Update CaConfig to support multi CA and make config JSON style
Change-Id: I1737fa26356c255f3eb8090a5463614d7f728644
diff --git a/src/ca-config.cpp b/src/ca-config.cpp
index 753d483..8d3f309 100644
--- a/src/ca-config.cpp
+++ b/src/ca-config.cpp
@@ -25,89 +25,54 @@
namespace ndn {
namespace ndncert {
-CaConfig::CaConfig() = default;
-CaConfig::CaConfig(const std::string& fileName)
- : m_fileName(fileName)
- open();
- load();
+CaConfig::load(const std::string& fileName)
- std::ifstream inputFile;
- inputFile.open(m_fileName.c_str());
- if (!inputFile.good() || !inputFile.is_open()) {
- std::string msg = "Failed to read configuration file: ";
- msg += m_fileName;
- }
try {
- boost::property_tree::read_info(inputFile, m_config);
+ boost::property_tree::read_json(fileName, m_config);
catch (const boost::property_tree::info_parser_error& error) {
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Failed to parse configuration file " + m_fileName +
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Failed to parse configuration file " + fileName +
" " + error.message() + " line " + std::to_string(error.line())));
if (m_config.begin() == m_config.end()) {
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Error processing configuration file: " + m_fileName + " no data"));
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Error processing configuration file: " + fileName + " no data"));
- inputFile.close();
+ parse();
- m_caName = Name(m_config.get<std::string>("name"));
- m_validatorConfig = m_config.get_child("validator-conf");
+ m_caItems.clear();
+ auto caList = m_config.get_child("ca-list");
+ auto it = caList.begin();
+ for (; it != caList.end(); it++) {
+ CaItem item;
+ item.m_caName = Name(it->second.get<std::string>("ca-prefix"));
+ item.m_caInfo = it->second.get<std::string>("ca-info");
+ item.m_probe = it->second.get("probe", "");
+ item.m_freshnessPeriod = time::seconds(it->second.get<uint64_t>("issuing-freshness"));
+ item.m_validityPeriod = time::days(it->second.get<uint64_t>("validity-period"));
- parseCertificateInfo(m_config.get_child("certificate-info"));
- parseCaAnchor(m_config.get_child("ca-anchor"));
- parseChallengeList(m_config.get_child("challenge-list"));
-CaConfig::parseCertificateInfo(const ConfigSection& configSection)
- m_freshPeriod = configSection.get<uint64_t>("freshness-period");
-CaConfig::parseCaAnchor(const ConfigSection& configSection)
- std::string type = configSection.get<std::string>("type");
- std::string value = configSection.get<std::string>("value");
- if (type == "file") {
- boost::filesystem::path certfilePath = absolute(value,
- boost::filesystem::path(m_fileName).parent_path());
- m_anchor = io::load<security::v2::Certificate>(certfilePath.string());
- if (m_anchor != nullptr) {
- BOOST_ASSERT(m_anchor->getName().size() >= 1);
- }
- else
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Cannot read certificate from file: " + certfilePath.native()));
- }
- else if (type == "base64") {
- std::istringstream ss(value);
- m_anchor = io::load<security::v2::Certificate>(ss);
- }
- else {
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error("Unrecognized trust anchor '" + type + "' '" + value + "'"));
+ auto challengeList = it->second.get_child("supported-challenges");
+ item.m_supportedChallenges = parseChallengeList(challengeList);
+ item.m_anchor = Name(it->second.get<std::string>("ca-anchor"));
+ m_caItems.push_back(item);
-CaConfig::parseChallengeList(const ConfigSection& configSection)
+CaConfig::parseChallengeList(const ConfigSection& section)
- auto it = configSection.begin();
- for (; it != configSection.end(); it++) {
- m_availableChallenges.push_back(it->second.get<std::string>("type"));
+ std::list<std::string> result;
+ auto it = section.begin();
+ for (; it != section.end(); it++) {
+ result.push_back(it->second.get<std::string>("type"));
+ return result;
} // namespace ndncert