.hpp b/tests/test-common.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d2ab6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-common.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Regents of the University of California,
+ * Arizona Board of Regents,
+ * Colorado State University,
+ * University Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne University,
+ * Washington University in St. Louis,
+ * Beijing Institute of Technology,
+ * The University of Memphis.
+ *
+ * This file, originally written as part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon),
+ * is a part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "logging.hpp"
+#include "boost-test.hpp"
+#include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/name.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/data.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/lp/nack.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/time-unit-test-clock.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cxx/util/string-helper.hpp>
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ndncert {
+namespace tests {
+/** \brief base test fixture
+ *
+ * Every test case should be based on this fixture,
+ * to have per test case io_service initialization.
+ */
+class BaseFixture
+ /** \brief reference to global io_service
+ */
+ boost::asio::io_service m_io;
+/** \brief a base test fixture that overrides steady clock and system clock
+ */
+class UnitTestTimeFixture : public virtual BaseFixture
+ UnitTestTimeFixture();
+ ~UnitTestTimeFixture();
+ /** \brief advance steady and system clocks
+ *
+ * Clocks are advanced in increments of \p tick for \p nTicks ticks.
+ * After each tick, global io_service is polled to process pending I/O events.
+ *
+ * Exceptions thrown during I/O events are propagated to the caller.
+ * Clock advancing would stop in case of an exception.
+ */
+ void
+ advanceClocks(const time::nanoseconds& tick, size_t nTicks = 1);
+ /** \brief advance steady and system clocks
+ *
+ * Clocks are advanced in increments of \p tick for \p total time.
+ * The last increment might be shorter than \p tick.
+ * After each tick, global io_service is polled to process pending I/O events.
+ *
+ * Exceptions thrown during I/O events are propagated to the caller.
+ * Clock advancing would stop in case of an exception.
+ */
+ void
+ advanceClocks(const time::nanoseconds& tick, const time::nanoseconds& total);
+ shared_ptr<time::UnitTestSteadyClock> steadyClock;
+ shared_ptr<time::UnitTestSystemClock> systemClock;
+ friend class LimitedIo;
+/** \brief create an Interest
+ * \param name Interest name
+ * \param nonce if non-zero, set Nonce to this value
+ * (useful for creating Nack with same Nonce)
+ */
+makeInterest(const Name& name, uint32_t nonce = 0);
+/** \brief create a Data with fake signature
+ * \note Data may be modified afterwards without losing the fake signature.
+ * If a real signature is desired, sign again with KeyChain.
+ */
+makeData(const Name& name);
+/** \brief add a fake signature to Data
+ */
+signData(Data& data);
+/** \brief add a fake signature to Data
+ */
+inline shared_ptr<Data>
+signData(shared_ptr<Data> data)
+ signData(*data);
+ return data;
+/** \brief create a Link object with fake signature
+ * \note Link may be modified afterwards without losing the fake signature.
+ * If a real signature is desired, sign again with KeyChain.
+ */
+makeLink(const Name& name, std::initializer_list<std::pair<uint32_t, Name>> delegations);
+/** \brief create a Nack
+ * \param name Interest name
+ * \param nonce Interest nonce
+ * \param reason Nack reason
+ */
+makeNack(const Name& name, uint32_t nonce, lp::NackReason reason);
+/** \brief replace a name component
+ * \param[inout] name name
+ * \param index name component index
+ * \param a arguments to name::Component constructor
+ */
+setNameComponent(Name& name, ssize_t index, const A& ...a)
+ Name name2 = name.getPrefix(index);
+ name2.append(name::Component(a...));
+ name2.append(name.getSubName(name2.size()));
+ name = name2;
+template<typename Packet, typename...A>
+setNameComponent(Packet& packet, ssize_t index, const A& ...a)
+ Name name = packet.getName();
+ setNameComponent(name, index, a...);
+ packet.setName(name);
+/** \brief convert file to digest
+ */
+digestFromFile(const boost::filesystem::path& filename);
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace ndncert
+} // namespace ndn
+#include "identity-management-fixture.hpp"
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/dummy-test.t.cpp b/tests/unit-tests/dummy-test.t.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6ccd1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit-tests/dummy-test.t.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017, Regents of the University of California.
+ *
+ * This file is part of ndncert, a certificate management system based on NDN.
+ *
+ * ndncert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
+ * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ndncert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * ndncert, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * See for complete list of ndncert authors and contributors.
+ */
+#include "test-common.hpp"
+namespace ndn {
+namespace ndncert {
+namespace tests {
+// See on how to name a test suite.
+ int i = 0;
+ // For reference of available Boost.Test macros, see
+ //
+// Use UnitTestTimeFixture to mock clocks.
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(Test2, UnitTestTimeFixture)
+ // this->advanceClocks increments mock clocks.
+ advanceClocks(time::milliseconds(500), 2);
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace ndncert
+} // namespace ndn
diff --git a/tests/wscript b/tests/wscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23518b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/wscript
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
+from waflib import Utils
+top = '..'
+def build(bld):
+ if not bld.env["WITH_TESTS"]:
+ return
+ tests_main = bld(
+ target='tests-main',
+ name='tests-main',
+ features='cxx',
+ source="main.cpp",
+ use='objects BOOST',
+ defines=['BOOST_TEST_MODULE=\"NDNCERT Tests\"']
+ )
+ unit_test = bld.program(
+ target="../unit-tests",
+ source=bld.path.ant_glob(['*.cpp', 'unit-tests/**/*.cpp'],
+ excl=['main.cpp']),
+ features=['cxx', 'cxxprogram'],
+ use='objects tests-main',
+ includes=['.'],
+ install_path=None,
+ defines='TMP_TESTS_PATH=\"%s/tmp-tests\"' % bld.bldnode,
+ )
diff --git a/waf b/waf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fa68e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waf
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: ISO8859-1
+# Thomas Nagy, 2005-2016
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+import os, sys, inspect
+cwd = os.getcwd()
+join = os.path.join
+def b(x):
+ return x
+if sys.hexversion>0x300000f:
+ WAF='waf3'
+ def b(x):
+ return x.encode()
+def err(m):
+ print(('\033[91mError: %s\033[0m' % m))
+ sys.exit(1)
+def unpack_wafdir(dir, src):
+ f = open(src,'rb')
+ c = 'corrupt archive (%d)'
+ while 1:
+ line = f.readline()
+ if not line: err('run waf-light from a folder containing waflib')
+ if line == b('#==>\n'):
+ txt = f.readline()
+ if not txt: err(c % 1)
+ if f.readline() != b('#<==\n'): err(c % 2)
+ break
+ if not txt: err(c % 3)
+ txt = txt[1:-1].replace(b(C1), b('\n')).replace(b(C2), b('\r')).replace(b(C3), b('\x00'))
+ import shutil, tarfile
+ try: shutil.rmtree(dir)
+ except OSError: pass
+ try:
+ for x in ('Tools', 'extras'):
+ os.makedirs(join(dir, 'waflib', x))
+ except OSError:
+ err("Cannot unpack waf lib into %s\nMove waf in a writable directory" % dir)
+ os.chdir(dir)
+ tmp = 't.bz2'
+ t = open(tmp,'wb')
+ try: t.write(txt)
+ finally: t.close()
+ try:
+ t =
+ except:
+ try:
+ os.system('bunzip2 t.bz2')
+ t ='t')
+ tmp = 't'
+ except:
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ try: shutil.rmtree(dir)
+ except OSError: pass
+ err("Waf cannot be unpacked, check that bzip2 support is present")
+ try:
+ for x in t: t.extract(x)
+ finally:
+ t.close()
+ for x in ('Tools', 'extras'):
+ os.chmod(join('waflib',x), 493)
+ if sys.hexversion<0x300000f:
+ sys.path = [join(dir, 'waflib')] + sys.path
+ import fixpy2
+ fixpy2.fixdir(dir)
+ os.remove(tmp)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ try: dir = unicode(dir, 'mbcs')
+ except: pass
+ try:
+ from ctypes import windll
+ windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW(dir, 2)
+ except:
+ pass
+def test(dir):
+ try:
+ os.stat(join(dir, 'waflib'))
+ return os.path.abspath(dir)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+def find_lib():
+ src = os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.getmodule(err)))
+ base, name = os.path.split(src)
+ #devs use $WAFDIR
+ w=test(os.environ.get('WAFDIR', ''))
+ if w: return w
+ #waf-light
+ if name.endswith('waf-light'):
+ w = test(base)
+ if w: return w
+ err('waf-light requires waflib -> export WAFDIR=/folder')
+ dirname = '%s-%s-%s' % (WAF, VERSION, REVISION)
+ for i in (INSTALL,'/usr','/usr/local','/opt'):
+ w = test(i + '/lib/' + dirname)
+ if w: return w
+ #waf-local
+ dir = join(base, (sys.platform != 'win32' and '.' or '') + dirname)
+ w = test(dir)
+ if w: return w
+ #unpack
+ unpack_wafdir(dir, src)
+ return dir
+wafdir = find_lib()
+sys.path.insert(0, wafdir)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from waflib import Scripting
+ Scripting.waf_entry_point(cwd, VERSION, wafdir)
+#BZh91AY&SY¹÷{4Æÿÿÿ°@Êÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ$#)á ð#%E(aþ\÷>ûw#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%«ßGtC-±ªëT®¥#)}°w'mfݺ{tê©ybZØ·§vǵÛíä÷º:wo§,÷˾¦³ÞݳÝâ©:$»Íî÷[Ûµ´ôö=#)ìEoSt#)¾Þ6³Y7Þø}뺣=¼O¹$û7Þ÷ß}ß|:½íñínÍ·¶÷Ø0;ÌÖ.iÕ#%#%;Ø#%l#%é@ÀOACÀÙ0èÛܬ6ª5ÝMS ÓA s;ì¯hôÍ#%ÐkÙ
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diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2219b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wscript
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
+VERSION = "0.1.0"
+APPNAME = "ndncert"
+GIT_TAG_PREFIX = "ndncert"
+from waflib import Logs, Utils, Context
+import os
+def options(opt):
+ opt.load(['compiler_cxx', 'gnu_dirs'])
+ opt.load(['boost', 'default-compiler-flags', 'sqlite3',
+ 'coverage', 'sanitizers',
+ 'doxygen', 'sphinx_build'], tooldir=['.waf-tools'])
+ syncopt = opt.add_option_group ("ndncert options")
+ syncopt.add_option('--with-tests', action='store_true', default=False, dest='with_tests',
+ help='''build unit tests''')
+def configure(conf):
+ conf.load(['compiler_cxx', 'gnu_dirs',
+ 'boost', 'default-compiler-flags', 'sqlite3',
+ 'doxygen', 'sphinx_build'])
+ if 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' not in os.environ:
+ os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = Utils.subst_vars('${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig', conf.env)
+ conf.check_cfg(package='libndn-cxx', args=['--cflags', '--libs'],
+ uselib_store='NDN_CXX', mandatory=True)
+ USED_BOOST_LIBS = ['system', 'filesystem', 'iostreams',
+ 'program_options', 'thread', 'log', 'log_setup']
+ conf.env['WITH_TESTS'] = conf.options.with_tests
+ if conf.env['WITH_TESTS']:
+ USED_BOOST_LIBS += ['unit_test_framework']
+ conf.define('HAVE_TESTS', 1)
+ conf.check_boost(lib=USED_BOOST_LIBS, mt=True)
+ if conf.env.BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER < 105400:
+ Logs.error("Minimum required boost version is 1.54.0")
+ Logs.error("Please upgrade your distribution or install custom boost libraries" +
+ " (")
+ return
+ # Loading "late" to prevent tests to be compiled with profiling flags
+ conf.load('coverage')
+ conf.load('sanitizers')
+ conf.write_config_header('src/ndncert-config.hpp')
+def build(bld):
+ core = bld(
+ target = "objects",
+ features=['cxx'],
+ source = bld.path.ant_glob(['src/**/*.cpp']),
+ use = 'NDN_CXX BOOST',
+ includes = ['src'],
+ export_includes=['src'],
+ )
+ bld.recurse('tests')