Certificate revocation
Adds the handling of certificate revocation according to ndncert protocol v0.2.
Includes handing on CA module, client module as well as the test cases for these funcationalities.
Currently no internal database are being updated from the revocation.
This actual update and propagation of revocation information needs to relies on a certificate log, which can be attached to the CA module using status update callback.
Change-Id: I21f912285161ce781e17d222e640c8f0c57b50f7
diff --git a/src/ca-module.cpp b/src/ca-module.cpp
index 9058c60..5201e31 100644
--- a/src/ca-module.cpp
+++ b/src/ca-module.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "protocol-detail/probe.hpp"
#include "protocol-detail/new.hpp"
#include "protocol-detail/challenge.hpp"
+#include "protocol-detail/revoke.hpp"
#include <ndn-cxx/util/io.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/security/verification-helpers.hpp>
#include <ndn-cxx/security/signing-helpers.hpp>
@@ -100,6 +101,10 @@
bind(&CaModule::onChallenge, this, _2));
+ // register REVOKE prefix
+ filterId = m_face.setInterestFilter(Name(name).append("REVOKE"),
+ bind(&CaModule::onRevoke, this, _2));
+ m_interestFilterHandles.push_back(filterId);
_LOG_TRACE("Prefix " << name << " got registered");
bind(&CaModule::onRegisterFailed, this, _2));
@@ -298,7 +303,7 @@
// create new request instance
std::string requestId = std::to_string(random::generateWord64());
- CertificateRequest certRequest(m_config.m_caPrefix, requestId, STATUS_BEFORE_CHALLENGE, *clientCert);
+ CertificateRequest certRequest(m_config.m_caPrefix, requestId, REQUEST_TYPE_NEW, STATUS_BEFORE_CHALLENGE, *clientCert);
try {
@@ -380,29 +385,43 @@
else if (certRequest.m_status == STATUS_PENDING) {
// if challenge succeeded
- auto issuedCert = issueCertificate(certRequest);
- certRequest.m_cert = issuedCert;
- certRequest.m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
- try {
- m_storage->addCertificate(certRequest.m_requestId, issuedCert);
- m_storage->deleteRequest(certRequest.m_requestId);
- _LOG_TRACE("New Certificate Issued " << issuedCert.getName());
- }
- catch (const std::exception& e) {
- _LOG_ERROR("Cannot add issued cert and remove the request: " << e.what());
- return;
- }
- if (m_config.m_statusUpdateCallback) {
- m_config.m_statusUpdateCallback(certRequest);
- }
+ if (certRequest.m_requestType == REQUEST_TYPE_NEW) {
+ auto issuedCert = issueCertificate(certRequest);
+ certRequest.m_cert = issuedCert;
+ certRequest.m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ try {
+ m_storage->addCertificate(certRequest.m_requestId, issuedCert);
+ m_storage->deleteRequest(certRequest.m_requestId);
+ _LOG_TRACE("New Certificate Issued " << issuedCert.getName());
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Cannot add issued cert and remove the request: " << e.what());
+ return;
+ }
- payload = CHALLENGE::encodeDataPayload(certRequest);
- payload.parse();
- payload.push_back(makeNestedBlock(tlv_issued_cert_name, issuedCert.getName()));
- payload.encode();
+ payload = CHALLENGE::encodeDataPayload(certRequest);
+ payload.parse();
+ payload.push_back(makeNestedBlock(tlv_issued_cert_name, issuedCert.getName()));
+ payload.encode();
- //contentJson.add(JSON_CA_CERT_ID, readString(issuedCert.getName().at(-1)));
- _LOG_TRACE("Challenge succeeded. Certificate has been issued");
+ //contentJson.add(JSON_CA_CERT_ID, readString(issuedCert.getName().at(-1)));
+ _LOG_TRACE("Challenge succeeded. Certificate has been issued");
+ }
+ else if (certRequest.m_requestType == REQUEST_TYPE_REVOKE) {
+ certRequest.m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ try {
+ m_storage->deleteRequest(certRequest.m_requestId);
+ _LOG_TRACE("Certificate Revoked");
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Cannot add issued cert and remove the request: " << e.what());
+ return;
+ }
+ payload = CHALLENGE::encodeDataPayload(certRequest);
+ payload.parse();
+ _LOG_TRACE("Challenge succeeded. Certificate has been revoked");
+ }
else {
try {
@@ -433,6 +452,91 @@
+CaModule::onRevoke(const Interest& request)
+ // NEW Naming Convention: /<CA-prefix>/CA/REVOKE/[SignedInterestParameters_Digest]
+ // get ECDH pub key and cert request
+ const auto& parameterJson = jsonFromBlock(request.getApplicationParameters());
+ if (parameterJson.empty()) {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Empty JSON obtained from the Interest parameter.");
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string peerKeyBase64 = parameterJson.get(JSON_CLIENT_ECDH, "");
+ if (peerKeyBase64 == "") {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Empty JSON_CLIENT_ECDH obtained from the Interest parameter.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // get server's ECDH pub key
+ auto myEcdhPubKeyBase64 = m_ecdh.getBase64PubKey();
+ try {
+ m_ecdh.deriveSecret(peerKeyBase64);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Cannot derive a shared secret using the provided ECDH key: " << e.what());
+ return;
+ }
+ // parse certificate request
+ std::string certRevokeStr = parameterJson.get(JSON_CLIENT_CERT_REVOKE, "");
+ shared_ptr<security::v2::Certificate> clientCert = nullptr;
+ try {
+ std::stringstream ss(certRevokeStr);
+ clientCert = io::load<security::v2::Certificate>(ss);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Unrecognized revocation request: " << e.what());
+ return;
+ }
+ // verify the certificate
+ if (!m_config.m_caName.isPrefixOf(clientCert->getName()) // under ca prefix
+ || !security::v2::Certificate::isValidName(clientCert->getName()) // is valid cert name
+ || clientCert->getName().size() != m_config.m_caName.size() + IS_SUBNAME_MIN_OFFSET) {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Invalid certificate name " << clientCert->getName());
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto& cert = m_keyChain.getPib().getIdentity(m_config.m_caName).getDefaultKey().getDefaultCertificate();
+ if (!security::verifySignature(*clientCert, cert)) {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Cert request with bad signature.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // generate salt for HKDF
+ auto saltInt = random::generateSecureWord64();
+ // hkdf
+ hkdf(m_ecdh.context->sharedSecret, m_ecdh.context->sharedSecretLen,
+ (uint8_t*)&saltInt, sizeof(saltInt), m_aesKey, sizeof(m_aesKey));
+ // create new request instance
+ std::string requestId = std::to_string(random::generateWord64());
+ CertificateRequest certRequest(m_config.m_caName, requestId, REQUEST_TYPE_REVOKE, STATUS_BEFORE_CHALLENGE,
+ *clientCert);
+ try {
+ m_storage->addRequest(certRequest);
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) {
+ _LOG_ERROR("Cannot add new request instance into the storage: " << e.what());
+ return;
+ }
+ Data result;
+ result.setName(request.getName());
+ result.setFreshnessPeriod(DEFAULT_DATA_FRESHNESS_PERIOD);
+ result.setContent(REVOKE::encodeDataContent(myEcdhPubKeyBase64,
+ std::to_string(saltInt),
+ certRequest,
+ m_config.m_supportedChallenges));
+ m_keyChain.sign(result, signingByIdentity(m_config.m_caPrefix));
+ m_face.put(result);
+ if (m_config.m_statusUpdateCallback) {
+ m_config.m_statusUpdateCallback(certRequest);
+ }
CaModule::issueCertificate(const CertificateRequest& certRequest)