Update JSON format: add status field in NEW's response

Change-Id: I7a58a92567c5d503bfca4f5efc3d66d09c20aa28
diff --git a/src/json-helper.hpp b/src/json-helper.hpp
index c34c631..791fc12 100644
--- a/src/json-helper.hpp
+++ b/src/json-helper.hpp
@@ -40,19 +40,20 @@
  * Target JSON format:
  * {
- *   "identifier": "",
- *   "ca-info": ""
+ *   "identifier": "@p identifier",
+ *   "ca-info": "@p caInformation"
  * }
 const JsonSection
-genResponseProbeJson(const Name& identifier, const Name& CaInformation);
+genResponseProbeJson(const Name& identifier, const Name& caInformation);
  * @brief Generate JSON file to response NEW interest
  * Target JSON format:
  * {
- *   "request-id": "",
+ *   "request-id": "@p requestId",
+ *   "status": "@p status",
  *   "challenges": [
  *     {
  *       "challenge-type": ""
@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@
  * }
 const JsonSection
-genResponseNewJson(const std::string& requestId, const std::list<std::string>& challenges);
+genResponseNewJson(const std::string& requestId, const std::string& status,
+                   const std::list<std::string>& challenges);
  * @brief Generate JSON file to response _SELECT, _VALIDATE, and _STATUS interest
@@ -98,8 +100,8 @@
  * Target JSON format:
  * {
- *   "status": "",
- *   "error-info": ""
+ *   "status": "error",
+ *   "error-info": "@p errorInfo"
  * }
 const JsonSection