update crypto helper

Change-Id: I59718964ce305888a8fc3947cde68c937a3ba64a
diff --git a/src/requester-state.hpp b/src/requester-state.hpp
index 09c46ac..73f6737 100644
--- a/src/requester-state.hpp
+++ b/src/requester-state.hpp
@@ -33,63 +33,67 @@
   RequesterState(security::KeyChain& keyChain, const CaProfile& caItem, RequestType requestType);
-   * The CA profile for this request.
+   * @brief The CA profile for this request.
   CaProfile m_caItem;
-   * The local keychain to generate and install identities, keys and certificates
+   * @brief The local keychain to generate and install identities, keys and certificates
   security::KeyChain& m_keyChain;
-   * The type of request. Either NEW, RENEW, or REVOKE.
+   * @brief The type of request. Either NEW, RENEW, or REVOKE.
   RequestType m_type;
-   * The identity name for the requesting certificate.
+   * @brief The identity name for the requesting certificate.
   Name m_identityName;
-   * The keypair for the request.
+   * @brief The keypair for the request.
   security::Key m_keyPair;
-   * The CA-generated request ID for the request.
+   * @brief The CA-generated request ID for the request.
   std::string m_requestId;
-   * The current status of the request.
+   * @brief The current status of the request.
   Status m_status = Status::NOT_STARTED;
-   * The type of challenge chosen.
+   * @brief The type of challenge chosen.
   std::string m_challengeType;
-   * The status of the current challenge.
+   * @brief The status of the current challenge.
   std::string m_challengeStatus;
-   * The remaining number of tries left for the challenge
+   * @brief The remaining number of tries left for the challenge
   int m_remainingTries = 0;
-   * The time this challenge will remain fresh
+   * @brief The time this challenge will remain fresh
   time::system_clock::TimePoint m_freshBefore;
-   * the name of the certificate being issued.
+   * @brief the name of the certificate being issued.
   Name m_issuedCertName;
-   * ecdh state.
+   * @brief ecdh state.
   ECDHState m_ecdh;
-   * AES key derived from the ecdh shared secret.
+   * @brief AES key derived from the ecdh shared secret.
   uint8_t m_aesKey[16] = {0};
-   * State about how identity/key is generated.
+   * @brief The counter of AES blocks that have been encrypted.
+   */
+  uint32_t m_aesBlockCounter = 0;
+  /**
+   * @brief State about how identity/key is generated.
   bool m_isNewlyCreatedIdentity = false;
   bool m_isNewlyCreatedKey = false;